I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 300 Rest after get off work

Yunwu Dayuan Cave.

While the whole world was in chaos and countless people were talking about the upcoming war in Jingzhou, the people involved had nothing to do with it.

After all, life is like a play.

Wear a mask at work and take it off after get off work.

Wu Lang opened his eyes, with a calm expression. He stretched and felt relaxed, "Well, I finally got off work. I was almost exhausted."

Every word and deed of a sage must always be focused on wisdom, strategy, and consistency with words and deeds.

He also has no awareness of the fact that he alone unveiled the outbreak of the era, causing countless geniuses and great emperors to be involved in the whirlpool and join the world to fight in this vast golden world.

The emperor of Jingzhou only has his own profession.

After get off work, who cares about his affairs at work? ?

Now, after get off work, I am just an ordinary ascetic monk who works overtime, practicing hard in the cave every day and seeking immortality.

If the salary hadn't been too high, he would have wanted to go on strike.


At this time, Same Yu'er asked curiously: "You even tricked the princess of heaven into becoming my sister? It seems that she likes you very much. When will you bring her to meet me?"

Wu Lang looked at her face full of innocence and curiosity, but sighed that Li Hairou's disguise was really powerful, and outsiders couldn't see through it at all.

To be honest, if I hadn't been a cheater, secretly blocked her page, knew from the beginning that she was the one who wanted to seize the body, and kept various activity logs, I would have been plotted against by this "simple" Li Hairou, degraded by her, and become killed her dog.

Wu Lang just wanted to explain to Xiao Yu'er:

What does she like about me? Those are all lies. You can't control this tauren when you bring it back, so you can only let me scheming with her.

If you really want to take her back, how can you bear the degradation of your soul?

Although now.

By chance, she met the Great Leiyin Temple. After a few operations, her favorability level reached over 80, and there was no problem in bringing her back.

But with his character, it is normal to mess with Yuer.

"Da Leiyin Temple is very busy now, and her power is indispensable there." Wu Lang shook his head and found a reasonable excuse.

Same Yu'er didn't say much, but said worriedly: "Now, I know what you did at Daleiyin Temple, like the ten major sects of Daoyan Sect, and even the local Qianhua Pavilion and Baichong Island. , Daogu Sect, they have just applied to me and are ready to go to the front line."

Wu Lang took the memorial handed over by her, the empress of Jingzhou who was actually in power, and read it casually.

Every memorial is similar.

When it comes to war in Jingzhou, as a local sect, they have the duty to serve the emperor and go to the front line to shed blood and sweat for the emperor.

"how do you feel?"

Same Yu'er's expression was a bit happy and sad.

She, the empress who really manages Jingzhou, helps him handle official affairs every day, but her husband is a ruthless person. He just pretends to be the emperor of Jingzhou and wanders around and stirs up troubles everywhere.

The first step was to provoke the princess of the ancient remnants, and the second step was to go to the Great Leiyin Temple to trouble the owner of the restricted area who killed his master Fozi.

More and more arrogant each time.

Be bolder every time.

This made her, an empress who was dealing with affairs and only wanted stability, unable to wipe her husband's butt, and felt that she was living on tenterhooks every day.

Although I valued this aspect of my husband at the beginning, I still feel a little unable to bear it now, it’s so scary!

No matter how strong her nerves are, she can't withstand such a roller coaster ride.

Less than 30 years have passed since he appeared in Jingzhou, and he has carried out numerous encirclement and suppression campaigns. There have not been so many incidents in the past 30 years in thousands of years, right?

"Well, I'm almost done reading it."

Wu Lang didn't know that Xiao Yu'er was complicated at this time. He casually looked at the memorial and said with a smile:

"I know what you are thinking. The three major indigenous sects in the country are okay and they know the basics. What you are afraid of is the Daoyan Sect and the others. They go to the front line openly but suddenly betray them behind their backs."

After all, it’s not like I don’t know what other people’s virtues are.

The front foot is still in the Jingzhou martial arts competition, preparing to attack us, and now he is saying to help us resist the front line. Such people should be careful of backstabbing.

In the final analysis, the time is too short and my hard power is too low to suppress these people, which is why there are so many scattered things.

If he truly has the foundation, his subordinates will develop into great emperors, and he will become the strongest in Jingzhou, even if they mess around?

One's own strength is the last word.

This is why Wu Lang has been working hard to practice crazily.

"It's time to get off work. We won't talk about the official affairs of the Jingzhou Emperor now." Wu Lang just smiled.

"How can we not talk?" Shark Yu'er was puzzled, "These people are causing internal trouble. If we fight together, they may be the key to defeat."

Wu Lang just smiled with a weird look on his face and said: "Let's talk about it later at work. Of course, we are going to work on the other side. The current peak master of Huangquan Sect and the Demonic Alliance are inside. They will probably have another meeting. What do they want to do at that time? No need to guess. , listen directly.”

"That's right! I was just thinking as the Emperor of Jingzhou, but I didn't expect this." Shark Yu'er blinked, suddenly feeling inexplicably excited.

As expected of a husband.

There is a meeting here, and there is a meeting there.

Traveling around the world is really busy.

As spies, the emperor and the queen went to the enemy's alliance to attend a meeting. It was such an exciting thing.

She thought about it and felt a little moved.

All I can say is that my husband really knows how to play.

"Then when are we going?" Same Yu'er was a little curious and a little excited. She was eager to try, wanting to pretend to be a devil and get in there.

"Not urgent."

Wu Lang sensed the inside of the Huangquan Sect and shook his head, "They have just gathered and are still scheming. Let's go back later. I just came back from get off work and are scheming with those people now. I am mentally exhausted. Let's practice and relax first."

"Oh." Same Yu'er looked a little blushing, "Then I will help your husband bathe and change clothes."

Shark Yu'er is a person who knows how to live. A huge seawater swimming pool was built in the cave for her to swim in every day.

One day later.

After torturing Same Yu'er well, he felt much more comfortable, and the stress from just going to work suddenly dropped.

What tauren Li Hairou.

What kind of Lord of the Great Leiyin Temple?

Forget it all!

He had a sticky fishy smell all over his body, and after taking another shower, he felt much refreshed.

The Human Emperor, anyone worthy of being a descendant of the dragon.

He felt that as the purity of his Human Emperor's bloodline continued to improve, he became more and more like those Human Emperors, who were more and more aware of their taste.

It is worthy of being written as: Renhuang Sect and pronounced as: Shuangxiu Sect.

After sorting things out, Wu Lang and Xiao Yu'er entered the Huangquan Holy Sect and started to work again in another profession.

But the first thing he went to was to find Po Meng and ask Po Meng where this warrant came from. Without this thing, he would not have been able to achieve such good results.

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