I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 276 The ancient legend of the ancient temple

Every state in the world is generally bordered by several regions.

The reason why Jingzhou is barren is that it has a small bordering area of ​​only three, and the environment is relatively poor, so it has formed a closed and remote groove basin continent.

Seasonless sea of ​​suffering.

A vast abyss of clouds and mist.

Ancient monastery in Forbidden Mountain.

The other two are quite familiar. After all, there are also local races - the Sea Tribe and the Demon Tribe, and the Forbidden Mountain of the ancient temple is a veritable death restricted area.

There are basically no living people inside.

Instead, they were all kinds of weird and horrifying, endless huge gravel mountains covered with weeds.

It's not that no one wants to explore and find the secret realm, but even the emperor will basically die there. It is called one of the most terrifying restricted areas in Kyushu.

"Qingrou, can I go there?"

Wu Lang looked affectionate and couldn't help but said.


Li Hairou nodded and said solemnly: "Love is a two-way street. You have been showing me around for so long, so I will take you to see some beautiful places. Jingzhou can only take you there. Now I am a great emperor who has overcome tribulations, 豼Have faith in my power.”

"I have countless clones, and each of them is not afraid of death. They explore countless secret realms and find a lot of ancient information. You have to believe how knowledgeable I am."

"Of course I believe you." Wu Lang said softly.

The two sides are secretly competing in a psychological game.

"By the way, aren't you surprised that I have the power of time?" She suddenly smiled.

"I'm not surprised. You already have space. With your talent, it's not surprising that you have more time."

Wu Lang was dumbfounded, "You have so many clones, it's normal for you to swallow whatever spiritual roots you get and put them on your clones. Your technique is originally a clone flow, and it's related to the true spirit. Although I'm also curious about the specific fate, you have always been You didn’t tell me, why, are you finally going to tell me the details of your skills?”

"I won't tell you. You married a shark, and you are living a good life recently." She said calmly, with a hint of displeasure on her cold and elegant face.

Think about it too.

No one will tell their personal details. Even between Taoist couples, keeping their privacy is a sign of respect.

After all, that person can perfectly integrate with himself and completely occupy the other person's power.

Belongs to natural enemies.

Otherwise, they would not fight to the death.

Time + endless flesh and blood.

Space + endless true spirit.

The moment they see each other, they instinctively tell them that if they devour the other person's destiny, their own destiny will undergo a qualitative change!

And everyone knows what this qualitative change is:

Time and space + life.

They are two miracles born one in a billion, and these miracles are complementary. Devouring each other, an unprecedented true existence will be born, even enough to surpass all previous eras!


Perhaps it can be described as such.

This era is destined to be an era when a real overlord appears!

A new fairy world may be rebuilt in this era, and new fairy gates may be reopened.

And the overlord of this era who will dominate the world will be born between her and Li Qingrou.

This was originally Li Hairou's idea.

But now that she came to Jingzhou and saw this incredible man creating all kinds of miracles, she also became curious: "Even if he devours the other person and surpasses all previous eras, he may not be stronger than this man when he grows up, right?"

"The two of us represent the peak of traditional spiritual roots, and he represents the peak of new spiritual roots."

"A new unprecedented era is coming."

Now, her mentality has gradually changed.

He and Li Qingrou are both competing for status and men. The one who wins is the other's Taoist companion? ?

Somewhat outrageous?

She was speechless.

She was too lazy to think about this matter.

In short, if you want to control the opponent's body, you must first hold the opponent's life in your hands.

She said calmly: "As for Forbidden Mountain, if you don't go near the core area and enter the ancient temple, there is no danger at my level. I'm just taking you to see something interesting."

"What interesting thing?" Wu Lang wondered.

"Well, you are a Buddhist cultivator and have opened up a new Buddhist system. There is something related to your Buddhist system. If it is handled well, it will be a big opportunity." She said.

"Well, let me go and take a look." Wu Lang didn't think there was any problem. His destiny talent spell was obviously effective on her subtly, and her favorability for him was not low.

She is not afraid of death, so how can she be afraid of her Buddha clay clone?

