I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 423 Crossing the Immortal Realm

This certain meaning really develops according to myth.

Immortal world, the Emperor of Heaven, the jade plate of creation.

The human world, the human emperor, the list of gods.

The underworld, the earth behind, the six paths of reincarnation.

The Buddhist world is incomplete.

Not to mention myself, from now on Empress Tu will stand up and carry the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and she will probably be able to hit the Emperor of Heaven’s jade disc of creation!

after all.

Time and life are one of the three supreme laws of equality.

"But, waiting for my natal magic weapon, it will take a long, long time for Hou Tu to stand up before he can reach that peak!"

Wu Lang sighed in his heart.

Enough potential, not enough time.

Ultimately, I still envy the speed of time in the fairy world.

The Immortal Realm has only been developed for thirty-three days, and it has developed from its establishment to its peak, and then to its fall.

If I could borrow the power of the Emperor of Heaven's time to raise Hou Tu and the God List, accelerate and kill him in an instant, and develop into the realm of a saint above the same Daluo, I would be unable to kill him if I beat the few with more. ? ?

"You still have to go to the fairy world to take advantage."

Wu Lang secretly formulated development policies:

"When Houtu is raised, she may have to go to the fairy world to develop! There are other gods of heaven and earth. If there is hope, they will also go to the fairy world. After all, they seem to be just some kind of demons who are enlightened, and ordinary people It’s because we can’t find out the truth.”

After formulating a strategy, Wu Lang sent away Xing Hanhan, who was vomiting bitterness, and began to study this technique.

Three years later.

Wu Liang reluctantly understood it and began to change these fates into women.

Four in total.

Flesh and blood, skin, meridians, bones, and the soul can be replaced by the soil itself.

And the other side.

After these three years of preparation, the first batch of Yinsha Pioneer spy teams began to kill the fairy world.


[Your disciples Xu Xinying, Liu Ping, Yun Rong, friend Mu Jiqiu, and senior sister Xing Hanhan are sneaking into the fairy world. 】


[Your secret disciples, Emperor Tiangou, Xiaodie'er, Tian Kaitai, Xiao Fumei, and Ji Fa, are trying to sneak into the fairy world. 】

Earth, in the community.

Wu Lang and Liang Yunmeng were having dinner and holding a family meeting.

"Dad, Mom, I didn't mean to lie to you." Xiaodie'er hesitated, not expecting that she was a professional gamer and was exposed.

"Oh, my girl has grown up! You have been smart since you were a child. If you want to become a professional gamer, I won't stop you."

Wu Lang sighed and touched his daughter's little head, "You are promising. You can play games better than us and make more money than your parents. But you must study well and do it well! You can't lose your ambition by playing with things. If you imitate the big brother next door, That’s a bad thing!”


Liang Yunmeng also nodded, taking it seriously, "Our daughter must not be bad at studying. Look at the children next door. They are so nerdy and figurative all the time. They can't imitate that disgusting look!"

"I understand! I will definitely work hard!"

Xiao Die'er waved her little fist and said seriously: "By the way, the game version has been updated recently, and a new map has appeared. The mortal map has been capped at level 80. We, the professional team, are going to open up wasteland on the new fairyland map."

Now on the forum, everyone is very happy.

After all, in the land of Kyushu, they didn't achieve anything because Jing Tianzi developed too fast, united the people's hearts, and promoted the era. They followed behind and didn't even get a drink of soup.

And here?

Now it's their turn to grow!

The Emperor of Jingzhou cannot come here. It is their turn to use their new ideas to be the leaders of that era, overthrow the lofty fairy clan, and show their strength. This is the real freedom. The sea is vast and the sky is high. Birds fly.


Spreading new ideas here and overthrowing the immortal clan of the Emperor of Heaven is a little bit more difficult than the emperor of Jingzhou overthrowing the mortal clan of immortals.


Countless players are discussing with great interest in the forum:

Hide the growth inside first and stay quiet.

"Oh, are you going to a new map? The two of us are also going to the Immortal World map recently." Wu Lang said.


Xiao Die'er was surprised, "Mom and dad, are you also qualified?"

She had been hiding her identity before, so she had no way to find out her parents' IDs in the game. Who would have thought that her parents were also good gamers?

To know.

This time on the new map, the fairyland is opened, with only a thousand people.

"The two of us are definitely not as good as you."

Wu Lang smiled and said: "I am a top Sanren player, and your mother is a life player. She grows flowers, raises her daughter and so on."

Not to mention Wu Lang, Liang Yunmeng is also an emperor.

Although not as good as a group of top monsters of that era, her qualifications are definitely among the top among players.

"Then let's finish our meal and log into the game quickly!"

"Okay, wait for your mother to wash the dishes."

"Mom, let me help you wash the dishes!" She happily ran to the kitchen.

After a while, a warm family of three logged into the game, gathered together, and were sent to the fairy world by the merging empress to sneak away.


After sneaking through, the restricted area of ​​​​the fairyland began to close.

The players, together with Wu Lang's disciples, fell into a forest in the fairyland, surrounded by greenery and a vast wilderness.

"This is how we parted."

At this time, Yun Rong looked at the people around her and said, "We have been away from the sect for a long time. We should go back quickly to avoid suspicion."

"That's right." Liu Ping said.

Mu Jiqiu and Xu Xinying entered a well-known decent sect. The leader was a peak celestial being and a half-step golden immortal. It was a local sect that was neither big nor small.

Liu Ping worshiped the rebels and became fierce!

It was full of white lotus flowers and green tea. He took to it like a fish in water, and it was said that the person behind this magical cave was a great Luo.

And what about Yun Rong?

