I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 259 Shocked Same Yu’er for Ten Thousand Years

A vast abyss of clouds and mist.

This was something Sharyu'er never expected.

Not even all the human monks in the world would think of being in the Yunmist Abyss.


Because the Yunmist Abyss is not simple, if non-monsters enter, they are almost certain to die! !

Do you think that only two or three demon generals can protect the entire vast border of the cloud demons? ?

Before, Wu Lang and his disciples chatted with the border guards for a few words and then went in and out. They were so lax and let him go?

It's just a show.

There is a real border defense in Yunwuyuan!

The magic weapon of luck guarded by the Demon Emperor in the imperial city: the art of cloud and mist luck. The clouds covering the abyss can detect any foreign race entering their territory. Only creatures with demon bloodline can escape detection!

This is the true origin of the Yunwuyuan!

Others who enter the land of endless clouds and mist will inevitably never come back!

The cloud demons are divided into countless regions and border several continents. They are one of the few powerful alien races that can compete with the human race.

The Yunwu Yaomo lineage currently bordering Jingzhou is just one of the weakest lines in the region. After all, it borders Jingzhou, which is the weakest.

In summary.

Without special concealment means, one would not dare to enter the Yun Mist Abyss.

The former Blood Skeleton Taoist had been working with foreign spies and bribed him all the way to get through the Yun Mist Abyss.

And Xi Ruming?

He was wandering around in the Yunwu Abyss eating monsters because he, Shi Tianfu, was a spy. It couldn't be easier for an ultimate creature to disguise itself as a monster.

The corners of Shark Yu'er's mouth twitched, "Who would have thought that the true identity of the Emperor of Jingzhou is in the Yunwu Abyss?? After all, it is normal logic that when the human race's sage emperor went to the Yunwu Abyss, it was exposed all at once. The Demon Emperor didn't know how happy he was. What! This is the leader of the enemy, throwing himself into a trap!"

She said: "So, husband, you are very happy living in the Yunwuyuan, but you are actually a monster?"

"You can probably say that?" Wu Lang's voice was leisurely.

"No wonder you are so confident. If you are a human and you hide everywhere in Jingzhou, you will basically be found." Shark Yu'er was immediately startled.

"Husband, what should I do if I can't make it through?" Shark Yu'er was anxious. She was from the Shark tribe, and something would happen if she went to the Yunmist Abyss.


Wu Lang thought for a while and smiled: "I have a way to let you come over."

"What can I do?" Same Yu'er was curious.

"What do you think this is?" Wu Lang stretched out his hand, "This allows you to disguise yourself and come to my Yunwuyuan."

When Xiao Yu'er took a look, it turned out to be Xi Ruming's two fates!

Suddenly, the whole mind of Same Yu'er was shocked: "You, you, Xi Ruming, aren't you dead? Your soul is gone? Why do you still have two fates in your hand?"

Wu Lang smiled and said, "The queen has guessed it, right? Our demon-slaying platform in Jingzhou was demolished by me. It is in name only and has no effect. Naturally, the soul will not be scattered."

Before, Wu Lang felt that he had lost blood after killing the Old Man Emperor and the Bloody Taoist.

The destiny of these two great emperors is impossible!

But he couldn't cheat in front of everyone in the world, so he thought about improving the "Demon Slaying Platform" so that he could leave his fate behind when he killed people in the future.

While it is said that it is an improvement, it is actually the dismantling of some structures.

It is difficult to create a magic weapon, but not easy to destroy it?

Therefore, this demon-slaying platform in name only did not completely destroy Xi Ruming's true spirit, and took the opportunity to take away his life.


Same Yu'er's expression suddenly changed, and a terrible thought broke out in her heart:

The Demon-Slaying Platform was destroyed. This human emperor magic weapon could no longer isolate the outside world. Why didn't the people of Huangquan Sect go back with Xi Ruming?

People from the Huangquan Demon Sect, then give you the face of the Righteous Human Emperor to directly kill the people of their Demonic Alliance right before your eyes?

"Having destroyed the Human Emperor's magic weapon used by Jingzhou against the Huangquan Sect, there is no fear that the Huangquan Sect will do evil to me, unless my husband is the one."

Goosebumps appeared on her skin, as if she had seen a horror story.

Moreover, in the whole world, only the Huangquan Sect’s spirit arresting method can deprive the soul of its fate.

Husband, I raised my hand and took out two fortune signs.

She is a smart person. At this moment, all kinds of contradictory clues came out, and she came to a conclusion that was simply impossible.

"Husband, you were a member of the Huangquan Sect from the beginning." She murmured, "They came to our Jingzhou via Huangquan Road to deliver food."

"What do you think?"

Wu Lang smiled with a gentle expression.

"No! No! Let me sort it out!" She felt that her entire worldview was about to be overturned.

Her current state of mind can only be described as: shocked! My husband, the righteous emperor who opened up the immortal era, turned out to be a giant of the underworld and the demon sect behind his back!

Same Yu'er reorganized her logic.

My husband is actually a demon,

My husband is from the Huangquan Sect.

