I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 192 Parade and Sect Visitors

While the two of them were communicating about the general trend of the world, they were preparing to go out, overlooking the earth in the clouds, and pay a private visit incognito.

After all, according to tradition, after ascending the throne, the emperor and the emperor would ride in dragon chariots and travel around the world, visiting mountains and rivers, visiting various sects.

This is a courtesy.

"Don't worry, if the number one demon sect in the world attacks, I will just handle it," Wu Lang said.

Shark Yu'er showed a somewhat gentle look of admiration and gently lifted her hair, "Yes, I believe in you, husband. Otherwise, the slave family would not put much emphasis on you."

You are such a beautiful girl, your husband screams quite naturally.

Wu Lang was speechless. They were all the way in the sky, watching the land of Jingzhou after he ascended the throne, and the various immortal sects and sects traveling around the world.


They descended on a huge attic fairy door.

"One of the Four Holy Lands, Qianhua Pavilion is full of women."

Princess Mern introduced: "Their practice is very complex, it is a fusion of many Taoist traditions, such as charm, swordsmanship, martial arts, and water magic. In order to survive in Jingzhou, they annexed many other large exile sects who fled to Jingzhou."

"Even though they are all women, they are said to be charming and charming, but in fact they are all strong ladies and very ruthless."

"Their ancestors were also good at refining alchemy, and now they can pick up this skill again. After all, the spiritual energy is revived and nourished, and those spiritual herbs that have become mortal weeds will revive again."

Wu Lang nodded, "Queen, the investigation was quite detailed."

"It's rare for the Emperor of China to come as a guest."

A charming and mature woman arrived.

"There is spiritual grass in Jingzhou. Our disciples are re-learning the knowledge of alchemy. I believe that they will soon catch up with the level of other continents." The master of Qianhua Pavilion said.

After some exchanges between the two of them and the new Tribulation-Transcending Emperor, the Master of Qianhua Pavilion, they paid a visit, paid a courtesy visit, and left a day later.

However, many of the beautiful disciples in the sect were eyeing each other and seemed to be very interested in this legendary hero.


Xu Qingruo’s favorability +3


Baiqian's favorability +3

After walking around for a while, I was surprised to find that my good person card had been tempered and improved again.

"In the future, I can come as a guest more often." Wu Lang lowered his head, thoughtfully, this place is very good for refining your fortune.

They quickly drifted to another place.

Daogu Sect, there is nothing to say.

This is a Taoist ascetic monk who firmly adheres to the tradition. The Taogu Sect Master has seen him many times before.

It is worth mentioning that:

They are now three emperors from one sect!

In the Daogu sect, two supreme elders have also successfully become emperors and are one of the largest forces.

Shark Yu'er smiled and said: "Because their background is very special. Practicing the art of immortality seems to be able to delay the aging process until you can open up an era for them. Therefore, their older generation's success rate in becoming emperor is pretty good."

Wu Lang nodded.

Jingzhou will not be short of talents with the qualifications of a great emperor.

There are only seven in this era, because the other older generations are too old and are no longer at their peak, so they failed to become Emperors.

With one sect and three great emperors, Daogu Sect has become the largest holy place in Jingzhou.

As a human emperor, I have to respect the other party to a certain extent!

If they have evil intentions, I, as a young emperor in the Nascent Soul stage, cannot suppress them, but if they are going to cause big problems, they may be sidelined or seize power.

But fortunately, the Taogu sect leader is a traditional ascetic monk.

They are pro-Emperor faction, and all of them are good people. They respect themselves as a weak Emperor, and they are well-known and decent people who know how to repay kindness.


In the blink of an eye, their luck disappeared and they came to the coast again.

The canals here are now just rivers, extending in all directions, with rolling rivers flowing, and even sharks wandering in the rivers.


The cheerful and beautiful Mermaid girl is constantly jumping, playing, and even singing.

"River God!"

"O River God!"

Some people also begged, knelt down and worshiped by the river, offered sacrifices and prayed for blessings.

"You do know how to play." Wu Lang was dumbfounded.


Shark Yu'er smiled without any trace of guilt, "Other immortal sects also accept the protection of the people from major cities in this way. We should also be one of the Jingzhou immortal sects, accepting the protection of the people and paying tribute. What's wrong?"

"We know how to protect them, even make rain fall, and drive away monsters. The river god who rains rain is appointed by the queen and canonized by Yi's decree, isn't it okay?"

"Of course you can."

Wu Lang nodded, "This is a promise to you originally. I can't guarantee anything else. I will ensure peace for you for one day in my reign."

After gaining the status of a queen clan member, she was like getting a gold medal to avoid death.

In the past, those who were not of my race must have different intentions. The human monks hunted the sharks crazily, but now other immortal sects have to give up face!

What's more, they did gain a lot.

The other party had sacrificed so many Fusion Stage Mermaid masters for their human race. The major immortal sects were not ungrateful people, so they acquiesced.

