I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 406 The battle between good and evil, the prelude to the intrigue


Bang! Bang!

The next second, some first-level emperors who had transcended the tribulation absorbed a large amount of immortal energy into their bodies, tried to transform into immortal bodies, and transcended the tribulation and became immortals, but most of them exploded instantly without any doubt.

Turned into pools of blood mist.

After all, the lower the level, the harder it is. If your qualifications are not evil, your body will explode.

And their exploding spiritual energy, flesh and blood, strangely, gradually nourished the world in this gloomy world of the underworld and transformed into more immortal energy.

This is the specialness and horror of this world.

Any mortal spiritual energy will be tempered by the supreme rule artifact in the "fairy world" and "underworld" and become a higher-level immortal energy.

In this advanced world, there is no such thing as low-level spiritual energy.

And as a large number of people who became immortals died, the more and more majestic spiritual energy of flesh and blood turned into immortal energy, supplying countless strong people present to become immortals.

"You people are so vicious!"

At this time, Xing Hanhan walked out of the gate of Huangquan Sect, looked at these people squatting on Huangquan Road and Naihe Bridge, and shouted:

"Suggest your disciples to die! If you succeed, it will be transformed into the fighting power of your own lineage. If you fail, it will be transformed into immortal energy, so that you can quickly become immortals!"

"You people actually dare to enter my underworld of Huangquan Sect directly, and occupy a place in our sect with great fanfare to become an immortal!"

Xing Hanhan was furious, "Disciples, come on! Kill all these intruders for me! Kill one and contribute 10,000 points to the sect's combat strength!"



Countless Huangquan Sect disciples swarmed in.


"The bosses have spoken. If you kill one of them, the reward will be 30,000 yuan!"

"I'll go! The tycoon in the online game "Ghost of the Underworld" is rich, so go ahead!"

"Interfering with their sermons!"

These Huangquan Sect disciples used some vicious means to encourage the monks who had completed the integration stage, and temporarily promoted them to the level of transcending tribulation to start fighting.

Even a large number of monks in the integration stage began to sacrifice their lives to interfere with the tribulation of these tribulation-transmitting monks.

At this moment, countless people in the Holy Land were speechless.

Are these animals going to interfere with their becoming immortals even if they risk their lives? ?

Is it more painful to see oneself live well than to let them die? ?

"How dare they?" A new-generation Tribulation Emperor opened his mouth wide, obviously he had never seen the world.

"You don't understand, this Huangquan Sect disciple has the same mental problem as the Shitianfu disciples." A monk kindly introduced.

Some people were shocked and angry: "Sure enough, the disciples of Huangquan Sect have brain problems. They are not selfish, but they are willing to sacrifice themselves for others. They are united to such an extent that they kill and self-destruct one after another."

The monks in the Tribulation Stage in major holy places were extremely uncomfortable, and their complexions were sallow and ugly.

These crazy people.

And what are they most exaggerated about?

These disciples had just died, and then reappeared at the "resurrection point" and quickly entered the battlefield again. This was to wipe out their true spirits!

They fought on their own and were resurrected so quickly.

"Damn it!"

Not only these people who are in the period of transcending the tribulation, but those who are the Perfect Emperor and the daughter of the Daoyan Sect are also secretly complaining.

In the past hundred years or so, the younger generation of heads of various holy places and upper emperors have basically entered the supreme emperor level, and the number is not small.

The female sect leader of the Taoyan Sect: "These people are very smart! They are crazy about self-destruction and harassing us to transcend the tribulation period and become immortals!!"

Another Buddhist elder, the Supreme Emperor of Perfection, also had a look of pain on his face: "After all, the six paths of reincarnation have been perfected. With our combat power, we can no longer stop the six paths of reincarnation from fishing for people! They can be resurrected in front of our supreme emperor!"

"How hateful! Are they trying to imitate the Emperor of Jingzhou and use the weak to defeat the strong?"

"They are keeping their people within the sect to become immortals. When they become immortals, even if they are on the fourth level of Tribulation Transcendence and then on the fourth level of Earth Immortal, it will be easy to beat us mortals to the Perfect Emperor!"

"They are fighting on their own. They have long expected that we will invade. They use their lives to delay us while they themselves prove the truth."

"Immortal, you can sweep across our Kyushu."

Everyone was a little panicked.

This move was too insidious and made them extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, everyone looked at one of the members of the Righteous Alliance, the Emperor of Jingzhou, "Your Excellency, what do you think?"

Wu Lang was eating grapes just now, and now he came over to show off.

After all, if he didn't come, it would be easy to make people suspicious.

This kind of momentum, the whole world has become an immortal, is the pinnacle of my cultivation, the beginning of the prosperous era, the emperor of Jingzhou will not come? This is too outrageous. The boss at the end of the level is hidden in the crowd. They probably can't beat me at this level. It is estimated that most players will be disappointed in this first level.

"I don't know what to do."

