I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 257 Peak of History

They all fell silent: "This does not allow us to make the decision. Please let us think about it."

This is indeed not something that can be controlled. We can only look at the masters behind us.

at this time.

Huangquan Holy Sect.

The sky was gloomy and dark, shrouded in mist.

A great emperor walked on the dark Huangquan Road, following some ordinary mortals honestly, not daring to jump in line.

Po Meng was feeding soup to the wandering spirits. She took one look at their funny actions and couldn't help but said: "Hahahaha!"

"You bunch of losers, you also know that if you jump in line here, you will be killed by me? But, you can't even win Jingzhou?"

Po Meng was very sarcastic, even though she and others killed them,

"Before, you all swore that the old lady drove you to Jingzhou with good intentions. Now you have all been beaten back. If you were not the temporary disciples of our sect, enjoying the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' and retrieving the true soul, you would have died long ago. "

These great tribulation emperors suddenly looked bad!

He was killed just now, and now he was ridiculed again.


They returned to Peak 4.

The headquarters here is now silent.

The leaders, leaders, and holy masters of the great sects from all over the eight continents all had ugly faces, and the army was defeated when they entered.

In this world, what do you think of their demonic alliance?

This is a joke for the Righteous Alliance!

"His method can be called immortal magic."

"His speed transcends time and space spiritual roots. He can appear everywhere by himself!"

"Who would have thought? It's not an unjust loss!"

One of the statues has a downcast face, but he is a good-tempered person and does not show his joy.

This upends their worldview.

But now is obviously not the time to study the opponent's heel, but to immediately think about how to deal with the current situation.

However, there were some irritable and irritable contemporary leaders who slammed the table angrily on the spot and cursed: "What a Jingzhou Emperor! How shameless!"

"Letting the remaining Holy Son make amends for his past mistakes doesn't mean that he is taking refuge in him?"

"The other party's intention is very obvious! He beat Xi Ruming, the leading hedgehog, and killed the Tribulation Emperor you relied on, so that you can take the remaining rebels and station them in my Jingzhou to develop, and open a sect to divide the helm. The development of Jingzhou will bring a large amount of human resources."

At this time, a voice suddenly came, full of yin and yang, imitating the young emperor of Jingzhou.

"He's so domineering."

"I ask you to start a sect, so you can start a sect!"

"I won't let you start a sect, so you just cower! Are we giving him face? How can a mere young man be so bold?"

The great emperor of the Demon Sect was very angry. He looked at the speaker and saw that it was Po Meng who was here.

This old woman, instead of feeding her soup on Huangquan Road, came all the way up the mountain to teach the modern demon sects like Yin Yang and others.

In fact, each sect selected one or two elders from the Tribulation Emperor to attack Jingzhou. They really didn't care about the loss!

After all, they have a lot of background. On average, a batch of Tribulation Emperors will die and sleep every thousand years, so sending them over is just a waste of energy.

People always have to be eliminated and replaced.

but now!

My face was swollen by them!

Parade in public, not giving any face, very stubborn, very stubborn, one person dares to offend most of the demon sects in the world!

This is a ruthless man who wants to challenge all the immortal sects alone.


Their major monks came to attack, originally after conquering Jingzhou, they also opened branches of their own sects in the mainland, but they treated the emperor as a puppet!

But is it the same if you take over the helm yourself and if someone lets you take the helm?

"Now! Jingzhou opens its own rudder and develops resources, but it depends on the face of today's emperor!"

"Asshole! This is to help him develop Jingzhou, open up territory for him, pay tribute to him, and give him a 30-70 share of the profits earned."

"Don't make trouble. Our 30/70 split depends on the other party's face and conscience! Otherwise, he will use all kinds of clever tricks to squeeze us out."

"Isn't this a stinky beggar?"

The more everyone discussed, the angrier they became.

How could they not know what the young emperor of Jingzhou was thinking about?

At this time, Po Meng next to her said quietly: "Even if it is a beggar, there are still many people rushing to beg for food."

All the leaders suddenly fell silent and turned to glare at Po Meng. They looked like you were talking, out of sight and out of mind.

But Po Meng seemed to know nothing, shook her head and said:

"At least you can open a branch. If you think about whether it is difficult to make a comeback, do you really commit suicide and leave Jingzhou one after another?"

"How about you give up?"

She asked kindly:

"Don't look at his face, give up this piece of fat in Jingzhou?"

"Although it is the place where the era began, we must be tough! We won't even get close to him even if we beat him to death. Since we are defeated, we will just remove the remaining people."

Although the other party mocked them

But they were really reluctant to withdraw their troops.

It's better than nothing.

A sub-helm is placed there, supervised by the other party, and has to pay tribute to the dynasty. At least it has some power and secretly learns the new era skills there.

one more.

If you stay there, you still have a chance to make a comeback!

The young emperor of Jingzhou was scheming, but they had no choice but to jump into the trap.

People tell you clearly: You lose this time, don't worry, stay here and continue to develop, there is always a chance to kill me if you stay in Jingzhou.

