I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 416 The outcome of victory or defeat


Wu Lang's eyes fell on the giant god Panwang in the distance.

They even imprisoned and arrested the old man who helped them transfer time and space.

Obviously, in Pan Wang's eyes, the other party has no effect.

Listening to his words will only make you constrained. It is better to attack him directly first. After all, he is the back-up man of the Emperor of Heaven in the mortal world, so as not to benefit him in the end.

"Now, there is no past and future, other time and space is the battlefield between you and me!" King Pan laughed heartily, full of fighting spirit.

Boom boom boom!

Wu Lang was dizzy, as if he had been thrown into a blender and beaten like crazy.

This monster!

This was the only thought left in his mind.

There is no doubt that he has exhausted all his cards and still cannot defeat this monster.

His life evolved under constant despair and pressure.

The three supreme rules are life, time and space.

Sure enough, the supreme rules are still terrifying.

He may have gathered the other three thousand avenues to have a chance to fight with them, but now that he has insufficient background, he is still not as good as him.

He is no longer his opponent. Is it possible that the other party is indeed his true destiny, the great emperor of life, King Pan, who rules the underworld?

Are you just a stepping stone, a sidekick?


His head was pushed into the void by King Pan.

"The last trump card has been exhausted." Wu Lang murmured to himself, "I can only use the next last trump card."

The other party was really frightened to the extreme, forcing himself to use this backhand that he didn't want to use - Xing Hanhan.


next moment.

This ancestral emperor of cultivation left the battlefield and kept retreating to avoid King Pan.

"You are very good and worthy of me using the fourth form."

The emperor glanced at him after saying these words, "The fourth combat form, I hope you can take the next step."


King Pan's eyes darkened.

I never imagined that the opponent would have any new forms or new trump cards.

In his opinion, it is only right to use everything that can be used.

"This move brings together all the arts of the world to kill terror, escape into the void, merge with the universe, and transform into the world. It is called the Thread of Life."

The Emperor of Jingzhou said calmly.

"Sounds very powerful." King Pan was slightly wary.


next moment.

A delicate and sharp thin line suddenly cut across.

"That's it?" He was about to dodge this attack, but his consciousness suddenly paused in the next second, and his head stopped obeying him.


King Pan's head was suddenly cut off by the thin wire, and his head fell to the ground.

As the flesh and blood squirmed and reorganized, and the head quickly returned, King Pan was shocked and said curiously:

"What did you just do? The fusion of heaven and earth must have imprisoned this sky. My whole body is stiff, my head doesn't obey, and I can't hide!"

Wu Lang's gaze swept across King Pan's entire body: "How can a giant like you, who knows brute strength, guess this method? This is the pinnacle of skill."

King Pan was suddenly shocked.

Indeed, the emperor of Jingzhou knew everything and practiced everything.

Even if the civilization of today's era is much higher than that of Jingzhou before, the world still can't decipher the unique skills of the past. In the land of Jingzhou, the emperor of Jingzhou suddenly appeared at random and ambushed a group of monks in the integration stage who were preparing to become emperor.

Now the opponent's skills are indeed too high for him to see through!

"But, that's why you're worthy of a fight." King Pan laughed, feeling like the blood in his whole body was about to burn.


The two sides collided again.

King Pan's head was cut dozens of times in an instant, his whole body continued to stiffen, and he fell into an unknown imprisonment.

Pan Wang couldn't understand this move.

But he still evolved crazily in despair, and the old man imprisoned in his body borrowed his power and became a part of his body.


He began to have new abilities.

Peep into and travel through part of the past and future.

"I am invincible." King Pan roared, "I have traveled through time and the future!"


The head was chopped off.

"I can't lose again." He said angrily, "I am constantly evolving."


The head was chopped off.


He began to die and travel continuously, losing a lot of energy, but he was unable to decipher the details of the opponent's moves.

"Damn it! Damn it!" King Pan roared, waving the ax in his hand, "The greatness of life lies in unyielding, I will not be defeated."


The head was broken off at the sound.

The Emperor of Jingzhou walked forward step by step with his hands behind his back, "This is my secret move. It is upright and can seal the throat with one strike. How can you, an evil god who uses external force to fuse, be comparable? Can you guess it?"

The two sides swelled together crazily again.

This battle lasted for more than ten days. The heaven and earth continued to shake. Darkness covered the sky. The people of the entire Kyushu could not sleep. They could only pray with their hands together, hoping that the sage who opened up the era for them would be able to win.

Various earth cities.

"Please, Emperor, we must win."

"The demon sect is in power and will surely destroy all living beings."

The sounds of wailing and fear continued to fill the air, and the people could only continue to pray and offer insignificant strength.


Countless netizens of "Underworld Ghosts" are watching this battle.

This is the start of a new expansion pack for the main plot. This battle will affect the distribution of the entire Kyushu for countless thousands of years.

"Winning or losing, it's a great feeling anyway."

"Yes, we have a sense of participation. This game designer is so awesome that he allowed us, as weak players, to participate in this way. All major professional teams and top players have entered Pangu Titans. The future is decided by us. !”

"Defeat the Emperor of Jingzhou! Capture him and give him to the rich woman!"

"We can win!"

Countless people are posting about it.

In the Great Leiyin Temple.

"We will definitely win."

Looking at the gloomy sky, Xiao Yuer and Liang Yunmeng were worried.

Looking back on the past, it had only been two hundred years since the development of Jingzhou. The weak foundation-building monk in the cave who was surrounded by the world had reached the pinnacle of the mortal world in the blink of an eye, fighting for hegemony for the world for an era.

She was filled with pride and pride.

Under the attention of all the people of Kyushu, the vibration in the sky suddenly stopped.

"What is that??" The void seemed to be covered by mist, and all the people in Kyushu raised their heads and seemed to see the battlefield in the mist.

In the mist, a giant god of war holding a giant ax had his head cut off in an instant. His unyielding body slowly fell to the ground, instantly smashing the earth and raising endless dust.

Everything is completely over.

The so-called victory or defeat is never fair and square, only the winner and the loser.

When the giant fell, the entire land of Kyushu cheered, and countless people put up lanterns and lit up light bulbs.


"We finally won!"

"Era will remember this scene. The Emperor of Jingzhou challenged the entire Demon Sect alone and created a miracle to save the world!"

"Our emperor has gone through countless desperate situations, and the enemy is countless times stronger, but we have never been defeated! We have never had an opponent in our life!"

Everyone cheered.

Wu Lang looked down and looked at the entire collapsed giant god, "The underworld of Huangquan has risen to this day, and I am in charge of it."


The collapsed giant body nourished the entire underworld and the eighteen levels of hell.

Flesh and blood nourished and evolved into countless creatures.

The bones turned into countless metal mines, the meridians turned into countless immortal grasses, and the skin turned into woods covering the earth.

As for the last souls, all the losers lined up again on the Huangquan Road, waiting for the final judgment.

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