I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 360 Princess Jingzhou

The world has changed drastically.

Everyone wants to arrest Huangquan Sect disciples and parade them through the streets.

At this time, in the cave.

Liang Yunmeng spoke slowly: "Previously, all the nine states in the world were encircling and suppressing the Emperor of Jingzhou. Now, they have finally changed their target and are encircling and suppressing the Seventh Peak Master of the Huangquan Sect, and are preparing to arrest him and parade him through the streets!"

"Yes, we are free in Jingzhou." Even so, Shark Yu'er said.

But she knew in her heart that all the major factions in the world were still encircling and suppressing the Emperor of Jingzhou? ?

This is another husband’s vest!

But Same Yu'er couldn't tell, she still had to hide it for a while.

"By the way, Yun Rong is coming to visit again recently and wants to stay with us for a while." Shark Yu'er said suddenly.

"Oh, I asked her to come here and bring some tonics to her." Liang Yunmeng said, "That little girl Yun Rong is very cute. How about we ask her to help our sisters to share the pressure?"

"Fuck you." Sharyu'er scolded with a smile: "You can accept polygamy and play with flowers. We, the Shark race, are a race of infatuated people. It's good to be able to follow the locals and follow the locals. How can you be like you? So open?"

"Sister, you don't mean what you say." Liang Yunmeng became quite bold, and the two sisters whispered things behind their backs that they could not tell their husbands.

After all, Liang Yunmeng was looking for tonics recently.

Finally, I understand why a race like Sharyu'er, a race that likes to stay the same forever, likes it and accepts it so quickly.

My husband is really diligent in practice.

Saints in this world can practice and work overtime for more than a hundred hours a day. Although their practice is very fast, they will become numb after a long time.

The most important thing is.

My husband is as rich as a country. He has a mountain of all kinds of elixirs and magic weapons, but he doesn’t have any medicinal materials like tonics.

At this time, Liang Yunmeng was deeply suspicious that there were many medicinal materials of this type.

It was just eaten up by Sister Sametama, causing her to go out to look for it!

To be honest, if she hadn't met the Third Disciple of the Demon Emperor outside, and she really had no source of tonics, her body would probably have collapsed.

"My husband is outrageous."

Liang Yunmeng also secretly communicated with Xiao Yu'er:

"Ordinary monks practice with relaxation and relaxation! It is absolutely impossible to stay in seclusion all the time. They have to go out for adventures and relax. However, my husband's fate is that I am afraid that I will not feel bored. I am afraid that after thousands of years of overtime practice, my Taoist heart will still be stable."

"Indeed, I have known for a long time that my husband never goes out to practice." Shark Yu'er was convinced.

That's why the Jingzhou Emperor's cultivation speed is so inhuman and frightens everyone in the world!

But the husband endured the boredom, loneliness, and hardship, but they couldn't bear it anymore. They were just normal people.

But right now, things took a turn for the better.

"I'm pregnant." Liang Yunmeng smiled.

Same Yu'er opened her eyes wide, showing a hint of shock: "So fast?"

She, the imperial concubine of Jingzhou, has only been here for more than ten years, which is already quite fast for a monk.

For the leaders of the Kyushu sect and the Holy Lord, their life span is tens of thousands of years. It is good to have one or two children in their life. On average, it takes several thousand years to get pregnant.

The more powerful the life, the harder it is to conceive, which is normal.

If the Tribulation Emperor gives birth to one child every year, why would Kyushu still need mortals?

Mortals have long been directly exterminated by the Immortal Sect.

The direct reason for keeping mortals now is to allow them to have children and maintain the prosperity of the human race. Even though the children of Emperor Dujie are born divine, 99% of the human race's imperial geniuses are born to ordinary mortals.

"Congratulations, sister, for being favored." Same Yu'er sighed.

"My sister is a strong woman. The real empress in charge of Jingzhou's government is much stronger than me." Liang Yunmeng blushed slightly and whispered: "My speed is relatively normal. There is the emperor's secret medicine. My husband and I have similar blood, and Practicing for so long every day.”

Same Yu'er asked: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Girl." Liang Yunmeng said. People who are cultivators in the world of immortals can tell whether they are men or women by sensing the secret.

Same Yu'er breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl is not bad.

Princess Jing, who is just a contemporary young saint, does not have that much pressure on herself.

The two of them have a good relationship now, but they are not without competing ideas. Everyone wants their children to inherit the future.