Wu Lang showed a wry smile and was very helpless: "I am only at the first level of transcending tribulation. I was about to attain enlightenment and try to become the first level of Earth Immortal when I was interrupted by disciples of the Underworld Sect with brain problems. The Lord of the Seventh Peak interrupted me. , using such a vicious plan to harass us and other immortals is disgusting."

Everyone took a look.

The emperor of Jingzhou looked like a miserable master.

You are usually the one with the most clever ideas, why are you suddenly so quiet now?

When Jingzhou beats us, he punches hard, and when he goes out with us to beat others, he is just submissive? How can I use you as an ally? ? Could it be that this is what those Yin Chai disciples said: Darkening is ten thousand times stronger, whitening is three times weaker?


Wu Lang looked at the people around him with strange expressions, and couldn't help but put forward a pertinent opinion:

"At this point, we can only ask most of the disciples to give up on enlightenment and protect us, the core experts, so that we can achieve enlightenment."

"The whole sermon was interrupted, so why not abandon the chariot to save the commander? Otherwise, if this continues, the Lord of the Shitian Mansion, the Lord of the White Bones, this group of people within the sect, and even the emperor of the fourth level of the Huangquan Sect's Tribulation, will all become immortals. "

"With the three great demon sects becoming immortals, we Jiuzhou righteous monks will definitely lose!"

"Even I, the Emperor of Jingzhou, the sage who ushered in the era of cultivation, will be enslaved by his three demon sects and turned into a puppet emperor. The world will fall into a dark age, the sun and the moon will lose light, and the people will suffer."

Wu Lang said with a look of pain.

This is not unacceptable. The Demon Sect won, and in the eyes of the world, he, the Emperor of Jingzhou, became a puppet. Anyway, he won, and it would be easier to hide his identity as a gangster.

If the righteous path wins, and I, the Emperor of Jingzhou, win, it is not impossible to seize the Seventh Peak Master and the Huangquan Sect as puppets, and use the "Hell Palace Lord" and his like to command the six paths of reincarnation.

They were even more speechless upon hearing this.

Everyone protects the Tao and becomes an immortal. This plan is so perfect, how could they not think of it?

I just don’t want to give up most of my strength.

In the same realm, everyone has just become an immortal, so they are very afraid of being surrounded and suppressed by numbers. No matter how many immortals there are, a large number will seriously affect the outcome.

However, it seems that the Emperor of Jingzhou is indeed deified and is not omnipotent. There are times when he is powerless.

But they don't dare to underestimate it. With the balance of all things, the slower the practice, the more abundant the foundation. He will be able to transcend the first level of tribulation and be at least comparable to the mid-level emperor.

In the battle at the Great Leiyin Temple, those two women were able to kill the middle emperor on the second level of the Tribulation. The Emperor of Jingzhou was insidious. Maybe he could be as good as the upper emperor on the first level of the Tribulation.

This man was insidious and loved fishing and showing weakness to his enemies. He had regarded them as important enemies before they came and had to guard against them.

"Everyone of you, protect us from becoming enlightened!"

Suddenly, everyone started to take command, and these leaders said to the emperors behind them.

Wu Lang also turned around, bent down and bowed to the old emperor, the old Buddha emperor, "Please two seniors take action to protect our way."

"It's natural."

The two men nodded slowly and sighed: "It's just that, as a result, the number of immortals on our righteous path has dropped sharply. The immortals from their three major demon sects have gradually caught up with the number of strong men from our major sects in Kyushu. Wonderful."

"That's all." Wu Lang said sternly: "But there is no need to worry. There are hundreds of our Jiuzhou sect. The number is small. If we encircle and suppress their three major demon sects, we will still have a large numerical advantage!"

He spoke righteously.

"I hope so." The two men sighed.

They are too old and hanging on for dear life. They will definitely not be able to survive the catastrophe of becoming immortals. It is almost impossible for their old and broken bodies to absorb the immortal energy and transform into immortal bodies.

Their protection is the best choice.

"The main force of our Jingzhou lineage, let's become an immortal."

Wu Lang looked at Evil Buddha Emperor, Li Qingrou, and Li Hairou behind him.

And, there are a hundred female disciples of the Baixiao Sect who have just managed to break through, and their cultivation speed is only at the level of Tribulation Transcendence, which is quite satisfactory compared to other geniuses.

"You guy??"

When the others saw it, they suddenly looked bad.

There are dozens of tribulation cannon fodder and lower emperors under our command. After all, the Holy Land has been focusing on cultivating the new generation for hundreds of years, but at this time, more than half of them are used to protect ourselves and some core members.

As a result, there are two old-time guardians on your side who actually protect all of you. No matter how weak you are at the level of Tribulation Transcendence, you can all become immortals?

Their other major factions’ expressions turned bad on the spot:

Your feelings are none of your business. Did you just casually come up with an idea to help them weaken the combat power of our Righteous Alliance? ? Increase the number of immortals in your Jingzhou?

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