I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 353 The future is determined (fourth update)

I watched it for several months.

"Do you know the words?"

Evil Buddha Emperor suddenly asked: "Several of these are Buddhist texts lost in ancient times, and I can't even read them all."

"I recognize it naturally." Wu Lang continued to flip through the book.

Evil Buddha Emperor frowned and guessed some possibilities:

"So that's it. Is there something wrong with your constitution? The Baixiao Dao Physique? The Daoyan Holy Physique of the Daoyan Sect can instinctively deduce the past and the future, and drive away evil spirits. Your Baixiao Sacred Physique can instinctively divination the past and the future. Future knowledge?”

"Weak ribs."

The Evil Buddha Emperor sneered and said mockingly: "It's much worse than the Taoist Holy Physique. With your physique, people in the world will look up to you."

People's physiques are good at calculations and divination of the past and future.

With your physique, you can only perceive the knowledge of heaven and earth, and you can only divine the knowledge of past history. But what is the use of so much knowledge?


Wu Lang suddenly smiled, shook his head slowly and said, "You are too decadent and have ancient thinking. You don't know how powerful my physique is."

Wu Lang put down his book and stood up, "Can he divine the past of the Emperor of Heaven? Can he calculate the details of the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Of course it doesn't count."

Evil Buddha Emperor said: "Such a powerful force that blocks the heavenly secrets is nothingness."

"By divination, can he guess whether the Emperor of Heaven's immortal world has fallen? Does he know what the Emperor of Heaven is thinking?" Wu Lang asked again coldly.

"No." Evil Buddha Emperor shook his head, "Divination cannot be used for strong people."

"I can't do divination, but I can do it with knowledge!"

"Knowledge is the source of everything, and knowledge is power."

Wu Lang showed a smile and said, "He can't do divination directly. I can reproduce his psychology through knowledge and deduction."

"Let's put on a play."

After that, Wu Lang threw all the old books back to the Evil Buddha Emperor.

He suddenly wore the dragon robe of the Emperor of Heaven, and was very meticulous in dressing up exactly like the Emperor of Heaven. Even his appearance and demeanor were similar to that of the Emperor of Heaven.

"From now on, I am the ancient Emperor of Heaven, the first person in the history of mankind." Wu Lang said, "The best in the world."

"What are you doing?" he said.

“As the Patriarch of Opera, I imitate the Emperor of Heaven with theatrical skills, as a psychiatrist I use my psychology to suggest the Emperor of Heaven’s psychology as my own, and as a Costume Master I reconstruct his costumes and scenes.”

"Imitate him in all aspects, stand in his perspective, replay history, and try to peek into a corner of history."

He shook the dragon robe on his body, and even the imperial throne under him looked lifelike. He had obviously read the reconstruction in historical books.

"Any history can be traced. I just need to put myself in his time, his perspective, and think with his thinking."

Only one's own Baixiao Holy Body, with its various field combinations, can achieve this point, using countless calculations and acquired knowledge to construct the past.

at this time.

He didn't look like an emperor of Jingzhou in front of him.

But this is a tall and mighty man with a vicissitudes of face.

The Emperor of Heaven is a rough and arrogant man, not an elegant scholar.

Although after ascending to the throne, he began to learn the literary qualities of governing the world, he still had a barbaric and domineering atmosphere that spoke to his heart.

This aura is because he came from the ancient tribal hunting era, the most painful era of the human race. He is used to the sorrow of the tribal people and the pain of being enslaved by the ancient ferocious beasts. The beasts enslaved the puppets to become the emperor of the race, and they only had to temper their temperament after going through all kinds of forbearance and suffering.

The heavenly emperor of the ancient human race should have suffered countless hardships and calamities.

you! ?

The Evil Buddha Emperor looked at this Heavenly Emperor as if he saw the majestic Heavenly Emperor from the ancient barbaric era alive!

This Holy Body of Baixiao is really omnipotent. He, a scholar, has only seen a few words from books, so he imitates the Emperor of Heaven as if he were himself.

"My beloved, I feel bitter in my heart." The Emperor of Heaven spoke slowly.

