I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 333 Let the world feel the pain

Another half year has passed.

The cave was empty, and Wu Lang felt inexplicably lonely. While practicing, he glanced at the log and found that it was still almost the same as before.


[Your disciple Xu Xinying was attacked by a powerful force! 】


[Your disciple Liu Ping was brutally attacked and killed by a powerful man! 】


[Your Taoist companion, Yu'er, joins the battlefield in the integration stage! 】


[Your Taoist companion Li Hairou massacred everyone, and the monks in Liangzhou were frightened by the news. 】

After finishing the practice, I looked at the message and saw that Qing Yizi was fighting again, the world was turned upside down, and the sun and the moon lost all light.

But now, almost everyone from the rear in Liangzhou has come to support him, so Wu Lang has to use his next back-up force to contact the other eight states to dig out his lair in Liangzhou.

Wu Lang silently issued an instruction.

In the name of the master of the Seventh Peak, he called Ji Fa and said: "You lead a team, and those demon alliances, reincarnate to Liangzhou and attack their empty nest base camp."

"Yes!" Ji Fa nodded.

"If you do well, I will give you the elixir to restore your true spirit." Wu Lang said.

Ji Fa's eyes suddenly brightened.

Wonderful medicine!

After the true spirit is damaged, everyone wants this, especially him.

So he happily committed suicide.

Three days later.

A surprise attack army appeared behind Liangzhou.

The whirlpool of twenty-one emperors began to erupt throughout the world of immortal cultivation in Liangzhou.

Countless monks looked up to the sky.

"What is that? Our sect masters, elders, and disciples have all gone to the front line. How come there are still people who are enlightened?"

"Damn it! These twenty-one emperor-proving vortexes look familiar!"

"Isn't this the method used to attack the Emperor of Jingzhou before and now it is used on us?" Someone reacted quickly.


"We also have Fusion Stage monks guarding our homeland, hurry up and stop these Fusion Stage monks from enlightening!"

"It's too late. This surprise attack is too sudden. We are not the emperor of Jingzhou who appears randomly. The best we can do is to go to the nearest place of enlightenment and stop the combined-stage Emperor!"

The local monks in Liangzhou panicked!

Unprecedented panic.

They had a good chance of winning, they just needed to work hard to win this battle, and the world was in their hands.

But now, he was stabbed in the back!

They cursed these demon alliances as beasts and treacherous people, and used the same method they used to sneak attack Jingzhou to attack Liangzhou.


It's all too late.


A statue of Emperor Dujie successfully became emperor, with a cold face, overlooking the sect below.

"Haha, after all, we are not the emperor of Jingzhou. They can't stop us from doing this." A Tribulation Emperor said with a smile.

"Yes, there is almost no emperor in the country, how can we stop him?"

"Everything is being robbed, resources are being robbed, spiritual veins are being robbed, and ancestral graves are being dug up." The monks from Shitian Mansion and the Holy Land of Bones sneered.

"What to do with those who are left behind during the integration period?" A great emperor said with a smile.

"Behead him, he's already offended to death, what are you still doing? Why don't we just kill him too?"

"That's right, in this era when the nine states are competing for hegemony in the world, it is a good thing to eliminate the strong competitors in the major holy places in Liangzhou."

The Emperor Dujie instantly controlled the fate of these major sects.

And the next second, a wave of air came from the distance.

"Huh? There is still an emperor who can overcome the tribulation, but it's a pity that it's too late! You killed the emperor who achieved enlightenment in the northwest, right?"

The great emperors looked at the person who came. This was a Gun Lord, with angry eyes and an upright posture.

"It would be okay if you didn't show up and you could still survive. But now you are so brave and want to stop us, using your hands as a trap."

"No, we got a big deal. He is actually the disciple of the Liangzhou Emperor who is sitting in a wheelchair, Little Spear Master Liang Wushi!"

"Surround him and kill him! This is an immortal being who has fully grown up. In the future, he will basically be a perfect emperor and become the new pillar of Liangzhou. In the old days, he could even become an immortal! Kill him, no matter the cost!" Ten people present The eight great emperors had sharp eyes, "We are already dying with our souls incomplete, so we can be the last remaining source of energy for our sect!"

"A mere eighteen pieces of trash!" Liang Wushi raised his spear high and pointed at the sky, shouting: "I, I will kill you and others, and I will pacify the enemy for Liangzhou!"

"Master, guard the front line. I can't make any mistakes in the rear." He looked calm and burned his true spirit directly, turning it into endless will. His voice went straight through the sky, "Pass this order to all the major sects in Liangzhou, carry it with you." All the sect’s secrets have fled into the endless sea of ​​misery, and they can’t find you!”


The war broke out quickly.

And below.

White Feather Chicken Yin Cha, even Ji Fa and others, and even a few human players who had just been reincarnated, lowered their heads to communicate.

"They eat meat, we pick up the scraps."

"How about watching the cutscenes of Nima's game plot? They beat them and skipped the CG cutscenes. We followed the other reincarnated bosses to search. They move fast, so there must be residues. They are too lazy to search for cheap things."

"Yes, these pillars and this floor are both good."

A battle of surprise attacks from the rear has completely begun.

When the news came out, the entire Liangzhou immortal world was completely detonated in just three days.

Liangzhou Spearmaster Liang ignored it and used his third-level body to kill one reincarnated person on the fourth level, four people on the third level, and four reincarnated people on the second level!

"Liang Wushi is actually dead."

"That is an immortal being who can leapfrog and fight against several intermediate emperors."

"It's a pity that the other party is also determined to die, and they have burned their true spirits. Among the eighteen people, who can prove the emperor, which one has mediocre qualifications?? Among them, there are a few old men with almost immortal qualifications, who have swept across the world in their own era. In the world of cultivating immortals in a continent, they are just too old, so they come to use their remaining energy and trade their lives for the future of future generations. It is not that they are not strong in combat or not against the will of heaven."

