After walking around, I felt that this prosperous era was very interesting.

The only flaw is that in this shop business, 99% of the winemakers, actors, and shop waiters are "clerks", non-combat professions, if they don't practice evil or engage in evil practices.

Although he has achieved immortality and can use ordinary spells, he is not specialized in combat.

These low-level cultivators are extremely powerful for mortals. They can smash down walls with one punch, which is indeed extraordinary.

But in this world, how can there be any mortals?

Everyone is at the lowest level of the Qi Refining Stage, and there have been no mortals for a long time. Or maybe everyone is still a mortal, and this market is still a common people market.

It's equivalent to everyone being promoted to another dimension, extending their lifespan, and everyone has the power to be reckless.

The gangsters in the market are still harassing the people in these low-level shops.

Officials are still maintaining law and order.

But this is also the case for low-level cultivators.

90% of the people have white or green fates, and they have stopped at the foundation building stage, which forms the city structure of the entire Kyushu land.

And what about people with stronger destiny?

Children with purple qualifications who have been tested in every city since childhood, even if you have a brewing destiny, you will be recruited into the corresponding cultivation sect.

Nowadays, how can there be a sect with great power in cultivation so quickly?

Behind these sects are traditional immortal sects.

This is also their dirty agreement with the emperor of this state.

These old rogue Human Emperors from the Human Emperor Sect were running away and preaching everywhere. The local sect really had no way to deal with them and finally blocked them. They just waved people away and called Princess Tianjie to come. After several times in a row, they suffered heavy losses. In his heart, he cursed the emperor of Jingzhou for his lack of martial ethics.

So, they both started peace talks.

They plan to be reincarnated as a backdoor, integrate into the cultivation sect, recruit disciples, and want to control the new cultivation holy land and continue to be reborn as one of the strongest immortal clans in the state.

Wu Lang didn't care about this either.

Eradicating these cancers cannot be accomplished in a day.

A single human emperor in Kyushu could not defeat the encirclement and suppression of local forces like them.

After achieving some results, you still have to compromise. Anyway, in a few hundred years, old guys like them will be boiled in warm water sooner or later and slowly be eliminated.

"They're just remnants of the old era."

Wu Lang walked on the street, muttering in his heart, "There are new systems everywhere. You can only compromise and be reincarnated."

He walked around and saw a lot of towns and countryside.

I couldn't find any trace of Ji Yun.

How strange!

The most important thing is that during this wave of walking around the mortal world, I wanted to refine my heart in the world of mortals, but I was stunned that I couldn't do it, and I couldn't think of a way to transform the "good guy card".

Instead, I found an interesting place.

Mortals on the street.

The average favorability of men is 20.

The average favorability of women is 60.


Simply terrible!

The reputation of the Emperor of Jingzhou, the founder of cultivation, has spread throughout the human race. Anyone who practices his methods and learns his ways will have a lot of favorable impressions. Women are three times as likely to be better than sixty.

This bug comes from the fact that each person has a female confidant, a close friend, and central air conditioning.

After walking for more than half a month, he still couldn't find the old woman Ji Yun, so Wu Lang could only start to shake people off.

Less than half a day.

Two local differences appear here.

They looked ecstatic about hiding their mission, looked at each other excitedly, and said in unison:

"Outer disciples of the Huangquan Sect, meet the Lord of the Seventh Peak!"

"The Holy Sect of Huangquan is invincible in all battles. The Lord of the Seventh Peak has cultivated martial virtues and will dominate the world for thousands of years!"

The slogans of the two people were loud and full of energy.


[Name]: Baboon Piggy.

[Fate]: Pointy-mouthed monkey cheeks (white), fat body prone to obesity (white)

[Cultivation]: Level 11 (one level of foundation building)


[Name]: Keyboard Master

[Fate]: ventriloquism (white), introduction to tool making (white)

[Cultivation]: Level 12 (second floor of foundation building)

"Get up."

