I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 443 Descend from the Immortal World

But the culprit returned to the cave again.

After eliminating his heel and legs this time, he felt relaxed and less tired, so he started to work overtime crazily to practice again.

Do not ask.

Asking means working overtime.

Under such favorable conditions at the right time and place, a bunch of female golden immortals adventured in the fairy world, died several times, and frantically earned resources to feed themselves. They also had a "time cave". Only by cultivating crazily could they be worthy of themselves.

If he could, he would work overtime until the end of time.

Go out and hang out?


Don't leave the mountain until you reach Daluo.

He didn't catch himself parading around the streets anymore. He felt that his life was not very comfortable, and even his cultivation levels had soared a lot under his guidance.

A year has passed.

Seven levels of immortality.

Still no breakthrough, obviously the speed has slowed down.

"It's estimated that it will take two years to break through to a new level, and it's slowing down again." He breathed a sigh of relief with some regret, and looked at the outside world again.


[Your god, the leader of Taoism, begins to connect the three eastern continents, bridge the barriers, build bridges, and level the restricted areas! 】


[Your god, the leader of Buddhism, began to connect the three southern continents, move mountains and fill the sea, build roads, and open up the barriers between the three continents. 】


[Your god, the leader of the divine religion, began to establish mechanization, industrial revolution, gunners, mechanics, build airships, form flights, and open up the gap between the three continents. 】

Wu Lang took a look.

All three clearly know how to thrive.

This move will benefit the present generation and benefit the future.

In ancient times, Kyushu was originally a continent. When the meteorite from the fairy world fell, it split into Kyushu and the continental plates drifted.

It is not that the great tribulation emperors of the Kyushu Immortal World did not want to restore prehistory, but unfortunately they were all mortals and could do nothing.

Nowadays, these immortal gods have the power to move mountains and reclaim seas, so they can accomplish this great feat.

Wu Lang glanced at it for a few times and then glanced at the fairy world.

Fighting also broke out over there, with the upper and lower heavens fighting for twenty-three days, forming a small-scale team battle.

This kind of small-scale fighting often happens in the Thirty-three Immortal Heavens. Daluo Daojun are at odds with each other, and they fight every tens or hundreds of millions of years.

But he still couldn't be bothered.

That guy attracts targets, and it's normal to get beaten. It buys him time to develop.

He took out his novels and books to pass the time, read forums, and watched TV series on Earth, living a leisurely life.

After a year's rest, he went into retreat again.

A year has passed.

The eighth level of heaven!

Feeling that his realm was improving steadily and rapidly, he had no doubt that he could quickly catch up with the first echelon of combat power and kill the Golden Immortal.

Wu Lang also felt that it was going too smoothly.

Somewhat uneasy.

“It’s only natural that I’ve grown so fast, with abundant resources and enough time.”

Wu Lang pondered, "But this went so well that it made me feel a little incompetent. No one arrested me and paraded me on the street? Are you causing trouble for me and really letting me develop silently and catch up with the speed of the human world as fast as the heaven?"

This may be due to persecutory delusions.

Think about it, how could he arrest me?

The Emperor of Heaven does not know his position on the timeline. Without the old man who should be there, he cannot locate the specific time period in the future.

How did he do himself?

"I think too much." Wu Lang stretched.


[Your gods, the leaders of the three religions, have joined forces to activate the ocean currents and springs in the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness - the Immortal Ruins Restricted Area. The purpose is not to bombard the springs again to trigger a great flood, but to use the power of the gods to organize the ocean currents and introduce them into one channel after another. The river flows into the land, creating a small time cave. 】


[Your leader of the three religions, his luck has greatly increased, and the chaotic ocean of time has been turned into his own use. Although it is far inferior to the "Time Cave", the infrastructure of the fairy world, it is enough for the people at the bottom to begin to enter the development period. 】


[Your three religions unify the world and plan the world. The world plus the Immortal Ruins restricted area in the north of the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness are called the four continents, Nanming Buddha Continent, Dongsheng Dao Continent, Xifan Shen Continent, and Beiju Immortal Continent. 】

Ah this?