"Your Majesty, what's the trouble?"

Evil Buddha Emperor plays the role of a courtier, cooperating with him to take on the role.

Let's see what kind of tricks this emperor of Jingzhou wants to play, let alone a joke.

"I put on this dragon robe and took off the dragon skin garment that was weighing on the human race!"

"But my heart is always vigilant and hesitant, always warning me how the dragon in my body died."

Sitting on the throne, the Emperor of Heaven spoke slowly: "But now, there is a gap between us and Buddhism. There will be a war in the future. We will follow in the footsteps of the civil strife of the ancient beasts and repeat the same mistakes. We will fight among ourselves and die like a dragon like him. What do you think we should do?"

The Evil Buddha Emperor was shocked.

He immediately knew that the timeline he was imitating was the eve of the war between Buddhism and the Emperor of Heaven.

He mentioned the allusions to the dragon robe in order to speed up the introduction of the character.

When the Evil Buddha Emperor began to hesitate on how to cooperate, the Heavenly Emperor saw that he did not answer and started directing and acting on his own.

The Emperor of Heaven shouted again: "That Buddha, the comrade I fought with him! Didn't I just not help him use his time to have children? He felt that he had no descendants, so he wanted to fight me? He is jealous of me. The little princess looks cute!”

"My little princess, although she is unruly, loves to have fun, and has the personality of an old cow, she is actually a lovely and good princess."

Evil Buddha Emperor broke into a cold sweat.

In order to get into the drama, you, a wild historian who had a falling out with the Buddha, have to be forcibly brought in?

Evil Buddha Emperor complained in his heart, but he no longer dared to let him act like this, so he had to cooperate.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. We will definitely win against Buddhism in this battle."

Evil Buddha Emperor cooperated tentatively.

"Yes, yes!!! We can definitely win against Buddhism in this battle, but what happens next? What happens next? What should we do?!"

The Emperor's voice was majestic and deafening, like the sound of thunder, and he shouted in a low voice: "Now there is Buddhism! In the future there will be another religion!! There are internal fights and plots against this emperor. As long as the war continues, there will always be descendants in the future who will overthrow this emperor's fairy world. "

"Time, no one understands the horror of time and its infinite possibilities better than me."

"I am afraid of time precisely because I control time!"

"Although the Emperor of Heaven's life is eternal, he is not immortal! Endless time will always give birth to incredible things. In the future, great talents may even build another immortal world. The conflict between the two realms may also overthrow this emperor's immortal world!"

"Now, the country has begun to iterate again. The mythical beast is dead and I am in power! If I defeat Buddhism now, I can still be in power. What about the future? If I die, who will be in power?"

The Evil Buddha Emperor was silent.

This is indeed true, there is no eternal rule in the world.

"I am guilty and cannot relieve Your Majesty's worries." Evil Buddha Emperor bowed down and sighed: "Throughout history, no one can prosper forever. As the times progress, there is no eternal dynasty for billions of years. After entering, immortals appear. The next realm of immortality may appear in the future.”

"I love you."

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven suddenly said: "I suddenly had a bold idea!! Since I will die sooner or later, why not take advantage of this war to die early! My fairy world will die early! In this world, there is only one kind One cannot be killed.”

"Who is it?" Evil Buddha Emperor seemed to be infected by his emotions and took on the role of a courtier.

"Dead man." said the Emperor of Heaven.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what are you talking about!" Evil Buddha Emperor quickly cooperated, but fear arose in his heart, and he had a terrifying thought.

The Emperor looked cold and said sternly:

"My dear, the future is unknown! The future has infinite possibilities! I am suddenly afraid of this future! I am afraid of the unknown! As long as a person has an endless future, he will be killed, but if a person dies in the past , have you been living in the past?”

"Time divides the world into two parts, the past and the future."

The Emperor of Heaven suddenly turned his head, like a thunder between heaven and earth, shocking people's hearts:

"Everything that happened in the past will be inevitable. Those who died in the past will not be able to die again in the future."

"In this way, my country and my fairy world will last for thirty-three days and last for thirty-three days. They will be immortal forever!"

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