A great war broke out.

Several beings began to kill people quickly.


The White Bone Saint stretched out her hand, and countless white bones, like white bone flying swords and ten thousand swords returning to the clan, gathered into a vast white torrent and turned into four white bone giants. The white bone giants continued to condense and extract their bones, turning into four normal-sized statues. The Bone Monk.

"Array up!"

And the contemporary saint son of Daoyan Sect is not without plans these days. He has secretly laid out a shocking formation to kill and gather together to attack.

"Go to the sword!"

Mu Jiqiu stretched out his hand. As the future Sword Emperor of Jingzhou, his talent in swordsmanship was unquestionable, and a long sword was filled with murderous intent.

"The waves are rolling into the sky!"

Same Yu'er clasped her hands together and made a huge wave.

In the future, she and Mu Jiqiu will join forces to revive Jingzhou as two close friends. Her future reputation in the world may not be as good as some of Mu Jiqiu's, but this is her home field of the ocean, and the power of water magic has been greatly increased.

Each genius showed their special abilities, stood on one side, formed an array, and cast spells from the air to kill Xi Ruming.

And everyone in the world is watching this battle silently.

Everyone knows

This battle is a great competition for the geniuses of the modern era. The outcome will affect the future pattern of the entire Jingzhou, and even the future trend of Jiuzhou.

"so amazing!"

"Anyone among them can suppress us with one hand!"

"Xi Ruming actually resisted everyone by himself!"

"He has the home field advantage. If not, he might be better than the other player one on one, but not much better!"

All Pipai felt it was an eye-opener.

Compared with the contemporary descendants of this top ancient holy land in Jingzhou, compared with people like them with low inheritance, they are like the stars in the sky and the sand on the ground.

Among the Huangquan Sect.

The heads of the various factions in the Nine Provinces frowned and said nothing, extremely concerned in their hearts.

They spent a lot of money to sneak into Jingzhou through Meng Po's Huangquan Road just for this battle. If they lose, they will lose blood.

Jingzhou Imperial City.

The Eight Great Human Emperors and the Ancient Human Emperors were also watching the young man's battle intently.

Only Wu Lang just observed and learned silently:

"They fought fiercely, but their battle made me feel the heritage of the younger generation and opened up new horizons."

He is now in the "god transformation" stage, and he is only a big difference from being a true genius of the younger generation in the integration stage.

At this time, he naturally began to compare with them horizontally as a reference.

"However, that chicken is trying to catch fish." Wu Lang sat on the throne, frowning slightly on his majestic face, "I'm afraid it was also those players who proposed the idea to the first batch of test players Bai Fei Ji. Some kind of suggested plan??”

Others don't know the other party's details, but Wu Lang naturally knows it.

Xing Hanhan asked Po Meng to buy his fortune.

Two white horoscopes.

Not to mention the space destiny, it is rare but not non-existent, and the white time destiny, even the lowest kind, is very valuable, after all, it has become extinct in this era.

Po Meng didn't know which secret place she took it out from.

The white one was also very precious, but Po Meng still sold it to the other party.

"It seems that this white destiny has been upgraded to green by them."

Wu Lang whispered, "Mother Meng really used their hands to improve this destiny, otherwise these down-and-out white-feathered chickens would never have been able to get this destiny!"

"Of course, in actual operation, those white-feathered chickens could only be obtained by negotiating with Granny Meng with the help of some netizens' words."

As for why you are trying so hard to get time and space?

Is there any way to provide powerful mana drive?

Wu Lang didn't even know.

But at this time, just look at it quietly and you will know the details of this white-feathered chicken.


The war broke out completely.


Xi Ruming said calmly, "In order to join forces with you, I specially ate a powerful genius of the assassin sect system. I am very fast and can hunt down and kill you one by one!"

These monks are all crispy practitioners.

It looks united, but in fact it is just a mess.


"I have infinite power and top speed, can you keep up?"

In the next second, Xi Ruming pulled out a bloody short sword in his hand, appeared in front of the young master of the Daoyan Sect who was not good at close combat and was responsible for setting up formations, and slashed his throat.


In an instant, four monks appeared quickly, grabbing Xu Xinying's limbs and using her as a shield to withstand the blow.

"Ah!!" Xu Xinying vomited blood after slashing, "It hurts, it hurts! It hurts me to death. This monster only has two or three blades of sword power, but its magic power is so big and thick that it hurts too much."

That is her, if anyone else would have been unable to bear it long ago.


Xi Ruming's expression also changed slightly, and in the next second, he disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of a monk from the Human Emperor Sect, slitting his throat instantly.


The next second, four skeleton monks stood in front of Xu Xinying and took the blow forcefully.

Xi Ruming's expression changed completely, "The Bone Saint, is that you??"