Moreover, the other party’s background is very old.

The spiritual roots come from ancient times, so I might know some ancient secrets.

Before she was sealed, she must have been an old man of more than 100,000 people. Not to mention a being of the level of the Underworld Cult Master who could challenge the world alone, at the very least, she was a Perfect Tribulation Emperor of the level of the Old Man Emperor and the Master of the Ten Palaces.

Such a big boss naturally wants to increase his favorability, hug his thighs tightly, and eat soft food like crazy.


The two men flew all the way.

Time is indeed one of the two fastest speeds, alongside space.

Soon, following the opponent's time, the carriage took several days to arrive at the border of Jingzhou, with the smell of decay in the distance.

"This speed" Wu Lang felt a sense of enjoyment. Although this woman had various problems, she still gained a lot of favorability.

Soon, two people entered and started exploring.

It was Wu Lang's first time coming to Forbidden Mountain, and he couldn't help but be very curious.

All around was desolate.

There are all kinds of lush green plants, but there are no large animals. There are fungi, ants, and various small insects.

Quite weird.

"do not worry."

She sat in the carriage and said gently: "Forbidden Mountain, the scary thing is the speed."

She threw a piece of clothing outside the carriage window.

The next second.


A terrifying shadow flashed, and the piece of clothing disappeared.

"What is that?" Wu Lang asked in surprise.

"Remnants of ancient times."

Li Hairou said lightly: "The earth here is quite quiet. As long as the speed exceeds a certain speed, some monsters in the shadows will be attracted. But I am different. I am surrounded by a time force field. We can move at normal speed at will."

Wu Lang found it very interesting.

No wonder there are no animals.

Even if a monk comes here, he will probably be in a dilemma, right?

It can only move at a snail's speed, and extremely high speeds will bring about unknown dangers.

Wu Lang shook his head and said: "It is conceivable that moving at a snail's speed, it will take hundreds of years for the monks to move to the center, right?"

No wonder no one comes here.

There may be various treasures, ruins, and ancient secret realms here, but the efficiency is too low.

And once the monks fight, how do they fight?

No one dared to move, it was just a snail target.

In the carriage, Li Hairou introduced: "The so-called Kyushu are the nine lands where the human race lives. In fact, the area covered by Yunwu Yuan and the ancient temple Taboo Mountain are no less than Jingzhou."

"This place is deserted, but this restricted area is as big as Jingzhou. I'll take you to the outer area to have a look." Li Hairou's eyes also showed a bit of curiosity, "But I don't dare to enter the inner area."

To be honest, she chose to come to Jingzhou not only to find that woman's Taoist companion, but also to visit the ancient temple, Forbidden Mountain.

Because in her eyes, this is her best hiding place and can be used as her base camp in this era.

No one else dares to go back and forth, so they can only go slowly. Only you can walk here casually, this is your own "territory"!

People in the world are greedy for their own time spirit root, so what?

All the great powers in Kyushu are encircling and suppressing her here, and she is very confident about hiding in hiding.


Now that someone is helping her to cover her aura while becoming emperor, she has not been exposed yet, so naturally she is too lazy to hide in this unproductive place.

The prosperous Jingzhou outside is the best place for him to live.


The time carriage shrouded in the force field keeps flying.

As they got closer, it took them three full days to get close to the outer circle without worrying about time.

Wu Lang, who was in the outer circle, saw the terrifying scene in the inner circle at a glance.

"Is that? A miracle??"

Wu Lang's pupils shrank slightly.

To put it simply, from a distance, it is a huge ancient mountain that is about one-third the size of the earth. It is inserted diagonally deep into the ground. It feels like looking at the magnificence of the earth in the starry sky.

But upon closer inspection, I discovered that this mountain turned out to be an ancient temple.

It slants into the ground, forming a huge mountain range, bearing the sky and the earth, with mottled textures, and broken windows. It carries a majestic and vast ancient atmosphere, as if it has been silent on that land for hundreds of thousands of years.

It's hard to describe with any pale words.

"That's the legendary Great Leiyin Temple."