Exaggerated achievements, but brought desperate news.

The remaining great emperors, even though they were seriously injured, were invincible. They were like locusts crossing the border, not even a blade of grass could grow, and even their ancestral graves had been dug up.

On the contrary, the mortals in Liangzhou still don't know about the fight between the gods in the sky, and they still live a leisurely life.

Little did they know that Liangzhou had changed hands for a short period of time and someone had taken away their sect.

On the front line, within a few days, countless major factions learned the news and immediately became furious.


"They are so insidious. With the help of the Huangquan Demon Sect, they sneak attacked our rear in Liangzhou!"

"What should I do?"

At this time, the three superior emperors were communicating.

And an old and disabled Emperor of Liangzhou, the contemporary Gun Master, was sitting in a wheelchair and silently closing his eyes. At this time, the Taoist body, which was so angry that its Taoist heart collapsed, instantly spurted out a mouthful of blood:

"So cruel! What a cruel heart!"

"They actually killed my disciple and hung the corpse from a high place to torture him! He pulled out the bones and cramps! Those old antiques are no longer of their time, and they have to take my disciple with a bright future before they die!"

"Even the ancestors and sects of our sect in the secret realm of Cave Heaven have been dug up by them! They even hang on high places, specifically to mock me, the Holy Land of White Bones, I am incompatible with you!"

He is about to die soon, and his last hope in life is to gain a chance for Liangzhou to gain momentum before he dies!

But now, these things have made him so angry that his heart is unstable.

This is unworthy of our ancestors.

It attracted all the Bone Holy Land in the next continent.

He spurted blood from his mouth, his handkerchief was bright red, and sighed: "If the Emperor of Jingzhou is a holy person who opened the way for the people, then the Seventh Peak Master of the Huangquan Sect is a great evil person who succeeded the leader of the Huangquan Sect. God will destroy him." I am Liangzhou Taoist!"

If Wu Lang were here, he would definitely sneer at him and call him a double standard.

So, you secretly attacked me, a holy and kind-hearted saint, and when you saw that I was weak and could be bullied, you angrily cursed the Huangquan Saint Sect who attacked you from behind?

In the final analysis, it is just a fight for hegemony.

The butt determines the head.

When you enter the world and pick up the butcher's knife, you should think that you will die under the butcher's knife.

"Senior, we" the three superior emperors hesitated.

"Don't go back." The old emperor sighed, "The base camp has been lost. If you go back, you will lose your money and men. Those emperors who have transcended the tribulation will also run away, and they will probably leave through the endless sea of ​​suffering. Just go all out and penetrate the front line of the restricted area. , invaded Jingzhou."

"Since we, as Liangzhou monks, have lost Liangzhou, we will enter Jingzhou. As new Jingzhou monks, we will take charge of the place where the trend of the times comes from and fight with our last ditch."



This is already a war on all fronts.

At this time, everyone knew that the Liangzhou Alliance of various major sects had been cut off, which was equivalent to being trapped in the Great Leiyin Temple.

If you can't win, the consequences can be imagined.

At this time, all the major sects stopped trying to fish in the water, and no one thought about taking the opportunity to leave their posts without permission to explore the elixir.

This is already a life-threatening situation.

"I will also enter it."

The old emperor coughed up blood and gave a bitter smile, and took out the silver snake broken gun with only half of it left. "The Evil Buddha Emperor probably won't show up. I don't have to be afraid of him. I will personally take action and kill those few secrets." This is the last afterglow of the mysterious empress who is in trouble."


The old emperor in the wheelchair suddenly looked complicated.

He sat at the window of the Great Leiyin Temple and looked at the blue sky. He suddenly thought of his old friend, the old emperor who was also severely injured by Emperor Perfection. He advised that it is difficult to kill the destiny, and only the genius of the new era can do it. Kill it!

"My dear, if you want to fight for the great world, is it really a bad move?"


He stepped into the Great Leiyin Temple step by step.

A powerful man from Kyushu entered the frontline battlefield.

In the cave.

"The fish is dead and the net is broken. Let the Liangzhou sects feel some pain." Wu Lang did this and closed his eyes again to practice.

Even went for a swim to relax my nerves.

He is a person who knows how to live. Since he cannot go to the front line to help and can only wave the flag and shout from behind, he can relax and cheer for the Taoist companions and disciples.

——As the young geniuses of our times, you shoulder the destiny and strive for hegemony in the world. It’s time for you to join the world and kill the enemy.

He continued to work overtime.

Another half year.


[The old emperor of Liangzhou entered the world, and your Taoist companion Li Qingrou began to avoid him. 】


[The old emperor of Liangzhou entered the world, and your Taoist companion Li Hairou began to avoid him. 】

Messages appear one after another.

It's getting more and more cruel, even a big boss like this is willing to risk his life, and he is carrying his sick body to exert his last remaining heat?

Wu Lang's face wrinkled in the cave, "They are also anxious, but if you mess with me, I won't make it easy for you. I'm just driving the tiger to devour the wolf. But things are not going well here in Liangzhou, and the Evil Buddha Emperor has also been having a hard time recently." not good."

Both parties are feeling the pain.

Your third party, the Evil Buddha Emperor, thinks he can stay out of the matter? To plot against both of us? ?

I let the player disgust the gatekeeper. Although these little bugs can't kill people, the disgusting person is the leader.

"A world where no one is happy has been achieved." Wu Lang couldn't help but cast a glance at the Evil Buddha Emperor's current situation. Seeing the evil Buddha Emperor with a bitter face at this moment, he suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"And this trick, they are really good at it."

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