"Monster, how could I, Duji, listen to your nonsense?"

A Buddhist ascetic monk with a resolute face was sitting cross-legged in front of a window, closing his eyes to meditate.

He was the border commander, and he came to quickly suppress the guards and prevent illegal immigrants.

The Blessed One said.

These external bird demons are coming to harm our Buddhist holy land, steal our elixirs, and kill our Buddhist people.

This is the enemy, don't let them in.

You must know that in the countless windows now, there is basically a Buddhist soldier sitting there. Their realm is not high, and they are basically only at the foundation building stage or above.

But the general quality of white-feathered chickens is lower.

I have just been reincarnated and haven't had time to cultivate again. I am still in the Qi refining period, so I can naturally hold on to it.

"You just want to listen?"


"You won't suffer any loss anyway. They are all stationed at the border anyway, so you have nothing to do when you have free time."

Each of these white-feathered chickens is inside the window, secretly teaching and torturing one-on-one.

Duji still closed his eyes and meditated. As a Buddhist cultivator, he could naturally endure the rhetoric and the mind.

And soon, like fairies entangled and seduced by monks, they slowly began to talk about "The Story of Ancient Mountain Spirits in Jingzhou".

This story is the same as before.

Nowadays, Jingzhou is full of mountain spirits and the spiritual energy is exhausted. It was the ancient human emperor who transformed the human race.

And a great sage once appeared, and I was able to cultivate the true Dharma.

After a series of evocative ancient stories, the tragic songs of the heroes, the struggles of the human race, the rise of the Xiaoleiyin Temple, and the demonic great sage who once cried and roared to the world:

——Our ancient mountain spirits are human beings! !

Duji's heart seemed a little touched.

Mountain spirits are also human beings and part of the Buddhist clan, but they suffered misfortunes from the ancient human emperors. There were also heroes who benefited the people!

If this period of history is true, then the catastrophic animal disaster in Jingzhou is really a conspiracy theory. The former emperor of Jingzhou deserves to die!

As a Buddhist cultivator, he naturally heard about the suffering of sentient beings in Jingzhou and suffered from animal disasters.

"Are you telling the truth?" Daoji was a little at a loss and suddenly couldn't help but communicate.

"Of course it's true."

Ji Fa smiled happily and said seriously: "Look, we didn't tell you any other nonsense. What we talked about was the official history of our Jingzhou."

"Today, we ancient humans in Jingzhou and today's humans are in great harmony in our Jingzhou. They are all thanks to the emperor. He overthrew the old emperor and beheaded him to benefit the people of the world. He is our mountain Buddha. The Holy Master of the Tao."

"And now, he is here to discuss Taoism because he wants to educate the Shanjing branch of your Xiaoleiyin Temple, teach them to develop wisdom and practice good deeds."

He talked freely.

Tell the other person that everyone is a Buddhist.

"You don't believe it?? Just look there, it's the evidence!!"

The white-feathered chicken suddenly pointed to the deserted open space outside.

At this time, there was also a Buddha statue, looking through the windows, as if sitting in a staircase cinema, seeing a grand Buddhist myth.


Outside, golden bricks were flying all over the sky, being piled up in an instant.


An empress who has transcended tribulations, with a calm expression and elegant posture, actually used time and stance to isolate the forbidden area outside the temple at a terrifying speed.

"There are rumors that the Great Leiyin Temple is the highest holy land of Buddhism and Taoism in the ancient immortal world. In ancient times, there were hundreds of Arhats wandering outside. They were all great emperors who had transcended tribulations and reached perfection, and were close to immortal cultivation."

"And the Great Leiyin Temple crashed, and the hundreds of Arhats who guarded the Great Leiyin Temple perished, but their unyielding thoughts of guarding the Great Leiyin Temple still echoed for hundreds of thousands of years."

"As long as your speed exceeds a certain limit outside Leiyin Temple, you will be killed by the guardian of the Great Leiyin Temple!"

Her voice was cold and stern, echoing in the restricted area.

"However, this has nothing to do with me. I control the time and the speed. It will naturally echo outside Xiaoleiyin Temple."

Just over ten minutes.

The magical square tripod was built into a small version of the Great Leiyin Temple, resplendent and perfectly reproduced one to one.

Watching from the windows of countless Buddhist cultivators, it is like performing on a stage and building a Leiyin Temple.

Immediately afterwards, there was another Buddha, chanting Buddha's name.

"That is?"

"It turns out to be the power of time, a descendant of the ancient Emperor of Heaven!"

Each window is like the throne of a VIP cinema, allowing these Buddhist monks to look down and feel turbulent in their hearts.

Wu Lang was sitting far away, looking calm.

This means that they need to send troops to guard the windows one by one. Isn't this a super auditorium, and I can show them something on the stage below?

As soon as the story of the Mountain Spirit comes out, everyone is a Buddhist and Jingzhou is a Buddhist land. Why can’t we use this ready-made concept to influence some people?

at this time.

As expected, all the windows were in chaos, and all the Buddhist cultivators were whispering.

"For hundreds of thousands of years, almost no one has dared to wander outside the Great Leiyin Temple, but she can do so unscrupulously!"

"Princess of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Hmph! According to ancient legend, the Emperor of Heaven and the Buddha were fighting, and they both fell to the ground and crashed. Their Princess of the Emperor of Heaven is still alive, but the Buddha in our Buddhist world is already dead!"

Some people are discussing the magical power of this princess.

But they are also discussing more about the weirdness of this mountain spirit.

"The mountain spirits have become wise, so they practice Buddhism?"

"Is it possible that it's really our ancient Buddhist practice?"

"He was originally a wild beast, but after gaining wisdom, he became so pure and honest?"

Below the "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva", there is a majestic Buddha, chanting sutras, and the pale yellow golden light shines.

At this time, in front of a window.

"That is??"

Daoji was surprised and happy, "The World Honored One transmitted the message to the entire Kyushu, and naturally we also heard it. What he said is indeed correct. Legend has it that the Princess of the Emperor of Heaven appeared here. Her bloodline is extremely high, and it is true!"

It must be pure blood from the fairy race!

The higher the bloodline, the higher the inherited destiny.

The thinner their bloodline, their fate gradually weakened into green and white over hundreds of thousands of years.

This person is probably born with a purple or even golden time destiny, which proves that he is a princess and an ancient person.

The Buddha, Immortal Clan, and Pure Blood have all been basically wiped out long ago.

Therefore, whether it is the ruins of the fairy world or the ruins of Buddhism, their royal family only has white and green incomplete bloodline, and there is no connection between green and yellow.

"Is it awesome?" Ji Fa laughed.

"Of course it's great."

Daoji didn't know it, because the other party's Leiyin Temple was also a Buddhist, and with the addition of words, he gradually stopped saying a word.

"What's so great about it?" Ji Fa asked.

"Princess Tiandi is amazing!"

Daoji's eyes were bright, "In today's world, there are people like this taking refuge, which shows that he has indeed won the hearts of the people and opened up a prosperous era."

His Buddha mind is pure.

The ancient war is in the past, and both sides met a tragic end.

There is no grudge against the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Little Leiyin Temple is amazing!"

Daoji looked longingly and continued: "Listen to you, the whole Jingzhou is full of temples such as Xiaoleiyin Temple. There is a temple every ten miles away. People can hear the sound of Buddha on the high mountains when they go out. In Jingzhou, this is the human emperor and the Buddha. Under his rule, it has become a Buddhist continent!"

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