I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 362 Trend Development

The Emperor of Heaven regarded the next big trend in the future as a gift to the little princess.

Shark Yu'er and Liang Yunmeng felt envious.

They all thought of the princess and empress who liked green men, played around in Jingzhou, had a bad personality, and resisted the Great Leiyin Temple.

Secretly thinking, why don’t I have such a good father? ?

In fact, their father is good enough, a Mermaid Princess and a Human Emperor Princess, but unfortunately they can't compete with their father, the first Heavenly Emperor in the ages.

When Wu Lang's deduction reached this point, he suddenly understood.

If he hadn't traveled through time by himself, the original historical process would have developed according to the script of the Emperor of Heaven.

The sleeping Princess Tiandi was awakened by Li Qingrou passing by.

The old enemies began to fight.

Each of the two people has a half chance of winning, and the winner will devour the other's fate and evolve, and will inevitably become the strongest person in history, the one destined to open up the underworld era and compete with the prehistoric thirty-three heavens.


There is one more variable like me.

Their two old enemies have not yet devoured each other.

He was caught in the middle and suffered the "Shura field" of two women.

"Your Majesty is holy."

At this time, Liang Yunmeng said: "In this way, we not only determine the fate of the next big enemy in the future, but we can also support our daughter to reach the top. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Next to her, Same Yu'er, who plays the role of the emperor and empress, couldn't help but increase her role in the drama and winked at her, "Your Majesty is full of ideas! Not only is he a good father, he is also a good emperor!"

"It's natural."

Wu Lang said seriously.

The two wives, seeing that the main business of the deduction had been completed, immediately began to relax, and even began to play the role of Emperor of Heaven with themselves.

But they flatter their husbands and have some little flirtations, and they themselves enjoy it.

This journey of cultivating immortality is very boring, and you have to have some fun. I am not a rigid person.

But at this time, Shark Yu'er said seriously: "But Your Majesty, I have a frightening thought."

"My beloved, just say it boldly. What do you think?" the Emperor said.

Shark Yu'er was worried, "If someone, in the future, dares to attack our beloved third princess in heaven, how should we deal with this man?"

When Liang Yunmeng heard this, she knew that her sister was provoking her husband.

They were talking about his capture of the Princess of Heaven, both overtly and covertly.

The Emperor of Heaven was immediately angry: "Behead him! Who dares to touch my daughter? Give me the cabbage in my house?"

Liang Yunmeng next to her was speechless.

You two really know how to play.

You are so angry that you feed other people's wild boar to your own princess Jingzhou's cabbage.

Are you so excited just because you care about the precious princess of the Emperor of Heaven?

Is someone’s daughter no longer a daughter?

The emperor of Jingzhou has a double standard.

At this time, Wu Lang was not afraid of the Emperor at all.

He is a modern man and has no respect for the Emperor of Heaven. Moreover, the Emperor of Heaven is not in this era and has died long ago. Will he be afraid of him?

There is one more.

Everyone in the world is arresting me and parading me in the streets, just like the ancient emperor of heaven would not arrest me and parade me in the streets? Sooner or later they will face each other, they are destined to be enemies.

In front of me, in this way, I broke the spirit, awe and fear in my heart.

But the next second, Same Yu'er leaned against the emperor again, blinked and said, "Your Majesty, I have another frightening thought."

"Say!" said the Emperor of Heaven.

This empress touched the Emperor of Heaven's chest tenderly and said: "If in future generations, there are mortal emperors from the lower world, pretending to be us at this moment, imitating us now, deducing our secrets, and guessing where our princess is at this time, how can we still use it? What should we do if we come to have a little fling as husband and wife?"

The Emperor of Heaven snorted coldly, with an angry look in his voice, "If there is such a person who dares to tease me at this time, pretend to be me at this time, and blaspheme me at this time, it is an insult to the power of God. He will be divided into pieces and sent to thunder and lightning." Mother, there will be eternal suffering!”

He was completely absorbed in the drama, as if he was not talking about himself.


Her face turned slightly red, her face was charming, her eyes were like spring water, "Your Majesty, Mr. Liang Guiren has given birth to a third princess. She has a spoiled personality and likes good people. I want to give birth to a fourth prince, but I don't know how. no?"

"I, hundreds of millions of years have been like one day, how can I say no?" the Emperor of Heaven said sternly.

Liang Yunmeng was shocked.

You two are so naughty, and they are making fun of the Emperor of Heaven's wild history.

If the Emperor of Heaven were here and had a feeling in the sky, he would kill them with a catastrophe!

Playing such a taboo thing, even Liang Yunmeng felt a strong sense of immorality just by watching it, and she began to learn silently in her heart.

She felt that she, a human emperor princess who was used to competing for favors, flirting, and playing tricks in the harem, was not good enough for Sister Same Yu'er.

Although Liang Yunmeng complained like this.

I also know what these two people are thinking.

As the mortal emperor, the Emperor of Jingzhou who opened up the era of cultivation may be destined to face the superior immortal world sooner or later.

Soon, the verbal teasing and fighting ended.

Wu Lang felt content in his heart, "This rare birth of a girl gave me inspiration and a glimpse of the truth about the ancient Emperor of Heaven."

It can be said to be a double happiness.

I have been deducing and researching for more than ten years, trying to understand the mystery of Li Hairou, and now the truth is finally revealed.

Shark Yu'er's face turned slightly red and she said with a smile: "Husband, it's fun to dress up at home, but you can't fool around with others at the moment. After all, the traditional righteous sects of Kyushu still respect and respect the Emperor of Heaven."

"This is natural." Wu Lang said.

If you secretly have some fun at home, playing outside is considered perverted.

"What about Li Hairou?" At this time, Liang Yunmeng asked, "If her husband didn't show up, she would have been the protagonist in this world, right?"

"She is self-reliant, and I can't help her in the Xianxu restricted area."

Wu Lang thought seriously for a while, then frowned and said:

"We already know her details. Now in Jiuzhou, instead of focusing on me, the Emperor of Jingzhou, they will focus on Li Hairou and the disciples of the Huangquan Holy Sect."

Li Hairou is obviously the second "Emperor of Jingzhou".

Just like myself more than ten years ago, I was in the limelight, waiting to be surrounded and killed.

In the past ten years or so in Jingzhou, I have had a lot of leisure time, and I have built up a reputation, so I don't dare to provoke him.

However, the Immortal Ruins Restricted Area in front of me is indeed the new battlefield of the Kyushu Sect. The fighting there is fierce, and I may not be able to continue watching the fun now.

Nothing else to say.

After learning the truth, Li Hairou, a "figure of destiny", found out that it was more important than imagined, and she still couldn't ignore it.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is an important figure in the immortal world and is an indispensable figure in the future world.

"They have been fighting for more than ten years. We in Jingzhou have to find ways to interfere in the battle in the Immortal Ruins restricted area." Wu Lang frowned.

"Unfortunately, it's too far over there." At this time, Liang Yunmeng said, "Our battle in Jingzhou is okay, but it is far away over there. If we go there, we are much weaker than other continents."

"It doesn't matter."

Wu Lang shook his head, "Since the Xianxu restricted area is not my land, then I will go and teach the national religion of Xiaoleiyin Temple. The luck will spread throughout it, and it will become my land of Jingzhou and be included in the power territory of our Jingzhou Dynasty."

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