I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 182 Killing Wife to Prove the Truth (Fourth Update)

All of the Blood Skeleton Taoist's trump cards and natal magic weapons were shattered.

Zombie army.

Ghost subordinates.

Protective mirror.

Even his strongest zombie, Hanba, has all disappeared.

Each of these trump cards and combat power has hardly exerted one-tenth of its effectiveness, and it has been shattered into pieces before it even had time to take action!

These magic weapons are good at offense, but not good at defense at all!

However, before he had time to use it, all his strength was gone.

This made him angry!

If he hadn't sacrificed everything to burn his master to self-destruct, pushing him to the terrifying combat power of the fourth level of Tribulation, and protecting himself from most of the damage, he would have died.

The young emperor lowered his head and said calmly: "Are you still alive?"

"Yes, this is a great gift, very nice,"

"But I won after all."

Taoist Blood Skeleton spoke slowly, looked at the young emperor sitting high up, and said: "You laid out the entire Jingzhou and the huge formation, but you still couldn't kill me after all!"

No matter how hard he gets hit, as long as he doesn't die, he still wins.

This formation has become useless after being used once.

"Really?" Wu Lang showed a faint smile and looked into the distance, "I have other methods. The third level of gifts has already begun."


In the distance covered by the sea disaster, seven meteors pierced the sky, flying from a distance and striking suddenly.

"Cut!" It was a slash.


The bloody sword light covered the entire world, and the figure of the three bloody swords slowly appeared in front of the eyes.

clang! !

The bloody Taoist priest who had no magic weapon raised his arm, and the sound of metal colliding was heard on the spot.

"How can a mere hybrid sword in the Fusion stage hurt me?" He sneered. To the Blood Skeleton Emperor, he was different from other monks.

The magic weapon is gain, but it doesn’t have to be there.

He spent countless resources to refine himself into an earth-shattering zombie emperor, comparable to a magic weapon for overcoming tribulations.

He is a magic weapon himself.

"Hmph!" The middle-aged swordsman with a rough look laughed, "It's great! Last time, I came to kill the emperor. Today, I'm already a great emperor, and I'm here to kill you!"

"After countless thousands of years, I, Jingzhou, finally have an emperor!" Another great emperor slowly walked out with a smile, "It's still Emperor Zheng's aura that restores the environment."

Three, four.

A total of seven great emperors surrounded each other from all directions.

"Seven Great Emperors? Fortunately, you have just broken through. You have no adaptability and can reach the Perfect Perfection in Jingzhou, which has almost no spiritual energy. You are indeed monsters, but no matter how talented you are, you will not be able to show much strength after breaking through. Otherwise, , I really want to stay here." He suddenly turned his head and looked at the young emperor of Jingzhou who was still sitting quietly at a high place.

He spoke slowly:

"But, I still won."

"They can't keep mine."

"Why do I need to fight them head-on? I just need to hide in one place, heal my wounds secretly, and recover some of my injuries. These people are no longer my opponents!"

He floated quietly in mid-air, looking at the seven new emperors who were surrounding him.

Although he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he seemed to have been reborn from the ashes. His whole temperament was different, and there was no trace of nervousness at all, as if he was chatting with other people.

"It seems that you have the upper hand and are cleaning up the mess, but in fact the defeat has been decided."

"If that palm just couldn't kill me, you have already lost. These seven great emperors are not the necessary chips to determine victory or defeat from beginning to end."

He shook his body slightly.

"The devil is transformed!"

He shook his body slightly and spurted out a mouthful of blood. The next second, he turned into a stream of light and traveled across the sky.

"not good!!"

The expressions of the seven great emperors changed slightly.

"Chase, search separately!" Xue Sandao wanted to immediately pursue the victory, but the next second, he was stopped.

"Don't be anxious!" Qianhua Pavilion Master said coldly: "Now we are in trouble. Maybe we are really going to lose. Maybe he is waiting for us to separate!"

The other party is really terrifying.

