I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 371 The Ultimate Creature

Time goes back to three days ago.

After being hunted for several years, Li Hairou finally became overwhelmed.

She was running away all the way at this time, but she was still being chased by the Lord of Shitian Palace. After all, she was already the most powerful person in Kyushu in the true sense.

"Damn it."

She frowned, "Am I going to die?"

She knew in her heart that there must be a big secret about her life experience.

However, due to inexplicable amnesia at this time, I can’t remember where the secret passage space in the ruins of the fairy world is, let alone where to hide!

"Without memory, this is my home, but I can't go back to my home? Is this the day I die?" He ran away and transformed into countless clones of flesh and blood.


Hundreds of flesh and blood clones fled in all directions.

However, the Master of Shitian Mansion behind him sneered, "It's useless! Your flesh and blood clone can fool other people, but it can't fool our Shitian Mansion who specializes in eating meat! I can defeat you, you can see the flesh and blood at a glance Where is your true body!"


He took a big gulp, and countless pieces of flesh and blood were swallowed up.

The Master of Shitian Palace showed a trace of satisfaction.

The opponent's flesh and blood is simply a great supplement!

Even the Master of Shitian Mansion doubted that he was the proud protagonist of this era, right?

Otherwise, how could the princess of heaven be defeated by him? It was precisely because of her flesh and blood that she broke through the last realm and became the strongest person in Kyushu.

"It's useless for you to chase me."

Li Hairou was in trouble and couldn't express it, so she turned to her back and said: "I have told you so many times, I don't remember the past, how can I know where the jade dish of creation is!"

"Hahaha." The Lord of the Shitian Palace snorted coldly, "You don't remember, but there must be someone behind you who is the Emperor of Heaven, so I'll capture you and make you a slave!"

"The Emperor of Jingzhou cannot be a slave to him, so I will be a slave to you now!"

He sneered.

As an emperor who has transcended the third level of tribulation, Li Hairou is already terrifying to the extreme, being able to stand in front of the emperor for so long.

Even if the opponent's blood had not defeated her, she would have had a chance to escape despite the huge gap of seven realms.

"Hateful! Master of the Shitian Palace!" Li Hairou was angry in her heart, "He defeated me! If it were Li Qingrou who was in the same realm, I wouldn't be so miserable!"

Is it possible that God is going to kill her?

While she was in a daze, she inexplicably thought of the Emperor of Jingzhou. If it was him, that young sage and scholar who had created miracles, maybe there was something he could do? ?


What am I thinking? ?

I, the Tribulation-Transcending Emperor, can't stop this Supreme Emperor. How can he, who is just a monk in the transformation stage, help me block him?

This is already the real strongest one!

The complete consummation of the Emperor!

She became more and more desperate, but in panic, Li Hairou still instinctively headed to the land of Jingzhou Dynasty.

Time returns to the present.

She escaped all the way and finally came to the top of the city where the Jingzhou Dynasty ruled.

This is what Xiaodie'er and the others are seeing now.

"I understand!"

Xiao Die'er suddenly said: "Everyone said she can't escape, but why does she happen to be here? She came here specifically to ask the Emperor of Jingzhou for help! Is this the last hope?"

As soon as he said this, the monks who were shopping and wandering in this city also reacted.

"But, can you help?"

Several other team players spoke with confusion on their faces: "The Master of Shitian Palace was originally the contemporary headmaster of the three major demon sects. Now that he has broken through to the Emperor, he is the number one person in Kyushu in the world, right?"

Everyone discussed it, and the monks around them also talked about it and talked loudly.

This princess from the Heavenly Realm has been encircling and suppressing the Immortal Ruins restricted area for so many years, and various battle information has been spread repeatedly. At this time, she is finally going to be arrested, fearing that the Lord of Shitian Palace will get the jade dish of good fortune.

But until now, it can be considered incredible.

She had only passed through the third level of tribulation, and she was able to resist the encirclement and suppression by the powerful men from the Nine Provinces alone.

"If I were the emperor of Jingzhou, and I wanted to help her, would it be possible to directly alienate the Emperor of Jiuzhou?"

At this time, a monk on the side of the street looked at the terrifying battle in the sky and thought: "Let the other emperors surround and suppress Lord Shitian. After all, if Lord Shitian succeeds in creating the jade dish, how can others hold back?"

"I also think this should be the strategy, to drive the tiger away and devour the wolf."

At this time, another seemingly intelligent monk said, "Most of the high-ranking emperor heads of the Nine Provinces are gathered in the Immortal Ruins restricted area. It is enough to join forces to kill him, the Supreme Emperor."

"Stupid." At this time, Xiaodie'er shook her head, "You are so stupid!"