No wonder, no wonder, no one can catch his true body!

This is the real absurdity if we can find his completely opposite true identity based on the seemingly honest information! !

"Are you awake?" Wu Lang laughed.

Speaking of which, Sharyu'er is already one of our own.

She was the last to know.

All the three disciples and the married Taoist monks basically knew about her identity, but she was the only one who was kept in the dark.

After Sharyu'er panicked, she felt like she was blushing with excitement. She made the right investment.

"Husband, won't you take me back to my parents' home to see you?" Shark Yu'er was very curious about what the legendary once-number one mysterious magic sect looked like.

"Well, I originally wanted to take you there." Wu Lang nodded.

After giving the sect a token, half a day later, Shark Yu'er was taken to the seventh peak. She went up to the sect and saw several disciples.

"Is it you, Xu Xinying?" Same Yu'er's head was a little fried again.

"Oh, you're here." Xu Xinying didn't care, and then she told Shark Yu'er about her master's origins.

Suddenly, Same Yu'er heard something even more legendary.

She became more and more surprised, and her mind was buzzing:

My husband turned out to be such a ruthless person?

He is not a disguise, he is a true sage. He single-handedly killed the Underworld Demon Sect when he was still a mortal. Want to transform this Demon Sect and benefit all people in the world?


Really cruel!

Even later, he became even more frustrated, and later he supported Po Meng and built a small Leiyin Temple in the Demon Sect in what was once the No. 1 Demon Sect?

The more I listened to it, the more outrageous it became.

Even a biography of a street storyteller wouldn’t dare to be so outrageous, right?

As Shark Yu'er chatted there, she began to admire her husband's integrity and kindness even more.

"The recent troubles have been solved." Wu Lang looked calm, sitting on the rocking chair at the entrance of the yard, too lazy to pay attention to the two of them, and looked at Xi Ruming's two fates.

[Eat the Sky] (Purple): Descendants of the ancient shaman tribe, witches and emperors compete for gods, and want to eat the sky and devour evolution.

[Evolution Essence] (Purple): The power of life, body, soul, blood, and destiny can all evolve.

short introduction.

The power of terror.

[Shitian] is the power of the Shitianfu clan.

There are some ancient great powers in the human race, and various Tao bodies and holy bodies are spread in the mortal world. The human emperor body is one branch, and the people of the Shitian clan are one branch.

The Shitian lineage is said to be an ancient lineage of body-forging witch tribes. They are barbaric and tyrannical. Their flesh and blood can kill an ancient true dragon. They eat dragon meat, unicorn blood, and phoenix bones.

The barbarian witch tribe eats everything, protects the ancient human race, specializes in eating ferocious beasts, mythical beasts, and devours the world.

It is a pity that today's Shitian Mansion no longer protects the human race and has become a demon sect. It is so desolate that it relies on its own people as its main food. However, this is also due to the changes of the times.

This family is a group of creatures that eat flesh and blood and contain powerful power. Nowadays, the largest number of such powerful creatures are humans.

can only say.

The dragon slayer who protected the ancient human race became corrupted and turned into an evil dragon.

As for Xi Ruming's two fates, [Eating Heaven] is the main fate of this clan, the secondary fate is random, and his random second fate is [Evolution Essence].

perfect match.

It is indeed not an exaggeration to say that he was born divine and possessed immortal qualities.

"The essence of evolution can even be called a special spiritual root of life." Wu Lang whispered.

He is very greedy for this evolutionary essence.

In Xi Ruming's body, flesh, fate, bloodline, and body have evolved. He has seen that kind of power with his own eyes.

"In the world, the combination of various fates can lead to qualitative changes, even to the extreme. There are infinite possibilities and potentials."

"And the special ability to evolve is even rarer in the world."

"Does that also evolve the quality of my fate?"

Wu Lang whispered, "I have a hundred green fates. If this [Evolution Essence] is used by me to evolve each of my hundred green fates into purple fates, wouldn't that be true?"

Wu Lang also wants to learn from Xi Ruming and become the ultimate creature!

How terrifying is it to evolve into an ultimate creature with a hundred purple fates in its body?

Unfortunately, although [Evolution Essence] is a non-combat destiny, it is purple. It is impossible for him to absorb it into his hundred green destiny "equipment slots" and become one of his hundreds of destiny, otherwise he will change it immediately. Went up.

"I can only think of a way to see if there is any destiny that can degenerate [evolutionary essence] and turn him back to green."

Wu Lang pondered.

There are as many fates in the world as there are stars, and the possibilities are endless. If there is really the power to degenerate fates, it would be a great help.

"Degenerate destiny is like poison and suicide to others. To me, it is a qualitative change in the path of cultivation!" Wu Lang took a deep breath.

If you really get it, then you can degrade all the enemies you kill, including the heaven-defying purple and gold fates, into green ones, eat them, and use them for your own use.

After degeneration, the evolutionary essence is used to evolve within the body.

This wave.

It's a forced card BUG, ​​with one hundred fate equipment slots, there are infinite possibilities!

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