I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 247: The cook eats the cow

Xi Ruming has always been a smart person.

All of his trump cards were displayed in the battle just now.

Now to invite a battle and challenge the current emperor, it is already a clear sign, and there will only be two results.

The first result.

If the opponent does not accept it, it means that the Emperor of Jingzhou knew that he could not defeat him after seeing his cards, and decisively refused, which means that his invitation to fight was in vain.

The second result.

The other party accepted it.

This means that he can be sure of winning, and tailor-made restraint measures based on his background. If he challenges it himself, he will be humiliating himself!

Regardless of whether the other party accepts it or not, it is still the best choice for the other party, which is not a good thing for you.

If the other party accepts it at this time, it means that he will lose.

But how could I foolishly challenge it?

"So, how could I be so stupid as to challenge you without a trump card?"

Xi Ruming looked stern and said with a low and hoarse smile: "As the best person in the world, no matter how rigorous and careful you are, I am not so arrogant that I will expose all my details and challenge you again!"

"It's quite interesting."

Wu Lang looked calm, looked at the other person up and down, and was a little surprised. His dull and majestic face seemed to be a little more interesting and said:

"I'm a little bit underestimating you. My dear, you are no longer a big fool. You only know how to jump arrogantly, swing your sword, and use your magic unscrupulously? This exhibition match looks like it will be interesting."

"It's natural."

The next moment, Xi Ruming attacked instantly and laughed loudly: "Your Majesty, to deal with Ji Fa who has no skills and only knows how to waste mana, a large body is the best choice to waste mana, so naturally you won't use this."

"Now, it's just the right time."

He seemed to have integrated all his blood into one. His strength has not improved, but his skills and dexterity have improved to a huge height as he transformed into a normal human form!

This is his real trump card against those top beings!

Against a truly strong person, brute force alone cannot kill someone.


The next moment, Xi Ruming used his fighting skills to catch up, and then cooperated with an extreme explosion to chase down this Jingzhou sage.

"These two people are so strong."

Mu Jiqiu looked at this scene, his eyes burning to the extreme.

She is still too young and will develop in the future. She feels that she still has a good chance of catching up with these people.

"This is the pinnacle of artistic conception."

The contemporary young master of the Doyan Sect whispered: "Using skills to defeat violence is the true aesthetics advocated by countless seekers. He is the second being who can use skills to defeat violence and move a thousand pounds."

"Who is the first one?" Xu Xinying asked.

Everyone looked at Xu Xinying silently: "You!"


Xu Xinying pointed to her nose and said, "My skills are very high? Aren't I just standing and getting beaten?"

Everyone rolled their eyes, they really didn’t know that this woman’s mind was not normal!

If your skills are not high, how can you withstand Xi Ruming's attack?

Do you really think that you have no skills and that your body can withstand dozens of times the attack?

"Your skills are one of the best among people of your generation! I'm afraid, except for this sage young emperor of Jingzhou, no one in the younger generation in this world can match your Tao Dharma intention."

The young master of Daoyan Sect patiently explained:

"Your intention to build the Soldier Tomb, with the help of the Bone Saint, has gathered the legal intention of all the geniuses in the 10,000 Jingzhou arena. The knives, spears, swords, sticks, and sticks have converged into the "Sword Tomb" legal intention. Your The will of the law has reached its peak. In the entire Jingzhou martial arts practice, your opportunity is the greatest!"

"And you can use this opportunity for a lifetime!"

"Because these are all the young and outstanding direct descendants of various major sects in Jiuzhou who gathered to invade Jingzhou. Their legal will was absorbed and eaten by you. From now on, if ninety-nine percent of the descendants of the major sects in Jiuzhou meet you, their weapons will cut them down. You, I'm afraid it won't work anymore."

Thousands of Dharma thoughts gathered together?

Her body and mind are now close to the Tao!

Are you saying you don’t understand this?

Her mind is really stupid!

I wonder who taught such a fool?

The most dazzling person today is not Xi Ruming.

Everyone knows what Xi Ruming is capable of.

In this competition, there are two people who are famous all over the world and stand out from the crowd.

Xu Xinying gathered thousands of dharma thoughts and tempered the sword tomb. Her qualifications have been raised to the level of immortal qualifications, and she can stand shoulder to shoulder with Xi Ruming and others! It can be called an immortal body that can be defended to the limit in the world!

Ji Fa, I don’t know why this person’s magic power is vast and boundless. Although his skills and fighting skills are really rough, it can’t hide his amazing achievements!

Far away, on the battlefield.

The two people are still fighting.

Xi Ruming completely used all his trump cards, and his eyes were filled with excitement. "You are worthy of being the first person of today's young generation. To kick off the show by yourself, you are simply a monster!"

His face was full of admiration, "It's a pity that no matter how frugal you are and how high your skills are, your mana will be exhausted. I won this battle. Although I won by cheating, under normal circumstances, I would have Jie is not your opponent."

"However, this cannibalism is one of my Shitian Mansion's tactics, and it cannot be called cheating." He smiled.

"Yes, it's over."

This young emperor whispered softly, as if muttering to himself: "My body is adapting, learning from you, imitating you, and interpreting you. It has already learned and understood. My hand tells me that it wants to kill you, but it is just Within a few moves.”

"your hands??"

The next moment, Xi Ruming lowered his head and looked at his hand. His whole body seemed to be stared at by some great beast. It was a depressing and indifferent feeling that was frightening.

Like a butcher staring at the pigs in the slaughterhouse.

It's like a doctor staring at a patient waiting for surgery.

It was like Wu Zuo had picked up the knife, put on his gloves, and was preparing to dissect the body on the shelf.

Those slender palms, as white as jade, filled his heart with some huge fear, pressing it down, like a toy ready to be slaughtered.

"It's obviously just a pair of hands! How can a pair of hands scare me???" Xi Ruming was about to open his mouth to say something, but instinctively asked: "What's your physique and what special skills do you have?"

next moment.

This young emperor of Jingzhou seemed to turn into a blurry afterimage that penetrated Xi Ruming's entire body in an instant.

"I don't know either"

"All I know is that I can't seem to learn anything now."

The voice of this afterimage is leisurely, as if there are hundreds of temperament changes in an instant, scholar, butcher, widower, doctor, chef, midwife, all kinds of phantoms switch in a thousandth of a second, and when they penetrate each other's body At that moment, the entire Xi Ruming collapsed like building blocks.


Flesh and blood dissociated and turned into red squares.


The bones scattered and turned into fine skeletons, stacked on the ground like wood and fire.


The muscles split and turned into wisps of bright red muscle strands, floating in the air like ribbons.

In an instant, the two hands were still able to classify them into categories while dissecting, and even saw all kinds of strange flesh-and-blood creatures of various ethnic groups in Xi Ruming's belly. They were also piled alone into a hill of flesh and blood.

Everyone's expressions changed.

"Just one move? Xi Ruming was dissected!"

For a moment, this incredible thought echoed in everyone's mind.

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