I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 169 Jingzhou Immortal Cultivation World, Emperor Slaughter Begins

After putting down his daily work, Wu Lang also took some time to relax and rested for several days.

He looked at Jingzhou.

The craftsmen are still discussing infrastructure, various city buildings, and even leading the operation of the huge red abacus.

The "civil engineering" men, with the scorching sun above their heads, holding pens and papers, walked around and built.

"The rulers and compasses measure and draw the blueprint, regulate the construction and construction of all directions, and transform the era into a new phenomenon!"

"With my pen, I can express my great aspirations and gain thousands of buildings to protect all living beings in the world!"

High above, there is a row of poems written.

Only two or three years have passed, and not much has changed. Their strongest is just approaching the foundation building stage.

The city led by the underground Xiaoleiyin Temple has started a farming mode.

Under the earthy yellow light, ordinary people who believe in Buddhism plant rice and wheat and graze livestock.

Countless underground cities have formed a unique underground civilization landscape.


Columns hold up the soil.

The cities are well-proportioned.

Even in the past few years, new children have been born and are having fun in the city.

"Everything we have in Jingzhou was given by Xiao Leiyin Temple, and it was given by that human sage." Under a big tree, a teacher held an article in his hand and began to teach the children.

"Without this sage, we would still be attacked by dark demonic disasters and suffer underground."

"Aren't we also underground now?" A child raised his hand and asked.

"That's different."

Wu Lang felt a sense of comfort and accomplishment inexplicably when he saw this. Although he had been hunted all the time, the people of Jingzhou already believed in him as a sage just seven or eight years after he came down from the mountain.

"Master." Several people in Taidi spoke with admiration on their faces: "This is all your hard work."

They are registered disciples.

The third direct disciple must be from the Mountain Spirit clan, and among the ten of them, the future Mountain Spirit Emperor will be born.

The fourth disciple was the little girl from the demon clan, and the plan given to her was to become the future Empress of Yunwu Yuanyuan.

"You are exaggerating."

Wu Lang shook his head and said quietly: "I started the era, but the era is their own. They are forging ahead, and I provided the fire."

He didn't take the compliment personally.

This feeling is like passing on fire, giving them the use of fire, and they themselves have started the era of using "fire".

What did you do?

I know it very well!

They have been practicing silently in the cave and working overtime. It is these lovely and passionate disciples and children who really bring about the times.

This era belongs to them.

Even the exercises that serve as fire starters are plagiarisms from the real usher of the era.

I am a Wenchaigong, Wenchai Liu!

Wu Lang also summoned several people from Thailand and informed him of the matter: "I want to dig a canal."

Everyone in Thailand was very surprised.

Tai Di couldn't help but ask: "Master, why don't you contact the human craftsmen? They are also very good at this! They even dig magic weapons."

"Human race, it's not convenient to know." Wu Lang said.

Mainly because of the cabinet.

The Bloody Bones Emperor is at our headquarters in Jinghuang City.

It is also very suitable to let Jedi warriors who are also good at digging holes come to dig, and it is also convenient to hide the secret!

He would not be suspicious of digging in the name of building a dungeon.

Now, tens of billions of mountain spirits have been eliminated throughout Jingzhou, but they are still everywhere in the mountains and plains!

Wu Lang doesn't mind, being a tyrant for once and letting them build the "Great Wall" within two or three years, and they will die from exhaustion!

Let more spiritual energy return, enough to become emperor.

And Tai Di and the others don't mind, "This is considered the second test. The best will survive and the few who survive will be eliminated. Those elites who survive will be stronger."

It is inevitable for the mountain elf clan to take the elite route.

After all, after they gained wisdom, they also knew the harm they were doing. If they did not return the spiritual energy, Jingzhou's spiritual energy would be thin and they, the mountain spirits, would not be able to practice.

Ten million mountain spirits at the third level of Qi training contain energy comparable to that of a Tribulation-Transcending Emperor!

And there are billions of mountain spirits.

Auras are limited. Only by reducing their mixed quantity can the quality of the strong be produced!

Soon, Wu Lang said goodbye to these passionate disciples and returned to the deserted cave, as if the excitement just now was the product of another world.

"Alas, Emperor Zhan, a great emperor in his heyday, is going to have another huge battle, and it may even affect the entire Jingzhou." Wu Lang sighed, looking at the people just now, feeling a little unbearable.

And soon.