But the other party did give him a chance.

"After all, although there is no Great Emperor anymore, if there are enough people, there will still be a chance to search everywhere to find the other party's true identity."

The headmaster of a demon sect said: "If we catch his true form, then no matter how many tricks he has, no matter how exhaustive his plans are, no matter how amazing his plans are, it will be useless. He is just a mere god-transformation stage. "

Po Meng smiled strangely again and said: "Last time, you said that he was only at the foundation-building stage, only at the golden elixir stage, and only at the Nascent Soul stage. In two days, he will probably be only at the tribulation-transmitting emperor."

Next to him, the master of the Shitian Palace suddenly asked Po Meng: "Why doesn't Xi Ruming, who I taught, come back with his soul?"

People on the front line basically go to hell after death.

After all, he is the temporary peak master, so he naturally enjoys his rights.

Even the 10,000 contestants who were eaten in the ring all returned to the Underworld Road after death.

Although Shi Tianfu is very reckless and arrogant, they don't dare to offend all the demon sects in the world and really kill all their ten thousand young generation geniuses.

That really offended everyone.

However, all of these people came back, except Xi Ruming.

"How do you hook Xi Ruming?"

Po Meng said with a puzzled look on her face: "Isn't he dead? Didn't you see that he was already placed in the prison car of the Human Emperor's magic weapon, ready to go to the demon-slaying platform?"

"You." Master Shitian Palace frowned.

"Master of the Palace, that thing is the Human Emperor's magic weapon. It can isolate the outside world."

Po Meng gave her kind advice:

"I can't catch him. Have you forgotten that my 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' is not omnipotent? It's not something that anyone can save. Isn't that how you, the Righteous Alliance, kill our Huangquan disciples? Parade in the streets. Show it to everyone and go up to the demon-slaying platform.”

The master of Shitian Palace was speechless.

It is popular in the Righteous Alliance in various parts of Kyushu to "parade in the streets" after catching a powerful demon sect, and then go to the demon beheading platform to be beheaded, all of which were brought out by the Huangquan Sect.

Because the Huangquan Sect used to be crazy about fishing for people, seducing their souls in front of them, and slapping them in the face, so they came up with this process of parading in the streets and came up with this magic weapon of luck that prevents the Huangquan Sect from fishing for people. .

"He's dead, I told you, even Huangquan Road can't save him." Meng Po said.

The Master of Shitian Palace showed a slight flash of anger: "With your power, you can obviously get him back in advance the moment he is held in the cage."

"Oh, I didn't react at the time." Po Meng apologized, saying that he was being held captive and could do nothing.


The Lord of Shitian Palace was completely furious.

Could this be a failure to react?

Others will die when they die, but Xi Ruming is a talent that is rare in tens of thousands of years, and even Shi Tianfu will feel heartbroken.

Besides, to kill Xi Ruming would be a slap in their face! !

This is the number one demon sect in the world in Kyushu - Shitian Mansion, the current successor and the next generation number one demon sect master is being paraded through the streets.

How dare he, the Emperor of Jingzhou! !

Po Meng said: "Oh, then I will give you another discount. You commit suicide, reincarnate from Huangquan Road to Jingzhou, and rob the law field to take revenge?"

"You're so good, Mrs. Meng!" Master Shitian Palace was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke.

And no matter how loud the two people here are, the others don't care.

The number one demon sect in the past and the number one demon sect now have huge grievances, which is normal.

Soon, these Holy Lords and Palace Lords were also forbearing people with ruthless personalities. They all agreed on their opinions and decided to join forces openly. They would first see the situation and develop and learn in Jingzhou for a period of time.

Anyway, the person who was paraded and beheaded was not their family’s genius.

Jingzhou Imperial City, in the Golden Palace.

Under Quan Jingzhou's gaze, he saw only a few contemporary saints and sons of Buddha standing there blankly. Finally, he sighed and slowly bowed.

"We are willing to make meritorious deeds and persuade the army of monks who invaded the Jingzhou Cultivation World to surrender, and let them surrender to the Jingzhou Cultivation World!"

"I'm waiting for you."

Jing Tianzi spoke slowly: "In this country, the nine of you should open up a big sect for me and become the nine pillars of Jingzhou, carrying an unprecedented future of cultivation!"


Next to it, a historian held a magic scroll, recording this scene that was destined to go down in history.

This emperor covered with golden flames is on the throne, overlooking the people below. In front of him are the geniuses who have been surrounded and suppressed by major factions in Jingzhou. They can only bend down and prostrate. Outside the palace is a disheveled No. 1 Demon Sect. Disciple Xi Ruming was pressed into a cage.

At this moment, the figure of this great emperor made all the Demonic Alliance bow their heads, and was deeply imprinted in the hearts of the entire people, and will remain forever for thousands of years to come.

"All the immortal sects and alliances between good and evil in the world were defeated in Jingzhou."

This unstoppable thought suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone in Jingzhou Imperial City.

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