The Mermaid Princess looked calmly and said: "Next, we will go to Hundred Insect Island, one of the Four Holy Lands. This Hundred Insect Island is a cultivator of evil ways. In the past, it had many conflicts with us, the Shark Clan, and hunted us down, but now it has put an end to the past and agreed. foreign."

Wu Lang soon saw a huge island.

This island is actually located on the coast, with lush green trees and countless poisonous insects, which are obviously used to cultivate various toxins.

"Before, Taoist Poisonous Blood Skeleton's bright toxin was purified here."

Princess Mermaid said: "The geographical environment of this island is very special. There are all kinds of chaotic time ocean currents gathering below it all year round. It is an intersection."

"The monks on Hundred Insect Island will all place cages on the ground."

"The ground cage is isolated from the sea water, filled with various poisonous insects, and then thrown into the time ocean current at the intersection under the island, allowing them to evolve."

Have the poisonous insects of the ocean of time evolved?

Is this island a Darwinian evolution island?

Wu Lang was surprised.

He actually has this hand.

As expected of traditional monks, they raise flowers even if they raise poisonous insects.

"Hundred Insect Island, it's quite interesting." Wu Lang's eyes were blazing, and he was obviously very interested in their biotechnology.

"If you are interested, you can stay here for a while." The owner of Hundred Insect Island, who is also a new Tribulation Emperor, showed a sinister smile.

Demonic way.

It is also one of the Jingzhou sects.

Wu Lang didn't refuse and stayed here for a few days.

Soon, they wandered all the way and met various large and small sects, which was considered a courtesy for touring the world after ascending to the throne.


In a magnificent mountain temple below, the earth's atmosphere enveloped it, and the sound of Buddha rang out.

The Xiaoleiyin Temple sect is on the rise.

After forty years of practicing in the secret realm of time, all ten people in Thailand have reached the golden elixir stage of Buddhist practice.

They are still huge in quantity and not of high quality.

"Shan Jing, I can only say that the future is promising."

Shark Yu'er said: "Their future is in the world of immortality a thousand years from now, not now! In today's era, they still have to rely on the traditional immortal sects and the great tribulation emperors to hold up the sky."


Wu Lang nodded slowly, the other party's analysis was quite accurate.

A strong man and a holy land are never achieved overnight. Especially in this world of immortals, the accumulation of time is very important.

We still have to rely on the three major Holy Land sects we just saw, as well as the Sharman Clan.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

A row of craftsmen are practicing in full swing.

Under the huge base, there will always be geniuses and even monks with the qualifications of a great emperor. Some of them have already reached the golden elixir stage.

"Craftsman, in terms of function, it doesn't need to be very strong. It can be used at any time." Same Yu'er smiled, and the two of them returned to the palace.

This tour is finally over.

"Do you have any development plans going forward?" At this time, Same Yu'er asked.


Wu Lang shook his head, what could he, a Nascent Soul stage monk, do for Jingzhou? My role is originally a signboard and a spiritual belief.

They develop their leaders, who among the leaders of various major factions is not an experienced person? Do you need me to teach them how to take advantage? ? How to improve your own strength?

It's good that they don't want to ignore me.

Another point.

"Today's world needs to be managed by doing nothing, not in a hurry."

Wu Lang said with a smile: "To govern a big country is to cook small fish. If you cook fish in trouble, it will break into pieces. If you treat the people in trouble, they will fall apart. If you know how to cook fish, you will know how to govern the people."

Same Yu'er's head was buzzing.

It seemed like she had an epiphany in her eyes, "That makes sense."

This theory was unprecedented for her.

In the past, this was the land of Kyushu. People were not paid attention to, and they were enslaved by power. How could they learn how to govern the country? Now that the times have changed and everyone in the world is equal in practice, we have begun to study the principles of governing the country by the people.

"These words are concise and concise. They are exactly the words of a saint. He is worthy of the husband I value." Xiao Yu'er was completely lost in her thoughts. She thought about it over and over again. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this theory of "governing by doing nothing" had infinite meaning.


Same Yuer's favorability +3


Same Yuer's favorability +3

Sharyu'er favorability: 75

The favorability of the Mermaid Princess is rising the fastest.

Wu Lang could also guess the reason:

It's not that he has a good impression of himself, but that the fate of his family is on him, and even his life is on the line. His favorability level is naturally over 70.

"Then, that's it for today." Wu Lang said goodbye to Shark Yu'er.

As the Mermaid Empress, she naturally has a lot to do and practice.

"By the way, I'll give you something. Although it's of no use, you can still take a look at it." She suddenly smiled, "I am your queen, and you are also my queen in a sense."


Wu Lang suddenly felt some kind of luck coming to him.

"Goodbye!" She waved her hand and disappeared.

Wu Lang was speechless.

He lowered his head and looked at the fourth destiny that appeared again.

[Fate]: Nine generations of social animals, good people, Jingzhou shark emperor and empress, Buddha emperor? (The Mountain Spirit Emperor and the Human Emperor are merging)

"The Mermaid Emperor." Wu Lang looked at this fate that seemed to be a soft rice, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "Give me a queen?"


