I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 313 The horror of the second fate

Kyushu and the "secular world" have different flow rates.

He returned to his hometown and tortured himself as a primary school student, so that he could escape from the tragic future of becoming a social animal and let his current self question his heart. But it seemed that only three days had passed, but in fact, more than a month had passed in Kyushu. .

"It's a bit outrageous. The flow rate on these two sides is sometimes high and sometimes low, which is quite unstable."

Wu Lang shook his head and complained.

It is estimated that this space tunnel is similar to a time ocean current, rising and falling.

But what is foreseeable is:

With the continuous convection between the two worlds and the passage of time, the chaotic time gap between the two worlds is gradually approaching stability.

"However, everything in Jingzhou may be peaceful now."

Wu Lang took a look at the situation in Jingzhou.

The battle situation is quite different from what I imagined.

This is destined to be a tug of war.

Such a huge land pulls against each other.

Just like the demonic disaster back then, it was impossible not to fight for several years.

After taking a few glances to make sure there was nothing major, Wu Lang planned to relax and then go to the front line to check on the command.

The imperial commander dare not say anything about his personal expedition, but he still has to show his face to boost the morale of the army.

He is still very self-aware of being a "mascot".

Another thing is that his destiny has transformed into a complete body: Baixiao Dao Body.

According to the information given to him by the "Puppet Buddha", he seems to have something good in him that will allow his Baixiao Taoist body to transform again.

The talent relic in the opponent's hand can turn the heaven-defying purple and orange destiny into a rubbish green destiny, and stuff himself into one of the hundreds of green destiny card slots.

"The rescue of that man is probably the key to victory on the front line. Once I get the destiny talent in his hands, I will completely take off."

Wu Lang took another look at Xiao Yu'er, who was still dealing with Jingzhou affairs and had her eyes closed. She didn't react to the big movement of renovating the cave.

Apparently, there was no defense at all.

He doesn't even set up any restrictions on the alert sensor, so he trusts himself quite a lot.

He also had no intention of quarreling with Yu'er.

He went to take a bath in the cave's swimming pool.

Various elixirs were thrown in, which was extremely luxurious. My whole body felt relaxed. Then I stretched and said to myself:

"No longer a social animal."

"But after changing the first destiny, do you want to go again and change the second destiny of yourself when you were an elementary school student??"

Although, not changing the real history of the past.

But by changing the past time and space of myself in elementary school, it is also a question of inner inquiry and self-suggestion.

Practice has proved that the effect is remarkable.

Wu Lang had already vaguely thought of the route to transforming into a good person card with the second destiny:

This time, I won’t tear up his homework or pressure him to work overtime and become a social beast.

Seduce him.

Go play with Nini and the other seven.

When I was in elementary school, it was already easy for me to win the favor of girls, and many little girls liked to play with me.

But when I was in elementary school, I always worked hard overtime. I felt that girls would only affect my work and make money by playing games.

This time, if he goes back, he can change his destiny.

Beat him up, let him play with the girls in the community, change his life trajectory, and prevent him from being a straight man in elementary school.

This good guy card may also undergo a complete transformation.

But having said that, Wu Lang was also hesitant.

Because if you use this method to transform a good guy, what will happen?

The side effects will disappear.

Not only will the girl like you more, but she will also fall in love with you.

At this point, the tauren are no longer possible.

"But now he becomes a scumbag."

Wu Lang scratched his dragon horns, walked out of the swimming pool, put on his clothes, and felt a little troubled.

"Above 80 is already considered a beloved one. Once my fate undergoes a major transformation, the current Xing Hanhan, Li Qingrou, Meng Po, Mu Jiqiu, Xu Xinying, and all the senior sisters, female disciples, elders, friendship and filial piety in the Yunrong Sect, will Family ties deteriorate in an instant.”

When you think about the picture, how terrifying is it? ? ?

This is a card BUG.

After all, the difficulty of friendship's 80 favorability degree and love's 80 favorability degree are not at the same level at all.

Although the harem's heart was a little excited, Wu Lang still restrained himself.

Because it doesn’t matter if the people around me really fall in love with me. To achieve the great unity of Huangquan Sect, if I don’t go to hell, who will?

Just let the horse come over.


As the emperor of the dynasty, there are many female cultivators in Jingzhou who have a favorability rating of over 80!

At that time, there was really a big riot in Jingzhou!

A woman who had a husband abandoned her husband and son in an instant, and desperately searched for the Emperor of Jingzhou in pursuit of the love she longed for.

I have to cuckold countless people.