It is not that she hopes that her husband will have an accident and allow his child to ascend the throne of Jingzhou. After all, no eggs will be intact after the nest is overturned. The child may not be able to support the situation in Jingzhou like the father and the saint, and one person can resist the pressure of Kyushu to usher in an era.

They thought that the prince was orthodox. In the future, if his husband conquered other nine states, the prince would also sit in other continents and become the emperor of one continent.


Wu Lang also learned the news.

He suddenly felt a little happy.

After all, it has been more than fifty years since I, an earthling, traveled to this fairy world. I started a family, had a disciple, and finally had a child. This is when I truly have my own home and the atmosphere of fireworks.


Wu Lang couldn't help but touch Liang Yunmeng's belly, "The child we worked so hard to give birth to will inherit my Baixiao Holy Body and cannot be seduced by other men."

The child of a strong man must inherit the bloodline.

Main destiny: Baixiao Shengti

Secondary destiny: random.

This is how the bloodlines of Human Emperors have continued throughout the ages. The main bloodlines are all Human Emperor bloodlines, and the secondary bloodlines are random.

He had previously regarded Liang Yunmeng as his concubine. Although he treated her well, his affection for her was far inferior to that of Xiao Yu'er, who had been with her for a long time. But now he suddenly felt that Liang Yunmeng's status in his heart had rapidly improved.


I can't escape this kind of mentality that the mother is more valuable than the son.

Wu Lang sighed in his heart.

And Same Yu'er also took note of her husband's reaction. This was a normal thing. Continuity was a biological instinct deeply rooted in life, especially for the strong.

But my husband is already much better. It can be said that he is a perfect Taoist partner in every aspect.

Liang Yunmeng smiled and said: "How are you going to raise your husband? A knowledgeable and reasonable character? A domineering and strong character? A kind and gentle character?"


Wu Lang pondered for a while and said, "I am a hedgehog who understands the cunning of people's hearts and knows that no man has a good daughter. It doesn't matter if he is a little pampered, as long as he is not too presumptuous. After all, the empire I have established will not be worth a daughter." Can’t afford it.”

"Pfft." Liang Yunmeng laughed, "In this regard, my husband is not a saint, a great man who opened up an era for the world. Instead, he is like a father who wants to raise a delicate princess."


Wu Lang's eyes suddenly opened slightly, and he suddenly thought of something.

——In this regard, my husband is not a saint, a great man who opened up an era for the world, but is like a father who wants to raise a delicate princess.

"That's it, that's it!" He suddenly smiled, a bright smile.

"Husband, why are you laughing?" Shark Yu'er suddenly asked.

Wu Lang said: "In the past ten years, I have wanted to continue to deduce the old heaven and bring in the role of the Emperor of Heaven, but based on the various information and data that Baixiao Holy Body has peeked into, I can't deduce it."

"Why did you hide it from the princess and pretend that the heaven was in ruins and exiled the princess of heaven? Why did you lose your memory? Why did the princess of heaven have such a weird personality?"

He paused, "The time I deduced the Evil Buddha Emperor before, I succeeded from the perspective of absolute rational interests."

"There are lessons learned from the past, and I have followed this absolutely rational way of thinking about interests. Now I think I have gone in the wrong direction. I should stand from a perceptual perspective."

Wu Lang stretched out his hand, touched Liang Yunmeng's belly, and said gently: "From the perspective of a father, from the perspective of a man who has given birth to a child for hundreds of millions of years. If it hadn't been for this time, I don't know how long it would have taken. Only then can you realize this.”


It is not easy for the strong men and gods of Kyushu to have a family and a child, so there are many ancient legends about the children of gods and goddesses coming to earth to experience and be brutally murdered. After that, you kill my son, and I will destroy your whole family. plot.

It's so difficult for me, let alone them?

Wu Lang suddenly understood the thoughts of the Emperor of Heaven.

He paused, then smiled and said: "Come on, the mystery of the princess is about to be revealed. Why don't you act out a play with me and deduce the past."

"Okay." Liang Yunmeng's eyes brightened.

My own daughter inherits her father’s Holy Body of Hundred Dawns!

His father's physique was incomprehensible and knowledgeable about everything. He could be said to be knowledgeable about the past and present, and he could detect a lot of historical documents and information from the past.

But in front of him, his father commemorated the birth of his daughter in this way, using his Baixiao Holy Body to show her the truth about the ancient Emperor of Heaven.

It can be said to be a unique experience.

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