I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 249 Demonic Alliance: Kill Emperor Jing!

Xi Ruming was defeated and suffered severe injuries after being dismembered. Fortunately, for the monks, the Nascent Soul was still alive if it was not destroyed.

at this time.

"You lose, you can't even see his true identity, so you lose."

He sighed, and sensed the temporary Underworld Sect's token in his true spirit. He flicked it and returned to the Underworld Sect.


Huangquan Holy Sect.

As members of the Demon Alliance attacking Jingzhou, each one of them is a temporary disciple of the Huangquan Sect, and naturally enjoys the power of a disciple of the Huangquan Sect.

He came to the fourth peak of the Underworld Sect, the war front headquarters of the Demonic Alliance, and met the elders and powerful men.

He came quite slowly.

The competition has just ended, and many people have returned here, including the young master of the Daoyan Sect, the Bone Saint, and the disciples of the Human Emperor Sect.

"Your performance in this battle is somewhat disappointing!" Some sect leaders were scolding their disciples, "You can't even get into the top ten seats!"

Many people were scolding.

Some people are happy, some are sad.

After all, they entered the country in large numbers, and the ten rankings in this martial arts competition were also negotiated to divide the share of profits after the war.

"It's not their fault."

At this time, a Human Emperor from the Human Emperor Sect laughed and said: "Who makes their system unsuitable for gathering mana?"

Everyone snorted coldly: "You, the Emperor Sect, are quite suitable for cheating."

When it comes to single-on-one combat, they can't tell the difference between winning and losing.

But this competition is too fierce. The people in the top ten seats are either truly perverted to the extreme or openly cheating!

Many people have gathered at the gathering place to discuss the outcome of this battle.

And, discuss the power of the Jingzhou Emperor!

Even in Xi Ruming's heyday, he was defeated by him head-on, in an extremely bizarre and bizarre way, which shocked people.

His bottom line and secret skills are mysterious.

Baixiao Dao Physique will be a new Dao Physique of a new era.

at this time.

The old man from the Bone Holy Land said: "Now that the shares have been divided, the next step is to attack Jingzhou in a large scale and use the Jingzhou Emperor as a puppet emperor!"

"Of course it's possible." The Lord of Shitian Palace said.

"The Tribulation-Dubbing Emperors of our sects have been prepared in various places, and they are just waiting for the end of the martial arts performance to carry out their sermons."

"Dozens of great emperors are coming to attack Jingzhou, he can't stop them."

The great experts have already started discussing the next plan.

One of the nine states, Jingzhou.

Attacking the world of immortality in a continent must be extremely serious, even if this continent has no spiritual energy at all before, or even no strong people.

not to mention.

The other party has created so many miracles, beheaded the emperor in front of him, resisted, and made the faces of the Righteous Alliance swollen!

Now, they, the Demonic Alliance, are taking action in person. If the other party performs another miracle and gets slapped in the face again, it will really be the laughingstock of the world!

How can they stand it?

"We must win this battle. Not only will we win Jingzhou, but we will also slap their Righteous Alliance in the face! Their failure will be easy for us!"

The leader of the Demon Cultivation Cult, spoke slowly.

They are all the powerful overlords of Kyushu Immortal Way, the great emperors who have overlooked the earth for tens of thousands of years.

And at this time.

Xing Hanhan and the Peak Master of the Seventh Peak, two local disciples of the Huangquan Sect, also came hand in hand to participate in this Demonic Alliance.

"As expected of the Demonic Alliance, they are vigorous and resolute, and cannot be compared to the Righteous Alliance."

Xing Hanhan gave a thumbs up: "That Jingzhou sage, in my opinion, he is doomed!"

She said proudly, "When I capture him, I want him, a humane sage who ushered in an era for the world, to be tied up, raped by me, and kneel down to lick my feet!"

Wu Lang was stunned.

Who does she think is Liu Ping?

