I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 200 The Demonic Alliance forms an alliance to kill the Emperor of Jingzhou!

The next few days.

The entire Huangquan Holy Sect is surrounded by mountain peaks and has formed a fixed pattern.

Most of them are demonic paths, but there are also righteous paths and even Buddhist paths.

However, some mountain peaks are jointly rented by several holy places. They have insufficient financial resources, so a few people who are close to each other jointly rent a mountain peak.

Wu Lang also continued to practice sitting in the mountain peak, regardless of external objects.

And as more and more people came down the mountain, it became more and more lively, as if some kind of conference or holy ceremony was being held.

Until this day.

Wu Lang received a message from Po Meng, asking him to come to the Demon Sect gathering.

Meeting the top current hegemons in Kyushu and looking at the world can be regarded as a gathering of top demon sect saints.

Wu Lang opened his eyes slightly, showing a bit of curiosity, "It would be interesting to see how they are going to kill me. After all, the Blood Skeleton Taoist is so difficult to deal with, and they won't be easy to deal with."

Know yourself and know your enemy and you will be victorious in every battle, but he is not arrogant to that extent.

at this time.

The Ten Palace Peaks are bustling and lively.

Meeting of heroes.

Huangquan talks about swords.

Some of the invited powerful people gathered together.

The Huangquan Sect brings together all the monks in the world and calls on the world to gather into an unprecedented "Man-Slaying Emperor Demonic Cultivator Alliance". The purpose is very clear written on the top:

[The Demon Alliance, work together to go to Jingzhou and kill that young emperor to rectify the dignity of our demon cultivators! 】

The flag is very visible.

Although this move made the Buddhist cultivator from Jingburn Temple who had signed a contract and arrived on behalf of the peak master vomited three liters of blood: "What does she mean by Po Meng? Demonic cultivator alliance?? She actually called us demonic cultivators openly and secretly? Say We are fake monks, just like them demon cultivators, we are looking for revenge on that sage??"

"Junior brother, don't be anxious, don't be anxious!"

The old Buddha next to him quickly comforted him, "We are enduring the humiliation. We are in the devil's cave. We must endure it and eliminate the devil in the future! This is for our righteous path!"

"That old woman Meng Po, I will kill her!" Several Buddhist monks were furious, "Send her to the west to see my Buddha Tathagata!"

Wu Lang also came over with Xing Hanhan and others. As soon as he entered the door, he looked strange.

Meng Po

It’s really heartbreaking!

She was asked to hire people everywhere, but ended up hiring this sect?

You have always been so wicked, no wonder the previous Huangquan Sect was killed like this!

Before, I slapped people in the face when they read my diary in other sects, and now I invite them to participate in the Demon Sect Conference?

It really makes sense: all the Buddhas in the world are demons. Should I reestablish the future Buddha?

And beside.

The only righteous sect that has also arrived is one of the three great sects in the world: Daoyan Sect.

Daoyanzong is a beautiful and mature woman, but her hair is disheveled and unkempt. She wears a yin and yang Taoist robe. She is obviously an ascetic monk, and her face is black with anger.

She kept saying hoarsely: "Damn it, damn it! He, the leader of Huangquan, killed my father and stole his life. I will not be a human being unless I take revenge! At this time, he even invited me!"

Wu Lang's expression became slightly stiff.

Her father's super fortune-telling skills are in me, so I can deduce those mortal skills so quickly.

"Sect Master."

The deputy sect leader next to him quickly grabbed the other party and said, "We must bear it! Wasn't the Huangquan Sect jointly wiped out by us? Their leader is also dead!"

"What's more, didn't you say that you and Zhang Zhan had a discussion with that young emperor? Didn't you say that his level of deduction is unparalleled and as amazing as your father? Didn't you regret meeting him too late? You want to discuss it with him Any thoughts on the deduction?"

"We went here to kill those demonic cultivators and protect the young emperor. We must not act on impulse!"

The Buddhist cultivators nearby immediately saw the fellow sufferers and came closer and said, "The Daoyan Sect is here too. Let's go to Jingzhou to defeat their Demon Sect plan!"

"That's right." The master of Daoyan said slowly.

Soon, these two noble men, who were so angry that they vomited blood, mingled among this group of demons and kept hiding.

Wu Lang's face looked slightly wrong, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Mother Meng is so insidious that she invited a traditional, well-known and decent person to be reincarnated to protect me and help me?"

Po Meng just loves herself.