Isn't this really the disdainful behavior of "Lee Hae-rou" for the exciting plot of the L series?

What's the difference between me and that thief?

"This destiny is very terrifying, like entering the devil's path!"

Wu Lang's expression showed a trace of fear.

"Perhaps, this second destiny is the most terrifying time bomb in me. Combined with my own popular opinion, it is enough to overturn the entire Kyushu."

But the transformation of the second destiny is necessary.

As you continue to practice, your second destiny will inevitably transform into orange.

"We have to find a way to control the side effects and change the talent of this promotion, otherwise something big will happen."

Known as:

The sage emperor who ushered in the mortal era in human history revived the spiritual energy of the people of Jingzhou, so forget it.

Add another title:

The most terrifying evil cultivator in human history, the Tauren Emperor, planted prairie for the people of Jingzhou. Who could stand it?

His reputation was ruined.

Put aside these things that you have and don’t have.

In short, Wu Lang, who was in awe of the second destiny, put his consciousness on the border of Jingzhou after sorting out his thoughts.

Outside Daleiyin Temple.

A small Leiyin Temple stands on the spot, magnificent and magnificent.

And this temple has become a bridgehead, covered with a time force field, and you can move freely in this speed restricted area.


Wu Lang's golden body of luck descended, and he controlled the Buddha's clay body to open his eyes and look around.

Shark Yu'er and Li Hairou were stunned for a moment.


The momentum has changed!

Before, there was still a feeling of being in a marketplace.

Now I feel like a true sage of the era, the protagonist of the era who is responsible for the general trend of the world. He has great luck and is born to be the emperor.

"Husband, what are you doing?" said Shark Yu'er.

"Did you have a breakthrough in your destiny? Turned into an orange treasure? Where have you been in the past few years? It's hard to understand your true intention while practicing hard in the cave." Li Hairou, the Emperor of Tribulation, saw through it at a glance.

She has now recovered to the second level of the Tribulation Emperor, and even her main destiny due to serious injury defects has now returned to orange.

The injury has basically recovered, and the orange life level is the same as that of her husband.

"This is natural." Wu Lang smiled.

"That's really good news, it will boost military morale."

Li Hairou is meaningful.

"It is said that in the ancient times, only a few people were able to achieve this kind of talent in the transformation stage. It is said that the Emperor of Heaven who opened up the immortal world in ancient times was one of them. Mortals who can compete with the innate gods for hegemony are terrifying. They are the ones who opened up the system of cultivating immortals. A giant."

"Isn't the Emperor your father?" Shark Yu'er asked.

"I don't remember." Li Hairou shook his head and said frankly: "It's just some common-sense inherited memories."

But that’s a lot of common sense.

This level of knowledge is quite terrifying.

"What's going on inside recently?" Wu Lang changed the subject.


Li Hairou said: "Disciples from all the major sects have basically gone in for training. The fire of war is the best way for people to grow, and most of them have returned to the level of the combined stage. If you are humble, you will basically not die if you don't encounter the Great Emperor."

Li Hairou smiled and said that those people were quite fanatical.

They have basically returned to their peak power.

But because of the broken true spirit, these young generation geniuses can only be in the integration stage. After returning to the cultivation level before reincarnation, they can no longer make any progress. They are naturally very excited and want to find elixir to repair their true spirit.

Wu Lang sorted out his thoughts: "Is it a fairy medicine? If possible, let's get some ourselves."

Immortal medicine is an elixir that can only be cultivated by immortals, so it is called an elixir.

In this era of Kyushu, there are no immortals anymore. Only immortals who died eons ago have eternal immortal energy around them, so that immortal medicine can be produced.

There are only two areas where elixirs can be found, the Immortal Ruins Restricted Area and the Buddhist Ruins Restricted Area.

"But there are also a few people who died. They were very unlucky when they met the Emperor."

Shark Yu'er smiled, "However, with the support of Huang Quan Sect, they have already rescued people. It can be said that as long as they don't encounter the Evil Buddha Emperor, the Six Paths of Reincarnation can basically rescue people."

The battle situation is not bad.

Upon hearing this, Wu Lang felt that the situation was under control and would develop as he imagined.

The Demonic Alliance has the Huangquan Sect as its backer, and the Daoyan Sect, a group of sects from other states, are all immortal soldiers.

Li Hairou was somewhat excited and said excitedly: "Husband, do you want to go in and take a look? Are you interested in that puppet Buddha?"

"It's interesting." Wu Lang nodded.

Now that it has developed, it would be a good idea to go in and take a look. He is very interested in restricted areas and elixirs.

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