Wu Lang glanced at the two strange disciples of the Huangquan Sect who had descended from the sky, "I, I came to Qingzhou Cultivation World to find a person, the remnant soul of a great emperor, to find out information about this person."

A piece of paper was thrown down, with the face and information on it, and the general situation.



The two of them were very excited.

Over the years, the Huangquan Sect has had more than 200,000 disciples, which has far exceeded the number of low-level disciples in the general Jiuzhou Holy Land.

It is still rapidly catching up with its peak number of several million.

At the same time, these players, once their waves are high, they secretly begin to spread all over the world again, appearing widely in Kyushu.

However, most of these disciples are just cannon fodder.

The realm is not high. The main force of players is in the Yu Kingdom, where they are crazy about the "Secret Realm of Time". The professional teams of various player guilds are so busy that they have entered the stage of transformation into gods. The duration of seclusion in the ocean of time is as long as 391 years.

As for these low-level members of various guilds, they were reincarnated here and did not have any upgrades to the Ocean Current Secret Realm. They were basically low-level players of more than ten levels (foundation period).

Their main role is to explore information from various places in Kyushu, act as undercover agents, and start trying to establish a trade guild to do some small business.

Therefore, the painting style of cultivators in Kyushu is quite normal, a fairy tale-like world of ghosts and monsters.

As for the restricted area of ​​Xianxu?


Players are everywhere, trying new technologies and developing methods of cultivation.

Cultivation flying boat, craftsman railway and assembly line manufacturing chicken bone puppets, standard magic weapon studio.

But it has to be said that many of the methods of cultivation nowadays came from the Immortal Ruins restricted area. Players researched and developed there, and the branches of various Kyushu sects secretly learned there.

This made the players instantly angry and cold. Can things get better?

Is this indigenous NPC's IQ that high? So insidious? Just know how to copy, copy, copy? Are you trying to bully us? If we resist, they will attack our people and parade through the streets to warn us.

At this point, put aside all this.

"Can you find it?" Wu Lang said: "Contribute 10,000 points."

He has deep pockets.

His fifth peak's Yin different disciples only account for a small portion.

I am the Yincha disciple of the tenth peak. I am the leader of a hundred thousand high-level mountain spirit Buddhas. I control more than seven billion mountain spirit Yincha disciples in my hands. I advance countless lives every day. A dynasty has no shortage of contribution points.

"Ten thousand??"

Players' enthusiasm was ignited.

The forum exploded.

"Damn it, you are worthy of being the boss of the Underworld Sect, this is a hidden mission!"

"Our River Crab Guild wants this contribution!"

"It belongs to us, and it can also increase the favorability of this Seventh Peak Master."

Countless evil spirits began to reincarnate in Qingzhou and started to do it directly.

Tsk tsk, it came fast enough!

Wu Lang was immediately relieved, Ji Yun had to dig three feet into the ground to get it out.

Let’s kill her first. Will Po Meng know about it later? If you know it, you will know it. If the favorability level is full, Po Meng will not do anything to her.

As for a scum like Ji Yun, Po Meng would only be surprised at most, thinking that I was just doing justice for heaven, and that the remaining soul would die as well.

To be honest, Ji Yun no longer poses a threat at all. She is just a crippled soul. If it is not about the origin of her heels, I would not bother to care about her.

Wu Lang was sitting in the reception room practicing and took a look at the forum information.

Everyone is chatting about Qingzhou and the development of the Xianxu restricted area.

Tian Kaitai: "I'm so angry. We actually lost the first guild turf competition. We can only take second place for the first peak position!"

Xiao Fumei: "Hehehe, thank you to the leader of the First Peak, Mr. Tiangou, for giving us the headquarters of the major guilds in the First Peak. We are delighted to win the first place! We occupy the best position!"

Emperor Tiangou: "By the way, the Seventh Peak Master is looking for that woman in Qingzhou? It's very weird, please pay more attention."

Xiao Die'er: "By the way, when can we go to the land of Kyushu? We are tired of staying in the Yu Country in the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness, and we are also bored in the Immortal Ruins Restricted Area."