"What are you talking about, that little girl?" Some monks stared.

Xiaodie'er shook her head, "If it could be done, wouldn't Princess Tianjie think of it? I'm afraid that after running for so long, she would have wanted to drive away the tiger and devour the wolf, but no one dared to take action!! Who doesn't know the skills of the Master of the Shitian Palace? Characteristics? If a weak person is surrounded and suppressed, he will be eaten by him!"

"The monks of Shitian Palace are not afraid of encirclement and suppression! If we encircle and suppress him, we are afraid that Xi Ruming will be in the same situation as Jingzhou's martial arts performance before. He will eat some emperors and then have unlimited combat power in a short period of time! The master of Shitian Palace will enter the [Gluttony State] and sweep everyone away again. !”

As soon as this was said, everyone reacted on the spot.

Disciple Xi Ruming could be so ruthless back then, and as the master's contemporary leader, it is even more so!

No wonder the other emperor leaders pretended not to see it. It wasn't that they didn't want to take action, but they didn't dare to take action.

"Are we just going to have to watch the Lord of the Shitian Palace dominate this era?" Someone was worried.

That is a terrifying demon sect with the worst reputation in the world. No, it is now the second worst demon sect with twisted characters.

And just then.

Over the Imperial City of Jingzhou, as the fate of the country gathered, a golden body of the destiny of the Emperor slowly condensed and appeared in the sky.

"It's the Emperor of Jingzhou!"

"He's here to protect his little wife! In the previous battle in the Buddha Ruins restricted area, the other party helped her a lot. The two of them were ambiguous in private."

"But he can't help, can't he stop him? Even the leaders of all the major sects in the world have stood aside and watched the pursuit."

Countless people looked up to the sky with longing.

It was the first time for many people to see the appearance of the Emperor of Jingzhou.

Even the players who came over on vacation were all enthusiastic, taking photos, screenshots, and live streaming of the game.

This sacred young man exudes the warmth of the sun, like a spring breeze. He is worthy of being an unprecedented return home for all people in the world and ushering in an era.

Xiaodie'er also secretly opened her eyes: I think this person is very handsome, but he is also inexplicably familiar!

In the sky.

"You want to stop me?" Master Shitian Palace frowned.

"Can you hold on? How much physical strength do you still have?" The Emperor of Jingzhou turned his head and glanced at the brilliant princess who was beaten miserably. She deserved it.

I have long asked you to hide in the cave with me and get up, but you like to have fun and want to come to the Fairy Market for a stroll.

"There are still eight levels of physical strength." Li Hairou said honestly.

She was crushed for three whole days, but she still had such terrifying physical strength, which was attributed to her secret technique.

A huge amount of energy can be stored in blood and flesh cells. Each cell is a treasure house. It seems that there are countless dragon-like powers hidden in the body. This is the secret of the immortality of the body.

But even if she is immortal, as long as she can't run away, she will be crushed to death sooner or later.

Now she envies Li Qingrou. She is also immortal. His soul is immortal and his consciousness can be reborn in his clone.

If she had this ability, how could she be hunted down like this?

"Eight levels of physical strength. It's really abnormal." Wu Lang sighed. The current strength of each of these two monsters is comparable to his own Baixiao Holy Body.

Once they unite, they become a younger brother.

But he also has half of his potential. He is just a destiny. If he improves his second destiny, he may even surpass the opponent.

Putting aside these distracting thoughts, Wu Lang glanced at the Master of Shitian Palace and said, "Senior, let's stop?"

The Lord of Shitian Palace frowned.

He glanced up and down at the emperor's clone, with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Look at your posture? Are you trying to stop me? Are you planning an empty city?"

"If it were in the past, I would have given you this face. You have achieved great success. The Lord of Jingzhou is also supreme. He can be on par with us. But now we have crossed the line."

The Master of Shitian Palace looked very gloomy: "You can't protect this person."

"If you don't retreat, your Excellency may die." The Emperor of Jingzhou, who was surrounded by golden light, stopped being careless and went straight to the point.

Tried me again?

The Master of Shitian Palace immediately became extremely vigilant.

After all, the other party is a habitual offender!

This man is dark and insidious, and he fishes all day long.

There is no point in the other party lying. After all, if it is exposed, the majesty of the Jingzhou Emperor will be completely damaged and his character will be ruined.

So, is the other party really confident enough to kill him?

But among these nine states, who can kill him?

It was the Old Emperor and the Old Buddha who came here secretly, but even if these two people returned to their peak state at the cost of their lives, they could not do anything to themselves.

He can escape, drag the other party with him until the afterglow dissipates, and then come back again.

He couldn't imagine that someone in Kyushu could stop him or even kill him.