She smiled, pointed in the distance and said, "Isn't it beautiful? This ancient temple, Forbidden Mountain, is the ruins of the Great Leiyin Temple."

"Da Leiyin Temple?" Wu Lang was surprised.

The highest holy land of Buddhism, the lofty Xitian Leiyin Temple, is actually here? ? Right next door to my house?

"One day hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Great Leiyin Temple in the Immortal Realm suddenly fell into the earth like a golden fireball, exploding the entire floor of Jingzhou and shocking all the people."

"Everyone feels that something big has happened to Buddhism in the Immortal World. Perhaps it was when the gods became emperor, or the Emperor of Heaven destroyed Buddhism. Less than half a day later, the entire Immortal World fell directly into the sea."

She looked leisurely, looking at the prehistoric ruins that existed for eternity, and said slowly:

"As a result, the fairy meteorite fell, and the entire earth shook and split into nine pieces, causing an unprecedented mass extinction of all things in the ancient fairy world."

"The era of the dragon race, which was still at its peak at that time, was completely destroyed. After that, the vitality of the human race was tenacious. In the great flood that lasted for thousands of years, it managed to survive and develop again."

She seemed to be telling some random story.

"You know, that prehistoric flood is not comparable to today's sea of ​​suffering. The ocean of time at that time had just emerged, and the time rules of the fairy world were leaked, which was much more violent than now."

"The current Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness looks very ferocious. It will be in a stable state after hundreds of thousands of years, and the sea people can survive in it."

"At that time, the sea tribe was the first species to become extinct."

“If it weren’t for the saints of the human race and the ancient human emperors who pooled their efforts to build a big boat and had the foresight to keep the fires of each race on the boat, survive on the boat for thousands of years, and escape the world-destroying flood, what kind of sea would be in the sea now? None of the tribes have it.”

"And this great flood in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, according to ancient legend, was supposed to last for tens of thousands of years. It was an earthly immortal saint named Wa Ancestor who personally went to the source of the sea to fill the gap in the immortal world, which made the Sea of ​​Bitterness quickly calm down."

Wu Lang sighed after hearing this.

The Great Leiyin Temple fell into the earth and formed a restricted area.

The fairy world fell into the ocean to form the sea of ​​suffering without seasons.

Wu Lang's eyes showed some emotion: "This mountain is very beautiful."

The vast historical myths of Kyushu and the sages in the history of ancient civilizations are really aspirational.

The history of mankind and the civilization of the people are the most magnificent and vast.

"The ruins of the Great Leiyin Temple are very large. With countless layers added up, the territory is actually larger than Jingzhou. But don't go in casually. There is a great terror inside."

She introduced: "There are very few people who have come out alive. It is said that there are Buddha's corpses inside, and all the ancient Buddhas sat in it."

Wu Lang nodded.

Next, she took herself on a tour around the perimeter, looking at the vast mountain of buildings from a distance.

They just stopped and watched from a distance, neither of them wanted to get closer.

After reading it once, he also understood the general layout of the Forbidden Mountain.

There are really no secrets worth exploring in the periphery. It is estimated that the real good things are all in the Great Leiyin Temple, which has an inner land larger than Jingzhou, but who dares to go in? ?

Anyway, I won’t go in now.

"Did you have a good date on this date?" She smiled.

Wu Lang gave it a high evaluation and said gently: "It's very good. Visiting historical sites and listening to history. I believe any contemporary monk will feel that these days have been like a dream."

"Let's go back." Seven days later, Li Hairou and Wu Lang rode the time carriage back and gradually approached the Jingzhou border again.

After this trip, Wu Lang also had a thorough understanding of the environment around Jingzhou.

The Forbidden Mountain of the ancient temple is an absolute protective barrier. Basically no one comes to Jingzhou from passing through it. With such a big Leiyin Temple spanning there, who can get through it?


There was green grass all around, and he was back in Jingzhou.

"By the way, where are you really?"

Li Hairou said softly: "It's almost time, time to go home, right?"

After both parties took the other party to play, promoted the relationship, and made the other party relax their vigilance, she finally began to put forward her real goal as if nothing had happened.

It's time to go back to the cave and catch people.

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