"There is no place for you women to talk here!" The acting master of the Seventh Peak looked coldly and slapped Xing Hanhan on the head.


Xing Hanhan looked aggrieved, but did not dare to disobey. With tears in his eyes, he secretly sighed that his junior brother's acting skills had improved again.


We are both male and female, and we are here to kill them!

Xing Hanhan felt proud.

And high up, there is still a plaque written by Meng Po for him: [The Demon Alliance is sending troops to Jingzhou. If the Yin soldiers pass through, they will kill the young emperor of Jingzhou! 】

This plaque is cheering them on.

Po Meng is also very bad.

After all, they threw themselves into a trap and were actually in our Demon Sect's base camp, discussing how to attack my junior brother, the number one sage in Jingzhou!

If they don't die, who will?

Xing Hanhan clasped his hands together, and bowed devoutly to the air in the Huangquan Sect on the fourth peak: "Ancestors of the Huangquan Holy Sect, although we are in despair now, this is definitely the fault of our Huangquan Holy Sect and the spies. The highest achievement! Super Mission: Impossible!!”

"I wish you all a successful start."

The acting peak master of the Seventh Peak smiled and greeted everyone everywhere.

He is a traditional demon cultivator with domestic violence and abuse.

Everyone has also heard of this person's reputation. After all, this is the sect of their Huangquan disciples and their home ground.

Xi Ruming said calmly: "You Huangquan Sect, we are in a state of constant decline. Even Xing Hanhan, the only one who can take advantage of us, has been defeated. Senior brother is not allowed to destroy his true spirit and go to Jingzhou. It is normal that you can't go to the front line."

"Indeed, our world has only been under siege for more than ten years, and recovery is still far away."

The acting peak master of the seventh peak smiled and said: "Senior Xi Ruming is worthy of being as famous as our senior brother Chi Huaqing from the first peak. This competition is indeed amazing."


Xi Ruming actually didn't look very good.

After all, he had just been beaten violently.

And Wu Lang ignored him and let his life fly for a while. After he was accused of treason, he would send him to the God-Beheading Platform to question the world. After all, you still want to run away after offending me? A hornet's nest is full of pesticides for you.

As a result, Wu Lang and Xing Hanhan walked back and forth in the Demon Alliance.

Silently watching them discuss preparations for a formal siege, preparations for successive emperors' sermons, hidden armies, and various attacks.

Xing Hanhan blinked and said secretly: "Junior brother, how are you doing?"

"It's not bad." Wu Lang also chuckled, sat down to eat the food, and listened to their frontline headquarters discussing the general trend of attacking Jingzhou. He also echoed the pride among Xing Hanhan's lurking enemies, "Just watch them silently. , my Jingzhou, let them never come back."


Xing Hanhan praised: "By the way, the chicken I gave you is so awesome, it is considered to have immortality! It is the pinnacle of the younger generation in this world, and the level of the senior senior brothers is far higher than mine."

In fact, they all know:

This is cheating.

With Mrs. Meng constantly helping to send people off, Ji Fa's belly was regarded as the terminal point of reincarnation on the Huangquan Road. Everyone knew what his qualifications and level were.

But cheating?

Without telling outsiders, who knows?

Moreover, if the combination continues and is maintained, as long as there is enough fuel, Ji Fa will truly be the strongest genius of the younger generation.

Anyway, Meng Po and Xing Hanhan are ruthless:

The ones who died were their own race, and if they kept burning and had a race supporting them, Ji Fa would be really super strong on the outside and could be used as a super combat power.

"This system was invented by Ji Fa himself." Xing Hanhan said: "Even I think it's a bit cruel, they hurt themselves like this."

"Indeed, their courage is commendable." Wu Lang had nothing to do, and Wu Lang also sat in the venue and chatted with her, "The evil sent here is indeed a new system. Maybe the next race will be opened." The Wandering Soul of the Road will also be better.”

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