I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 343 Temporary Labor Contract and Stable Development

Three hours later.

After some negotiation, various conditions were put forward, and the other party agreed.

The great emperor smiled and said: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Wu Lang nodded and shook hands with the other party: "Then it's settled, we will help you find free labor. If a Yinsha disciple joins your sect, the commission will only be two levels!"

"Your Excellency, money is not an issue. After the war in Liangzhou, we have recently had a lot of resources, but we are short of people! After all, the rear area is in a mess, and even the floor tiles were removed by them. To rebuild the sect, we now need a large number of hard-working disciples."

They nodded, a little confused:

"Really, just tell them that we are a closed beta sect, recruiting disciples, managing enough tasks, having beautiful women, and beautiful senior sisters to teach you step by step, allowing you to embark on the path of cultivating immortals, and there are various limited fashions, and they will come ? Not only do they help us develop our sect, they even give our sect money every month?"

Isn't this outrageous?

As long as there are beautiful senior sisters and beautiful but useless mortal clothes?

Spending money every month?

Still more diligent than an ox, capable of working for more than ten hours a day?

Who would believe it? ?

But the leader of Huangquan Peak was steadfast in his vows and even signed a cooperation contract with them that would result in severe penalties for violations.

It actually happened!

"Don't worry, our current underworld is operating with conscience, abandoning evil and doing good. It no longer plunders and traffics people. Instead, it now exports people and provides them with re-employment!"

Wu Lang said with a smile.

With a backhand, he sold these sand sculpture player disciples of "Underworld" from another world for a good price.

But how can this be called hawking?

This is called the open "Sect Apprenticeship System", where you can choose from various sects and decide where you want to be sold.

These players will come down and be reincarnated sooner or later.

I was trying to find a sect place for them to go down the mountain.

Pack them up and let these bastards harm other people while making money for themselves and developing on their own.

"We understand."

They re-read the agency contract and confirmed that there were no problems.

Normally, the biggest troubles are:

After accepting them as disciples and teaching them the techniques, your sect’s secret knowledge may be leaked!

But now, I am not afraid of this anymore.

Most of the secrets of the major sects in Liangzhou are known to the Huangquan Holy Sect. The Huangquan leader had already dug them out, even if they didn't teach them, they would!

In this way, if you accept him as a disciple, you won't be afraid of leaking the skills.

There is also a so-called "intermediary labor contract outsourcing contract" for these disciples, which includes a confidentiality clause of the exercises.

"Then, happy cooperation."

Wu Lang pointed at the people who were filming the movie, and suddenly smiled slightly and said: "Now these disciples of the 'Prison Academy' will be packaged and sold to you! For the first transaction, we will give you a 30% discount!"

He now seems to be a black agent, human trafficking.

"That's okay too."

The two of them nodded, feeling a little moved again.

"Don't worry, our golden name will never ruin your job."

Wu Lang looked at the Najie they handed over, counted the number, and said with a smile: "Actually, this place is a gift I prepared for you, which implies that I am sincere!"

"Is this "Prison Academy" a carefully prepared gift for our Liangzhou Alliance?" They were surprised and looked at the people surrounding the Evil Buddha Emperor.

"Yes, let me help you suppress the Evil Buddha Emperor. Cooperation is necessary, but you must not kill him. The Evil Buddha Emperor's vigor??"

Wu Lang looked sincere, "You are not in a hurry to unite with the Evil Buddha Emperor! It is completely feasible for you to unite with the Evil Buddha Emperor when the Old Man Emperor comes twenty or thirty years later! Let this team first, Torture the Evil Buddha Emperor for more than ten years before we talk!"

good idea.

Their eyes suddenly lit up.

The Evil Buddha Emperor had a grudge against them.

Letting the Evil Buddha Emperor be locked up here is indeed for their own good!

After all, if they join forces with him and are released in advance, this domineering Evil Buddha Emperor will not be allowed to ride on their heads and dominate them? ?

Now they pretend not to know, and put this shit basin on the head of the Emperor of Jingzhou, and let him be tortured in the prison of the Emperor of Jingzhou for more than ten years. When they need him to stop the opponent, their heroes come to save him, and the Evil Buddha Emperor cannot Thank them?


So, they had already made up their minds:

It's a good thing to come and watch the drama regularly. This drama with the protagonist of the Evil Buddha Emperor has a wonderful plot.

"Your Excellency's wisdom and talents are undoubtedly among the best of the younger generation." Lin Xi flattered.

"In that case, I will leave first." Wu Lang said with a smile: "Our Huangquan Sect is based on integrity. Friends, please use it well and come to us to get goods in the future!"