Wu Lang became speechless.

This luck is not as huge as that of the mountain spirit even now.

The opponent's ethnic group is currently at the highest stage of transformation into gods, and its number is scarce. This luck is extremely weak.


Wu Lang didn't bother to pay attention, returned to the cave, closed his eyes, and continued to practice.

Everything is basically solved!

"The world has been on a tour, let them develop on their own, and the mascots of this Nascent Soul stage continue to go offline and disappear."

His obligations have been completed, and he plans to continue to enjoy his rights, practice crazily to absorb any luck, and then work in seclusion for a few more years.

However, when I had nothing to do, I suddenly saw a piece of information, and my whole face became slightly weird.


[Your Taoist companion, Meng Po, has greatly replenished the human emperor's luck and recovered his physical energy. He once again traveled in the void dimension, looking for the location where the fragments of the six reincarnations fell, and completely locked onto an alien planet. 】


[Your Taoist companion, Po Meng, returned urgently and interrupted her trip. She received news of the guest's visit and is preparing to receive it. 】


Wu Lang was sitting in the cave, a little confused.

Someone from our Huangquan Demon Sect actually came to visit us?

"It's just a guest or something" he was still thinking.

Soon, he received the summons. It was Meng Po who summoned him to return to the sect.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Wu Lang chose to go back.


When he opened his eyes again, Wu Lang had arrived at the seventh peak, and saw Xing Hanhan and Li Qingrou had just returned here.

"Junior brother, have you been recalled too?" Xing Hanhan smiled.

"Can I ask what's going on?" Wu Lang inquired about the news in advance.

"Oh, other sects are coming to visit. Let's prepare so we don't lose face." Xing Hanhan said honestly.

"Ah?" Wu Lang was stunned.

Demonic communication?

Friendly visit?

"You don't think that our number one demon sect is alone, do you?"

Xing Hanhan said speechlessly: "We also know people! You have only been here a few years, so naturally you don't know that we will communicate regularly with other magic sects!"

"Besides, the other demon sects had a good relationship with us before. The major demon sects in Kyushu were united and exchanged experiences on dealing with the Righteous Alliance. They fell out later. When our Huangquan Sect was attacked, they Don’t support us.”

"Why did they fall out?" Wu Lang asked.

Xing Hanhan blinked and said honestly: "Because, the masters at that time were very arrogant. They not only placed spies in the righteous sects, but also treated them equally in other demon sects. They secretly planted many disciples and cut their waists!"

Wu Lang was shocked.

Even cut off the waists of your own allies!

No wonder you group of kidney-cutting madmen will be surrounded and suppressed. Other demon sects will definitely watch, and maybe even beat the drowned dog.

There is a saying: If you want to destroy something first, you must first expand it.

The Huangquan Sect is indeed too inflated.

At that time, they, a sect, and all the other demonic sects combined could not defeat the Huangquan Holy Sect. The peak master of the first line had a background comparable to that of an ancient holy land sect.

Naturally it expands.

Wasn't the leader of Huangquan, the most powerful person in the world, killed in the end?

"Then they haven't interacted with us for a long time, haven't they? This time they came here in vain, what are they going to do?" Wu Lang said.

"I guessed it, but I won't tell you, junior brother!" Xing Hanhan smiled broadly, "I'll leave you with a surprise and suspense."

Judging from her malicious look, it obviously has something to do with her!

These big guys from the Demon Sect have gathered together and are secretly preparing to cause trouble, and it will never have anything to do with me again.

Wu Lang was secretly shocked:

They're ready to fuck me!

The Righteous Alliance can no longer catch me, and their Demonic Alliance has begun to take action, planning to arrest me and parade me through the streets! ?

Magic Alliance

Wu Lang never expected it.

After all, in previous lives, players created new systems and were never attacked by the Demonic Alliance.

Now that I think about it, they were members of the First Demon Sect at that time, so naturally the Demonic Alliance would not take action against them, but I was different.

Isn't it the politically correct policy of the Demonic Alliance to attack me, a righteous scholar?

No one knows my whereabouts.

Wu Lang slowly opened his mouth and said: "These demonic overlords are planning to conspire and play dirty tricks. They call on the Underworld Sect to deal with me together?"

"Smart." Xing Hanhan smiled and said, "They probably can't help it when they see you become emperor."

Wu Lang: "."

what is this?

Is there such a miraculous incident, that you come to my house and discuss with great interest how to fuck me?

"Then what are they going to do?" Wu Lang said: "Aren't we in decline? The younger generation is still in the combined stage at its highest, so it seems to be of no use, right?"


Xing Hanhan showed a gentle smile, which was a bit strange and sinister, "They are borrowing our channels. It is too far to go to Jingzhou normally. They want to take a shortcut like the Taoist monks."

"They want to commit suicide and follow our path to hell. They want to use our reincarnation method to reincarnate in Jingzhou."

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