As a Cloud and Mist Demon, she found her own clan in the Heaven Realm and was raised as a younger generation in the Cloud and Mist Demon's lineage. Now, behind the scenes of the Cloud and Mist Demon's clan, there is also the support of Da Luo from her own clan.

She has three eyes, which are extremely powerful auxiliary talents even in the fairy world. She can see through illusions and hunt for treasures, so she is a genius of the younger generation.

Wow! !

"Let's leave each other and contact each other secretly!" After each disciple said goodbye and left, he turned into a stream of light and left.

Wu Lang and Liang Yunmeng suddenly looked a little strange. They didn't care about the departure of several disciples, but looked around.

He asked the player to secretly send his disciples to come to the fairy world to open up territory. The bigger reason is that he wanted to come here to see the player's identity.

Who is not curious about the legendary fairyland, thirty-three days?

After taking a closer look, the environment is indeed good.

Green water and green mountains, the air is much fresher, very comfortable, and the fairy spirit is extremely strong. No wonder everyone wants to ascend.

Because the per capita level here is high, the fertility rate is low, and the land is vast and sparsely populated, it seems quite wealthy.

When Wu Lang, who was used to being poor, saw this place the first time he saw it, he immediately wanted to release an army of mountain spirits. They would bloom everywhere in the Thirty-three Days and let them experience the pain of poverty in the fairy world.

Of course.

Just think about it.

The Tribulation Emperor in the mortal world is unable to deal with the mountain spirits everywhere. How could the gods and gods in the sky not be able to deal with them?

"Is this the fairy world?"

Liang Yunmeng took a deep breath, her face full of intoxication, and said with emotion: "It's much better than our underworld. I feel like my pores are opened. When I go to the fairy world, I suddenly feel like I don't want to come down to earth again. The air in the mortal world is full of garbage. and dust.”

Wu Lang bent down and grabbed a piece of fairy grass, "The fairy grass that was finally obtained in the mortal world grows everywhere here. It's really a one-dimensional difference."

Really rich!

This is the horror of the fairy world of time. You can get the fairy grass of any age if you want it.

No wonder all of them in Versailles are all at the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal, the ninth level of the Celestial Immortal, and the ninth level of the Golden Immortal. There are no intermediate levels at all.

Resources on the path to spiritual practice? time? ? Non-existence, epiphany, is the only difficulty that blocks their great realm.

Wu Lang was filled with envy when he saw it, heaven on earth, perfect utopia, every monk's ideal hometown.

But he has an advantage in time, and I also have an advantage in the underworld. I can resurrect reincarnation, steal his house, and use the WiFi in the fairy world.

While Wu Lang and Liang Yunmeng were chatting and studying together under a big tree, in the distance, a group of professional vanguards of players on the prairie had already finished exploring the terrain.

Each of these guilds are small experts in hell-level dungeons, and they are careful and rigorous.

"Come on, little ones!"

The disciples ran away, and only Xing Hanhan and his party were left. She shouted and looked at the rebel disciple Emperor Tiangou next to her with great dissatisfaction, "Start setting up camp!"

Emperor Tiangou sighed, "Get ready and start digging holes! And start raising chickens! The white-feathered chickens raised in the fairy world must be better!"

"Eat his resources and raise chickens!" Emperor Tiangou was also a bandit and had the same idea as Wu Lang.

Wu Lang wanted to release the mountain spirit, so he released the white-feathered chicken.

"Pay attention to the giant squid, there is also an ocean in the fairy world! Be a mount in the future!"

"The new batch of partners on the road to hell, where are the hornets? The queen bees are also ready!" The hornets are the fourth earthly creature to enter the underworld.

"Architecture players gather!"

"Go, go, go!"

"Let the natives of the fairy world be severely beaten by our players! Let them see the horror of the fourth natural disaster!"

"Exploring the surrounding sects, Huangquan disciples began to insert themselves, taking the spy route, and they were everywhere!"

Everyone took action quickly.

"Mom and Dad, we are going to compete with a professional team." At this time, Xiao Die'er, who ran over to recognize her relatives, was reluctant to leave.


Wu Lang smiled tenderly, waved his hand under the tree, and said goodbye to her: "Go, don't make it difficult for your friends."


Xiao Die'er quickly followed the large army.

Wu Lang and Liang Yunmeng were also happy to experience life.

The two of them helped build and dig holes in "Underworld Ghost" while studying the fairy world.

While the two were relaxing, Liang Yunmeng asked: "Is it really good to raise a daughter like this? This is not the true body. Our good daughter's true body has not practiced cultivation on earth and is just a primary school student."

"Isn't this bad?"

Wu Lang thinks it's pretty good.

There was no pressure to inherit Kyushu and be the daughter of a sage, and she had a happy childhood.

As for the time sacrificed?

Even though she hasn't practiced yet, with the player's understanding and experience, once the body begins to practice, it will be very fast.

"What about these underhanded disciples of the Huangquan Sect in front of you?" Liang Yunmeng hesitated, "Will something happen?"

Wu Lang was very calm, "Don't worry, these are all professional players this time. It's very scary to have a professional meal and not be afraid of death, like a ruthless and perfect mechanical tool man."

How many professional players in the gaming industry are there on earth?

Everyone knows it.

Monsters are everywhere, and not everyone can play professionally with their brain power, operation skills, and reflexes.

And unlike the natives, they are not afraid of death. They are truly perfect tool people.

These mortal players could not develop before because they logged in too late, which brought some crisis to themselves later on.

Such as King Pan, who almost killed Wu Lang.

Now that it has fully developed, the fairy world itself still has to rely on these strange and underhanded disciples to help it conquer the world.

"The Immortal Realm is the battlefield where they officially show off their edge." Wu Lang chuckled softly.

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