After that, Wu Lang left.

At this time, the two great emperors looked at each other.

They hesitated for a moment, then followed the routines the other party told them and came to the front of these Yin Chai disciples.

The sect recruits people.

Beautiful senior sister.

Limited fashion.

As the messages dropped one by one, all the Yincha disciples on the ninth level of the Buddha Land became excited.

"What the hell?"

"It's been so far since the closed beta, but the next phase has finally started! The sect system is open, and we can become apprentices!"

"I do it, it feels so good!"

"I want to become a disciple. I want to enjoy the beautiful life of cultivating immortals. I want to have a lovely junior sister on a fairy peak, a beautiful senior sister, fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and fly with a sword!"

"Wait, after signing this treaty, can I enter your Xichuan Holy Land?"

There was excitement in their eyes.

As soon as he raised his hand, he immediately signed the devil's contract that worked extremely hard for their sect every month and gave them money in return.

Is it really possible?

It seemed that these two great emperors were doubting life on the spot.

This contract, at first glance, is meant to fool a fool.

Who in their right mind would sign this?

Even an ignorant mortal, no matter how smart he is, would not work in a restaurant like this, work like crazy every month, and then pay the boss regularly every month.

They looked at each other with surprise in their eyes:

"The Lord of the Seventh Peak didn't lie to us. There are actually such disciples in this world who like to work and even contribute to us in return for the work!"

Suspicious of fraud, they carefully squatted in one place and eavesdropped.

But after seeing those disciples sign the contract, they started to discuss it carelessly.

"Let me just say, test one by one, open advanced maps, open battlefield maps, and now in the sect camp, test bugs one by one step by step."

"Damn it, aren't these terms similar to the previous terms of the Underworld Sect? They're even much cheaper! It's so cheap here. They only charge one-tenth of the terms of the Underworld Sect every month."

"Let's just say that the previous time card charges were too little, so it turns out that here they also charge a new monthly card!"

"Hahahaha! But even if two sects cross paths with each other at the same time, it's still a conscience."

They were stunned.

The Huangquan Sect is also collecting their contribution points, and it charges four times as much every month?

The two great emperors heard the cruel secrets of the secret sect, and their heads were buzzing on the spot.

I never expected that this Huangquan Sect would be so evil. The Huangquan Sect would take more and be even more vicious!

They thought about it carefully and felt a chill in their hearts.

"Fellow Taoist, today's Huangquan Sect is even more evil than the previous Huangquan Sect's era!"

Lin Xi spoke slowly, with a look of horror on his face, "The Huangquan Sect before, trafficked people! They cut people's lives! What about now? They trafficked people and distorted personalities!"

"Is this kind of character a normal human being can have? And what they say is all messed up and cannot be understood at all."

"It's because the evil Lord of the Seventh Peak of Underworld used some vicious brainwashing method to drive them insane! That's why they're like this!"

"They have lost their minds and become tools. They are sold everywhere by the Huangquan Sect as slaves and traders!"

"So cruel, so cruel!! How can there be such people? They were human traffickers before, but now they are human traffickers! They are no longer human beings!"

Both of them were feeling cold all over.

"Master of the Seventh Peak, this son is extremely vicious. In the future, he may have the opportunity to grow into the next leader of Huangquan. He will harm all living beings and must not be allowed to stay." Lin Xi said in a deep voice.

"The nature of the mind is indeed twisted."

Yun Changqiong's face was solemn, and he gave a higher evaluation, "No wonder he was favored by Po Meng and learned the true inheritance of Huangquan's teachings. Our cooperation with him is equivalent to seeking the skin of a tiger!"

It is indeed the number one demon sect in Huangquan.

But no matter what, they have now taken over the "Prison Academy" on top of the Buddha, and the cage containing the Evil Buddha Emperor is under their control.

In this way, they also began to rest and recuperate. During the Cold War, they prepared for surprise attacks from Jingzhou next door and started to rebuild the sect themselves.


In the cave.

Wu Lang opened his eyes and looked calm: "Sneakly go to the enemy's side to do business, and then kill the evil Buddha Emperor. It's uncomfortable, but we won't let him out!"

The Evil Buddha Emperor wanted to plot against himself, how could he get over it so easily?

It just disgusts him!

Disgusted him to death.

There is no way, Wu Lang is so vindictive that he will drug you even in a hornet's nest.

You evil Buddha deceived me?

Close the door and release the sand sculpture player disciple, and capture him to film AV.

And that's all.

I can't alienate them at all. It's destined that they join forces. All I can do is make some side effects to make people sick and delay time.