This zombie emperor formed an army of one man and swept across the same level.

Just now those various magic weapons, trump cards, and even pushed their own Hanba to the fourth level of Tribulation. They were frightened to see them. Without this formation, they would have been no match for the opponent just now, and they could not even make it past a few rounds.

But even now, with the opponent so weak, it's hard for them to stand a chance of winning.

As stated, they appear to have the upper hand.

But this advantage is false.

As long as the opponent hides in the dark and recovers from his injuries, even without any magic weapon, he will still be an overlord capable of transcending the second level of calamity.

He is a zombie who is good at physical fitness and uses his body as a magic weapon. If he recovers some injuries, it will be difficult for them, the new emperors, to be his opponents.

Because the magic weapons in their hands were all from the Fusion stage, and there were ancient imperial treasures left in the sect that they had no time to refine.

"And it's even worse to act separately."

"He is a zombie. If he attacks one of us alone, we may not be our opponents. If one of us dies and the zombie absorbs the essence and blood, he will recover quickly, and even one of us can be transformed into a zombie. Provide him with combat power!”

"He is replenishing zombies. He has an extra tribulation zombie, and we are even more vulnerable!"

This wave of analysis is very scary.

Seven people joined forces to hunt down, and it was difficult to find traces of each other.

If they work separately, he can defeat them one by one.

After all, this situation is too common for those practicing in the Demonic Zombie lineage.

There are often records of zombie demon cultivators being surrounded and suppressed, being defeated one by one in the deep mountains, transformed into zombies one by one, and finally annihilating the opponent's entire army.

Zombie demon cultivators are quite difficult to deal with.

"Then what should we do?"

"Damn it! We're obviously going to win, but we're just a little short of that last bit. We can only watch the other party leave and heal our wounds?"

"When he replies, with our current layout and all our hard work, wouldn't it mean that all our previous efforts have been wasted?"

The seven great emperors discussed it, and even with their wisdom as before, they couldn't find a solution for a while.

Just as the bloody Taoist said, the seven of them are completely insignificant to the outcome of the battle!

"Seven seniors, please come here." Sitting on the throne, Wu Lang said slowly.

Several Tribulation Emperors were stunned for a moment, then slowly approached.

"Take it."

Wu Lang threw them a summons token and said with a gentle smile: "Seniors of the Righteous Alliance, this matter is also within my expectation. The seven of you do not need to separate. I will naturally guide you to find his true identity. Where.”

Several of the Tribulation Emperors looked incomprehensible.

Was this even what you expected?

how did you do it?

They didn't have time to think too much. They quickly set off and turned into a stream of light, chasing the direction in which the bloody Taoist left.


The eight human emperors were sitting on their seats with expressions of confusion on their faces.

The previous layout, every move, was astonishing.

The first move, the Human Emperor's Seal, attacked eight of them unexpectedly.

In the second hand, the palm of the formation, with the help of the river of time, was even more favorable at the right time, place and people, and activated such a large formation in an instant, which was extremely amazing.

In the third hand, the emperor took the opportunity to prove his truth. Although it was amazing, it was understandable. There were also seven emperors in front of him to encircle and suppress him.

But this fourth hand?

The expression on the human emperor's face was obviously wrong, and he felt it was outrageous, "You kid, are you a monster? Have you even calculated this step? Could it be that you have calculated dozens or hundreds of unexpected situations and analyzed them one by one?"

"Can you tell me your plan this time?" A human emperor was curious, "How do you secretly have a way to track his location?"

"The secret must not be revealed."

Wu Lang showed a meaningful smile and walked on the throne, with the old god present.

He closed his eyes and heard a message:


[Your Taoist companion, the bloody Taoist, was brutally murdered by his Taoist partner to prove his Taoism. His favorability towards you is -30. 】


[Your Taoist companion fled to Yunxiao Mountain, dug a thousand-meter underground cave, arranged a hidden formation, isolated the breath, and healed his wounds secretly. 】

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