The Bone Saint was in the distance and said with a smile:

"What kind of thing are you, Shitianfu? What kind of fighting method can our old rival not understand? Facing the siege, we must use the explosive and quick-kill assassin technique to defeat them one by one. This Bone Saint has been prepared for a long time, and gathered hundreds of saints who are good at speed. The bones of the monks have been painstakingly tempered over the past few days to become a four-speed demonic general!"

"Their speed will not be slower than yours!"

The White Bone Saint pointed at Xu Xinying, who looked confused, and said: "At the same time, thousands of monk bones have been used to hammer this monk crazily, improve her defense strength, and use it as a shield."

"I'm not a weapon." Xu Xinying whispered.

The White Bone Saint grinned, but ignored Xu Xinying's whispered resistance, and said to Xi Ruming: "What do you think the formation diagram of the young master of the Taoist Sect is used for? This is the space shock formation, in this area , Young Master of the Daoyan Sect, you can easily sense the person you are going to attack next, and then notify me, and I will have this female cultivator to block you."

The three of them joined forces to resist Xi Ruming's assassination attack.

They are: perception, speed, shield.

Among them, the shield is the most important, and Xu Xinying is everyone's main tank.

A simple metaphor: I have unlimited blue medicine, which can fill up my mana bars instantly, so every move I make is the most powerful sure-kill technique that can empty all my mana bars!

He suffered another powerful assassination monk. None of the other monks could withstand Xi Ruming's unbridled and full blow. She actually resisted the opponent's unique move by herself, and she just screamed "pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain". It was so strong that everyone was stunned.

Because her opportunities are too great!

The geniuses from all over the world gathered together, a total of 10,000 bone monks, used their lifetime dharma to madly temper her "Sword Tomb" dharma, absorbing tens of thousands of genius dharma from various sects. What kind of opportunity is this?

Only in ancient and modern times!

A huge world of sword tombs seemed to appear behind her, with countless broken knives, guns, swords, and sticks, stained with blood, piled up in it!

Her skills are already at the top echelon, and she has a huge opportunity. At this time, her hard power is no doubt that she is truly recognized as the number one!

The immortal god of war.

"You are indeed a monster."

Xi Ruming said patiently: "You cried out in pain with a full blow that exhausted all your mana. Under normal circumstances, ordinary tricks can't even break your defense, right? It's already too terrifying for you to take the will of the most talented people in the entire land of Kyushu." Now that the entire Jingzhou army has entered, you are the one who will benefit the most. You have a bright future, but I am going to strangle you."

"His killing move has been controlled, kill him!"

Everyone joined forces.

"I see." Xi Ruming's expression gradually returned to normal, "Is this all your confidence and tactics?"

"It's just a ridiculous counterattack by a weakling."

"My hard power is much higher than yours. I can use my hard power to flatten you if I am opportunistic."

He instantly killed the young master of Daoyan Sect.

He stands in the center of the formation and cannot move. He is the biggest weakness. If he moves, the formation diagram that senses his speed will collapse.

Their entire alliance will not be able to keep up with their own speed and will be assassinated by them one by one.

"Just kill your brains." Xi Ruming reached out and slashed at the young master of the Daoyan Sect in the center.


The next second, four skeleton monks carried Xu Xinying and took this move.

"It hurts!" Xu Xinying screamed.

Xi Ruming's expression remained unchanged as he swung his sword wildly and exploded, "I have infinite mana, and every move I make is a sure-kill technique that burns out all my mana. No matter how strong your defense is? How can you withstand a powerful blow from hundreds of people? I'll smash your shield." , everyone is bound to die!"

"Stop him quickly!"

Everyone started to take action and began to cast spells.

But Xi Ruming burst out laughing, showing a ferocious expression, and held up a defensive shield. He ignored the bombardment of others and swung his knife desperately at Xu Xinying.

One knife!

Two knives!

Three swords!

"Her flesh and blood are already mutilated. I believe she will be able to hack him to death soon!" Xi Ruming snorted coldly.

Everyone's expressions changed dramatically, and they began to surround Xi Ruming, who was serving as a target.

Both sides are acting as targets and fighting head-on.

Who knows, Xi Ruming is forcing them to fight hard, who is faster!

If Xu Xinying falls first, no one can stop the opponent.

If Xi Ruming is killed by them first, then they will win.

"Hateful! Xi Ruming's power is unlimited, hundreds of times bigger than ours, we can't use him up." Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"It's not good!"

But they were still attacking Xi Ruming frantically, casting spells and taking out spiritual stones to continue to recover.

"I'm going to chop her to death." Xi Ruming looked calm and kept swinging the knife. Seeing that Xu Xinying was dying, he knew that he had won a sure victory.

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