I hope that during this time, they can break the evil Buddha Emperor's mentality, although the possibility is slim.

After all, in the final analysis, he is still too weak, and now Jingzhou can barely resist the opponent's attack.

"Strength is the foundation." Wu Lang sighed with emotion. He made a wave of evil Buddha emperors and basically did everything he could.

Next, Jingzhou is expected to usher in a period of calm.

The neighbor next door, Liangzhou, is probably also developing vigorously, and both sides have a tacit understanding of a temporary truce.

Time flies, and I have been practicing hard for three years.

Wu Lang is about to break through to the fifth level of the Divine Transformation Stage.

During this period, he lived an extremely regular life, practicing hard every day, occasionally watching the TV series Evil Buddha Emperor, and having fun every day.

Even as I went more often, I found that the two high-ranking emperors of Liangzhou also liked to watch dramas every day and enjoyed it.

The two old guys are obviously very good at playing. Speaking of old monsters that can live for tens of thousands of years, which one can't play?

Going down to earth to experience life, there are a lot of messy things to do.

The scumbag is now getting better. It's not that he's become better, but it's just that he has become completely bored after playing for tens of thousands of years. This is probably the reason for the existence of the aloof emperor, who is pure in heart and has an immortal spirit.

After experiencing the prosperity of the world, you will return to your original nature.

Wu Lang feels that he is different, he is very simple, he just wants to work overtime.

Time passed like this peacefully for another half year.

After dealing with some of the funeral matters on the front line, Shark Yu'er came back. This time, it was clear that between life and death, her Taoist heart had a great breakthrough. After breaking through the confinement, she came back to practice hard.

At this time, he was no longer alone, and Wu Lang began the boring practice life day after day. With the blessing of ten times the speed, he only practiced for more than 160 hours a day.

Work overtime, work overtime.


On this day, it finally happened and he broke through to the fifth level of God Transformation.

"Husband, you are only in your forties, right?"

Same Yu'er blinked and sighed, not knowing what to say. Recently, her body couldn't bear it anymore and she was taking medicine at a significantly faster pace.

But she quickly calmed down. Compared with her husband's speed of cultivation and his various behaviors of rowing without relying on oars and relying solely on waves, it was even more outrageous to achieve such a wonderful life at the age of forty!

During this period, the entire Jingzhou was completely settled.

The group of sects brought by the Emperor of Liangzhou also took root in Jingzhou, and everything prospered.

And this married father-in-law, while using his rich experience as a social animal to help manage the situation, also made insinuations about when his daughter Liang Yunmeng would come to see him.

But Wu Lang abandoned her in the Imperial City of Jingzhou first.

Asking her to assist Same Yu'er in managing state affairs, she said that this was the process: the previous Same Yu'er also trained like this for several years before she officially became the queen.

As for Liang Yunmeng, there is not much to say.

I've known each other before.

She was one of the ten martial arts performers in Jingzhou and one of a group of disciples from the Human Emperor Sect. Killer Xi Ruming was also in the imperial city at that time.

It's just inconspicuous.

After all, there were men and women among the ten seats, but they were all overshadowed by Xi Ruming and Ji Fa at that time.

This woman has a gentle personality and is a lady of the family. She has no independent opinions and can only be said to be imperial. On the upper side, she can be regarded as a talent of the ordinary era. Generally speaking, such talents will eventually become a middle-ranking emperor, a great elder in the holy land of a major sect, and generally Kyushu. The contemporary head of a top sect.

Is it strong?

She is very strong, but Wu Lang, who is used to meeting big guys, Xi Ruming, who is in the first seat, and even Li Qingrou and Li Hairou, who have a lot of immortal talents, think that she is just average.

My vision is a bit too high.

She is not even as good as Xing Hanhan, not to mention that in the era that is about to explode, imperial capital will become a common commodity, and only immortal capital can compete for hegemony in this prosperous age.

"However, when it comes to marriage, you have to go somewhere when you have time, and qualifications are not the criterion for everything."

Ordinary people in modern times may have a blind date and get married within a few months, while some modern second-generation rich people are also marrying into wealthy families. Maybe they have been doing their own thing before and have not even met each other before getting married.

But Wu Lang is still a conservative person in nature and cannot accept it so quickly.

"I have to go and meet this Liang Yunmeng. It's not good to ignore him all the time. I have to rely on my father-in-law as a backer."

Wu Lang's consciousness slipped slightly and he went to Jingzhou Imperial City, "However, we can talk with this veteran Emperor of Nine Provinces about how to deal with the Yunmist Abyss."

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