Wu Lang returned to the Seventh Peak, told his senior sister the news, and said: "Senior sister, I have to give up my position as emperor and empress."


Xing Hanhan felt a little regretful, but didn't have much other thoughts.

After all, the princess has enough luck.

He already had a big advantage, so he wouldn't hold on to it.

It is natural for the junior brother to use this position in exchange for Jingzhou's development chips.

"Hmph, a mere shark clan, sacrificing all the heritage of the clan? At the expense of more than thirty statues in the integration period?"

Xing Hanhan snorted coldly and said with some dissatisfaction: "They are bold and willing! I've given them a big advantage!"

She was not too surprised by the shark's surrender.

The other party made a big bet and gave up more than 30 bodies to help develop the human race in Jingzhou. Is it because they, the shark race, are losing blood? For free?

She felt that it was her junior brother who was at a loss!

The other party is taking advantage of the situation!

This is in the barren Jingzhou. If it were on other continents, how could it be possible for the other party to invest in it? ?

If you want to invest in Jingzhou, you don’t even have a Tribulation Emperor? ?

Other holy places, when they heard this condition, they were eager to submit to several Tribulation Emperors!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, "The eight great tribulation emperors, the human emperors, all came to hunt down their junior brothers and even the demon emperor next door. The implications of this make the emperor jealous. How could it be a group of people who merged and changed?"

"You have to know, what do you give them with this condition?"

"Let them escape from the forbidden land of Wuji Sea of ​​Bitterness, give them the land to live in Jingzhou! Give them the position to become the holy land of Jingzhou! Even the qualifications for the second holy land in the future, even if this queen is the direct lineage, other immortal sects , I don’t dare to offend them anymore.”

The look of resentment on this senior sister's face is quite interesting.

Wu Lang looked at her dissatisfied face and immediately shook his head: "The Jingzhou sharks are also our neighbors. Alliance is a good thing and a win-win situation. They have suppressed the future of the clan and if they don't resist the first wave now, no matter how powerful they are. The future is just the future, and joint development is also a good thing."

They're backing it up.

They made an offer that they couldn't refuse. It would be stupid not to accept this force.

However, that slut is determined to get rid of her.

This is a bit annoying!

She really didn't want to bring the work marriage into reality. She also wanted to find herself in her own cave.

And soon.

Wu Lang was too lazy to pay attention to this matter.

He started his own farming business.

As a new level of human emperor, he naturally has to contact those local "powerful" immortal sect forces. Now they are the bosses and the main combat force in Jingzhou!

Soon, Wu Lang entered the Righteous Alliance through the contact code left behind.


A shadowy figure stands tall.

They were a little surprised after hearing this.


"The Shark Tribe, what a big gift!" The Lord of Hundred Insect Island's eyes flashed with brilliance, "By rushing into the ocean current, I will have enough time to stabilize my state after becoming emperor!"

After they became emperor, they originally wanted to take a risk and go to the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness to find ocean currents, stabilize their realm and adapt to their cultivation.

But going to sea is too time-consuming.

Maybe, after traveling for several years or more, I still can’t find a suitable ocean current, and my time is wasted, which makes me lose even more time!

Got nothing.

But now, there is no such worry.

People take the initiative to send the ocean current of time to your door.

"Yes, they, the Shark clan, have more than thirty bodies in the combined stage."

The leader of Qianhua Pavilion said: "We, the major sects in Jingzhou, plus some sleeping ancestors, supreme elders, there are more than thirty combined Dzogchen statues. They are almost the same number as us, and they have sacrificed to buy us time. We Here, you have a chance to become emperor!"

"It's all the work of the contemporary Emperor. Although his realm is weak, we have taken advantage of it." They sighed with emotion.

I am very fortunate that this mortal scholar was born in their human race.

What if it appears in the sea tribe?

Maybe it's the other way around.

In order to preserve their own race and gain the recognition and acceptance of each other, the various factions of the Jingzhou human race sacrificed more than thirty of their own human races for their integration period!

The sharks next door commit suicide in order to get the bargaining chip to join the alliance, and they can become emperor without paying any price, just because they are human and of the same race.


Wu Lang thought for a while, then revealed the truth, saying: "To be honest, according to some of my observations, I found that there is a Tribulation Emperor in Jingzhou who has arrived, even two or three years ago."

Everyone looked horrified.

Is there a great emperor who has been hiding in Jingzhou?

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