After thinking about it for a while, the Lord of Shitian Palace was unwilling to let go. How could all the previous efforts be wasted after being blocked for so long?

He said: "Then come and meet Your Excellency for a while. After all, my disciple Xi Ruming has not yet settled the accounts with Your Excellency."

"If you do this, I will be surrounded and suppressed." The Emperor of Jingzhou seemed to sigh and looked helpless.

If the other party insists, he can only summon Li Qingrou, and the two women formally meet in the Shura field.

Fortunately, the Minotaur Princess's favorability has almost been restored. Besides, if he saves her in front of me, his favorability should be even higher, so that he won't fall off.

"Li Qingrou."

Wu Lang suddenly shouted.


In the void, another female emperor walked out.

"You?" Li Hairou was startled, shocked and angry!

Given this situation, combined with some previous clues, how could we not know what was going on?

She has had many great people in her life, but now her shoes are wet on the roadside? Are these two people working together to bully her?

"Stop it."

Li Qingrou snorted coldly and glanced at a furious woman, "I really don't want to save you. If you fall into the other person's hands, I will be completely unsatisfied. You can only die in my hands."

"If Master Husband hadn't called me here a few days in advance, saying that you were being hunted and you might come here when you were desperate, and asked me to guard you here, how could I have squatted here while you came over?"

Li Hairou was silent for a moment and looked at the Emperor of Jingzhou: "You two?"

"Ahem, Qingrou and I are the original Taoist partners, but you stepped in and pretended to be, and actually developed feelings for you, otherwise I wouldn't have helped you. Let's talk about this later." Wu Lang took a few steps back. , as a social beast in the workplace, He Xini is a good hand, "You should know how to do it, now is the time to share the same hatred and the same enemy."

The two looked at each other.

He is not an irrational person. He knows what grudges there are and then resolves them. All eyes are fixed on the Master of Shitian Palace at the same time.

"Are these two your trump cards?"

The Master of Shitian Palace's brain was spinning rapidly, and he showed a hint of surprise, "These two people, if I remember correctly, are the two empresses who were on the front line of Jingzhou's fight against Buddha Ruins?"

Just two empresses who have transcended the third level of tribulation?

Even the two disabled Perfection Emperors, the Old Man Emperor and the Old Buddha Emperor, might not be able to stop him in his prime. Just these two people?

"Then, kill him?"

"Kill him!"

The two women looked at each other.

The bodies of these two old enemies slowly walked together, blood and flesh merging, spirit and soul intersecting.

In the end, they strangely become the same person.

It's like Vegeta and Son Goku using combined techniques.

They have not devoured each other, but they also have the power of temporary fusion. This is their natural complementary life instinct.

The moment the two people got close, strange thunder suddenly flashed across the sky, heavy rain intertwined, and lightning flashed.

Space is cracking.

Time is twisting.

Over the entire Immortal Ruins, it seemed as if countless past times and distant spaces were overlapping, piercing into the long river of time.

An embryo of chaotic and colorful colors suddenly lit up in the sky. Countless rules and orders of the avenues were beating in the embryo like breathing. All life in Kyushu and even the world silently raised their heads, as if the end of the origin of life was being born.


[Your Taoist companions Li Qingrou and Li Hairou are being combined. 】

Opening Taoist properties.

【Name】:? ? ?

[Template]: NPC

【Race】:? ? ?

[Main destiny]: The body of time and space (gold?): The past and present are time, and the four directions above and below are empty.

[Secondary destiny]: Innate Qi (gold?): All things in life have original Qi.

[Realm]: The third level of transcending tribulation

Above the clouds, the supreme and majestic god, the original and supreme Taoist saint who spans all the worlds, is tearing apart the embryo.

Countless rays of light shone down, and a majestic female figure slowly walked out. Her white palms seemed to hold the entire time and space, holding the greatest power in the entire world.


The whole time and space seemed to have stopped.

In the distant ancient time and space, in the thirty-three heavenly world, the Emperor of Heaven was sleeping on the throne, wearing a golden dragon robe, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Everything is as I expected."

He stretched out his hand and caught a ray of light that pierced countless time and space.

"The strongest spiritual root that surpasses all the past human history was born. The moment He appeared in history, His presence was sensed in all time and space."

"Have we finished devouring each other? My daughter, did you win or lose?"

In present time and space.

"This is the real second-generation leader of the Underworld before the history I traveled through!"

Wu Lang was sitting on a chair in the city eating melon, looking at the sky with a hint of awe in his eyes:

"She should have appeared a long time ago. Unfortunately, she was beaten to death by me before, so she didn't let them get close to her. She only temporarily fused with her now. She will have to go back later."

"so far so good."

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