Tian Kaitai: "Xiaodie'er is already recognized as the number one dream maker among players, how about joining me? With a monthly salary of one million, your new guild is still so weak. In the dream space, the competition team almost destroyed us."

Xiao Fumei: "It's not that we don't want to go to Kyushu. If we go to Kyushu, there will be no time secret realm, the cultivation speed will be extremely slow, and we players can't level up quickly. Wouldn't that mean we become aborigines?"

Emperor Tiangou: "Don't worry, I have a new method. If I have the opportunity to go to Kyushu in the future, I can maintain my speed."

Everyone was surprised, what method?

Screenshot, Time Coin.jpg

Emperor Tiangou: "Dang, Dang, Dang! This is Ji Fa's product. As we all know, Ji Fa is a weakened princess of the heaven. Time + space, there were two white ones at first, then green, and now it has just transformed into purple!"

"Now, Ji Fa's abilities have new changes! The main destiny is time savings, and the secondary destiny is space circle! This is my ability of directed evolution!"

"So, now everyone wants to ask, what's the use? To put it simply, these two fates have evolved directionally. Now Ji Fa can create time savings currency! He can deprive the time of his own white-feathered chicken and stuff it into this Among the time coins, one will give you ten hours of practice at a time."

"Everyone, do you want to buy your time? Do you want to speed up your practice? Hurry up and get the money! Buy your youth, buy your regret medicine!"

Everyone: "."

You are such a press.

White Feather Chicken: Now, the bones, flesh, and soul have been squeezed. Do you still want to squeeze the opponent's time? ?

You big capitalist!

"In anger, Ji Fa awakens completely, and the chicken clan rises!"

"I'm so angry and cold, can I, the white-feathered chicken, recover? Where is the promised feather country? The country named after us is squeezing our flesh and blood."

"I reserve 10,000, and I have plenty of money."

"Phew! It is estimated that in the future, the chicken-raising party will surpass the number of brick-moving parties and become a necessary task for new recruits."

Emperor Tiangou: "Hey hey hey, thank you. This is a help area on the Internet. We brainstormed to get the best answer to the evolution of destiny."

Everyone was chatting away.

Wu Lang was also speechless.

Although the development of our Huangquan Holy Sect is changing with each passing day, there is no doubt that these players are already a group of qualified and mature disciples.

Various methods of self-cultivation appeared to complete my colorful world of self-cultivation.


This Emperor Tiangou is indeed a super capitalist.

The protagonists behind Taneda-ryu all have this virtue, right?

Fortunately, I am a social animal and belong to the oppressed side, so I don't associate with such dirty people.

Tap tap tap.

At this time, two Yin Chai disciples from outside walked in.

"Senior, we have summoned three hundred disciples to reincarnate, and the number is still increasing. We are searching all over the place and gathering information."

Wu Lang put down the forum and took out the majesty of the sect elders, "It's very good. If it is completed quickly, I will give you a greater opportunity."

The two men were ecstatic and left again.

Wu Lang felt bored and suddenly touched his chin and looked at the forum again. "I have no clue about the evolution of my destiny. Maybe I can get some ideas by brainstorming on the Internet."

Help area?

He took a special look and suddenly discovered a new continent.

It has only been in retreat for a few years, but the forum is already very complete, with a help-seeking area specially designated for disciples of the Huangquan Sect to communicate with each other, ask for help, and exchange experiences.

The ones who seek the most help are:

How should your destiny develop, how should you transform, and what direction should you take?

After all, most players have a problem. How to evolve the white fate in the initial stage to have enough potential?

He observed it and decided to hide his identity and post anonymously.

"I am a beautiful woman. I am as beautiful as a fairy. I am so troubled! My talent is a man's favorability score of 300%, and it can only be effective on men. All men who see me quickly gain a favorability score of over 60. You think, how should we develop to have a future?"

"A reward of 10,000 soft girl coins is offered."

After Wu Lang finished typing, he deeply felt that disciples in the world of cultivation must have communication to have a future.

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