I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 255 The Demonic Alliance is defeated

Wherever he said these words, there was silence everywhere.

High above, the light golden human destiny lingers.

The empress, wearing a phoenix robe, full of majesty as a mother, said slowly:

"Now that Your Majesty is sweeping through Jingzhou, killing the twenty-one Great Perfection figures in the combined stage one by one, I should also take charge of this place and deal with the rebellion in the imperial city!"

She is a smart and helpful wife.

Someone has been fishing in the cave and working overtime. She is the one who has been governing the world in Jingzhou, but she will not make decisions without going beyond her husband.

Because my husband has said before: let him go first, he will rebel in less than half a day, and then send him to be paraded through the streets and beheaded.

As expected, my husband is as good at predicting things as he is.

Same Yu'er sighed in her heart. She really didn't know what Tao Dao-kun had to do to kill the entire Demon Alliance's invasion by himself.

Although I know the general principle, the magical spell is really weird.

But one day, he actually had the attention of all the nine states in the world and fought against the invasion of the entire Demonic Alliance.

"Xi Ruming, do you know your guilt?"

Shark Yu'er said calmly: "First, regardless of whether he is guilty or not, give him fifty lashes, and then use the magic whip and give him a hundred lashes."


Xi Ruming's expression changed drastically, why did he humiliate him so much?

However, Shark Yu'er sneered, "The emperor is majestic, so naturally you must be tortured in front of the world to maintain the majesty of the royal family. Otherwise, everyone will rebel? There will be no discipline in the world."

I still remember how Xi Ruming beat her on the martial arts field before! Now she also has a vague intention of avenging public and private revenge.


Get down! !

Xi Ruming was tortured continuously, but his expression was fixed on Xiao Yu'er, showing no sign of weakness.


But Shark Yu'er's heart was filled with joy.

Sure enough, she was right to place a heavy bet on her husband. This was the shrewdest decision in her life. In this battle, even she couldn't understand how her mysterious husband could turn the tables.

"The king who succeeds loses the bandits, the king who succeeds loses the bandits." Xi Ruming's expression turned pale and he was completely lost. He just slowly repeated these four words and closed his eyes.

It was difficult for him to accept his successive failures.

But with his pride, he could only remain silent after failure.

Xi Ruming originally thought that he would not be caught in Jingzhou Imperial City.

Because he has that old man who protects the Tao and is about to become the Great Tribulation Emperor in Jingzhou Imperial City. Who dares to touch him?

Instead, he led Emperor Dujie to attack the entire imperial city.

But when the protector was proving the truth, he was instantly beaten to death with a palm. Now that he was unprotected and seriously injured, he was unable to react and was immediately imprisoned by the Human Emperor's magic weapon.

"The martial arts performance in the Jingzhou arena has come to the end." Xiao Yu'er looked cold and waved her sleeves and shouted: "This person has rebelled and will be paraded through the streets!"


With an order.

Soon, the entire Xi Ruming, this contemporary genius, was handcuffed to the magic weapon of the prison car and sent to the street without any hesitation at all.



In an instant, the people of Jinghuang City also cheered.

All kinds of rotten vegetables, fruits, rotten eggs, and rotten straw sandals were thrown directly at Xi Ruming's body.

A generation of genius fell into the mortal world.

He was beaten into the mud, his hair disheveled, like a beggar, and everyone watched.

"Man-eating monster!"

"I was unhappy with you before!"

"The number one demon sect in the world, this one person ate all the people in the arena?"

"Bah! You deserve it!"

"These immortal sects and demonic sects are not good things. The world of immortality is pedantic and should be eliminated. Our world of cultivation is the new era! Everyone is equal, and everyone has the possibility of cultivation."

The people were excited.

"You...!!?" Looking at the scornful, mocking, and amusing looks around him, Xi Ruming, the senior brother of the strongest demon sect in Kyushu, couldn't bear it anymore. His face flushed to the limit, and he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood. He came out and fainted on top of the cage.

Dao heart is completely broken.


"Xi Ruming him??"

The young master of the Daoyan Sect, the White Bone Saint, and other intruders who were with Xi Ruming were even more confused in their hearts and minds, on both sides of the Jinluan Hall.

"He couldn't bear it and vomited blood."

"If it were us, who would be able to bear being paraded through the streets like this?" They sighed in their hearts. They couldn't stand or sit at this time!

There is a feeling of sadness in my heart that the rabbit is dead and the fox is dead!

Xi Ruming, how terrible is this person? One person dominates the entire martial arts arena. He is almost a nail-biter as the next generation chief successor of the Kyushu Demon Sect and controls the largest sect in the world.

It's even unbelievable that it ended up like this.

Sometimes, it only takes a moment for a young demonic hero who overlooks the world to be trampled into the mud!

This world is such a cruel reality.

Just like them, they were forced to commit suicide. Everyone present was not a direct disciple of the ancient Holy Land sect. After losing their potential and coming to Jingzhou, did they fall into the mortal world?

But they could not imagine that the twenty-one Tribulation-Transcending Emperors had all attained enlightenment, and there were even more powerful men from the third level of Tribulation-Transcending, and they were all killed.


The young master of Daoyan Sect sighed and said: "Jingzhou's army, there are twenty-one strong men, I'm afraid no one has proved the emperor. Although our army is huge, it is leaderless. Without the emperor, it will be difficult to continue attacking Jingzhou. Our rebel army, We can only continue to hide in the dark.”

Emperor Jing is implementing a beheading plan.

And he succeeded.

At the same time, Jing Ge felt panicked and frowned at the saint sons from other major sects around him:

"He is indeed insidious. Congo is actually fishing for us and asking us if we are treason. Fortunately, we are confused and ambiguous. Otherwise, we will be guilty of treason, and we will be on the demon-slaying platform!"

Everyone whispered and communicated secretly, all out of fear.

The Emperor of Jingzhou is really insidious! But they are not stupid either. Which one is easier here? Still didn't fall into his trap.

"But why does he always use this trick every time? Every time he sets a trap to show the enemy's weakness, and then waits for the opponent to fall into the trap?" Ji Fa muttered.

"What can we do? Even the people know what he is going to do, but we still don't come in obediently." The White Bone Saint laughed at herself: "Look at the people, who doesn't think we are fools?"

"If you don't take action, no one will know whether it is true or false." The young master of Daoyan Sect shook his head. All these things can only be said to be victory or defeat.

"The Demon Alliance is gone."

Jing Ge sighed, "That man is simply unbelievable. His speed is so fast. His method - one's own heart is the people's heart. It can be called the unprecedented magic of the Human Emperor. It can appear anywhere in Jingzhou's cultivation world at any time." , who can become emperor in his Jingzhou without his consent?"

Everyone could vaguely see that the entire world of cultivation was being turned into an iron-barreled country by him. Even if this young emperor of Jingzhou was only the incarnation of the human emperor in the combined stage, he could appear everywhere at any time, suppress and rule everywhere.

In the whole world, could it be the royal land?

On the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers!

"His era has truly begun, and he has begun to put pressure on the Immortal Clan. The imperial power has been concentrated to suppress the Immortal Clan!"

The young master of the Daoyan Sect sighed and said: "I seem to have returned to the ancient times, the age of the most ancient human emperors before Kyushu was broken up. The ancient emperor ruled the world and suppressed the immortal sects who did not dare to breathe and could only pay tribute obediently. era."

Xi Ruming is parading in the street.

They were on pins and needles in the Jinluan Palace for a moment, not knowing what to do.

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