For fear of being beaten to death, he even enlisted real upright and traditional famous people as helpers!

But when he saw the other party's details, Wu Lang felt guilty.

"Your Excellency, you are the acting peak master of the Seventh Peak, right?"

"Young and promising."

Several demonic saints opened their mouths, and when they saw Xing Hanhan behind them, they couldn't help but show some strange expressions.

Wu Lang nodded and quickly chatted with them.

The intersection of circles is a must.

It is also an advantage of the top magic sect, and Wu Lang will naturally not reject it. After all, as a social worker, he is very familiar with gatherings in various business districts.

And Po Meng and the heads of various factions are also in a circle.

"Have all the disciples who should be reincarnated been reincarnated?" Po Meng said calmly: "But you have already entered Jingzhou, so you still need to hold a meeting. After all, it is a good thing to sit down and chat."

But at this time, they were sitting together, looking obviously unfriendly.

"What a wicked Mrs. Meng! It's obviously a meeting of demonic cultivators. She specially found her biggest enemies, Taoyan Sect and Jingfen Temple, to infiltrate us, and prepared for them to fight with us in Jingzhou, and sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. , use our hands to get rid of both of them."

They were a little angry and uncomfortable!

This was such an obvious trick, and she didn't even bother to cover it up!

Although they are demons, they are too lazy to fight against these righteous ones?

Who has nothing to do with each other?

But Po Meng just threw them together.

The evil intentions are obvious at a glance!

This conference lasted for three days and three nights.

Po Meng is also very particular about her background and pomp.

She brought out all kinds of celestial beings and elixirs, fine wines and delicacies, and entertained each group. They ate and drank well and had all kinds of rare elixirs and elixirs.

Showing the powerful heritage of the ancient sect.

Although other major sects also know that these things were withheld from them, otherwise the Huangquan Sect would only have two or three integration stages left, how could it have such a foundation?

And after three days and three nights, all the sects returned.

Another month has passed.

At the foot of the mountain, a city called Fengdu has been formed.

Write a letter: "The world is in a prosperous market, and the nine states are returning to their hometowns."

Here, you can see Buddhist monks wearing cassocks, demons from various demon sects, and even Taoists with simple expressions, and even all kinds of noises.

They are all guests of the Huangquan Sect.

And the acting peak master who settled in was not a good person either.

They themselves also do secondary rentals to casual cultivators and other sects in their own state, sell their rights, become second landlords, and start making money.


Some casual cultivators and demon sects also spent huge sums of money to enter the super-large "Jingzhou Secret Realm" in search of opportunities.

"Master, have you been reincarnated in Jingzhou? How are you now?" A disciple asked: "My position is not very good, and I have to rely on Master to rescue me."

"Alas, it's hard to say what I can say about my teacher. In an underground city opened by Xiaoleiyin Temple, I am from a peasant family and cannot be exposed too much. I can only grow up silently."

"Although I can use that secret method to grow up quickly, I can only kill my parents at once, but the Little Leiyin Temple that protects the town will come soon."

A great monk in the transformation stage slowly said: "I am trapped in the city of Xiaoleiyin Temple. If something abnormal happens, I will be killed."

If he is exposed, the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage can kill him.

This master and disciple are both miserable themselves, unable to save each other.

A monk next to him said: "I have also been reincarnated. When I arrived, I discovered that all the people in Jingzhou are followers of that humane sage. The people support them, and I don't dare to expose them!"

"You losers."

A demonic cultivator said, "I directly used the charm technique to bewitch my parents. They protected me and now they have officially entered the practice of cultivation."

Everyone changed their colors slightly when they heard this.

Demonic cultivators who are good at this are indeed very advantageous.

Another powerful man said slowly: "However, I found out after I went there that it would be difficult to kill him."

"So what? There are countless talents in the world, and there are countless great emperors reincarnated in Jingzhou. He will die sooner or later!"

"Haha, open a fairy gate for the world?"

There are exchanges everywhere, with traditional monks from various sects who have been practicing for hundreds of years.

The disciples of these major sects have evil intentions, but on the surface they are secretly trying to get information about each other and prepare to kill each other.

Everyone knows that in the world of Jingzhou, it is not just the humane sage who has a chance, but who else is not a chance?

Hell is other people!

It's too slim to catch that sage. Aren't other reincarnated monks also by chance?

They are all on the same starting line. Some of them who are in the Nascent Soul Stage have even had the opportunity to kill the reincarnation of the Emperor at the same level!

How not to be moved?

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