It’s no exaggeration to say that things are changing with each passing day.

Wu Lang laughed dumbly.

Changes occur every day. The leaders of the three religions have joined forces to plan the rules and order of the mortal world. It is estimated that it will take some time before the pattern is completely stabilized.

After Wu Lang took a few glances, he started chasing after him again.

He spent a year cultivating his body and mind, and as a dignified Taoist ancestor, he even went to fight landlords and mahjong with the people on the earth's Internet.

Suddenly, he had a new idea.


After this earth, there are still enough entertainment facilities. It is my leisure and amusement park, which is good for relaxing.

The other side.


Beiju Xianzhou.

As the former Immortal Ruins restricted area, this place has become a neutral continent.

The seven stalwart figures suddenly fell into the earth. The terrifying aura in their bodies instantly subsided, and they looked around.

"Did we survive? Did we successfully descend to the next world?"

The seven figures showed incredible joy, "This is the distant future, the present world we have come to."

They hugged each other and cried with joy.

No one knows what they went through and how lucky they were.

They recalled the desperate scene in the fairy world before.


Thirty-third supreme heaven.

Time, go back to a previous stage.

The Emperor of Heaven instantly sensed the emergence of the ultimate fate, "The underworld has been built, and the war should begin."

But when the rule artifact is built, all past and future timelines will sense the changes in the avenue.

A divine general next to him immediately spoke: "Your Majesty, General Phoenix, as your strongest back-up in the mortal world, will solve all this."

Phoenix God General is the old man who has returned to the past.

As long as the chance of winning is not 0, he will definitely have a chance to win. They can't imagine anyone in the future who can escape the calculation of this terrifying existence.

No matter how powerful the genius of the era is, the opponent can still find a way to win by loading and returning again and again.

"No, General Phoenix has failed."

On the throne of God, the majestic figure of the Emperor of Heaven spoke slowly:

"Don't you know yet? If he wins, he will return to prehistory and come to see me in the next second. No matter how long he goes through in the future, it will only be a moment to us."

"He lost, he actually lost." The Emperor of Heaven looked calm and said words that were quite unbelievable among other generals.

Everyone was surprised.

No one could have imagined that he would lose or how he would lose.

"Execute the second plan." The Emperor turned and left, "Sure enough, he has calculated everything for eternity and planned many back-up plans, but there is still a deviation?"


Several god generals behind him quickly replied.

They came to caves covered in ice and snow.

The time here seals powerful figures.

Each of them is the strongest existence in the era, with great talent, and there are more than 100,000 people, frozen in the ice of time.


Over a long period of time, even the most powerful people with unparalleled qualifications will become more and more numerous. The Thirty-three Heavenly World has already reached the end of its own civilization, and the number of powerful people has even reached its limit.

Every statue here is a majestic existence of the Golden Immortal Dzogchen.

The ninth level of the Golden Immortal and the Great Perfection of the Golden Immortal are completely two realms.

Just like the ninth level of transcending tribulations and the great perfection of transcending tribulations, they are two realms with extremely different combat capabilities, corresponding to earth immortals and mysterious immortals respectively. The reason why both are stuck in the transcending tribulations stage is because they cannot become immortals.

The reason why the ninth level of the Golden Immortal and the Golden Immortal Dzogchen are stuck in the same Golden Immortal realm is for similar reasons, because they do not have Dao Fruit seats.

They are Ronaldo's backup.

This kind of state is called in the heaven: Half-stepping King.

As long as a Daluo who practices his own rules falls, they can instantly condense their own rules into Dao fruits, master their own rules and order of the Dao, and directly enter the realm of Daluo.

There are more than 100,000 Daluo successors!

They can urgently replace Da Luo and prove Da Luo at any time after his death. You can imagine how terrifying the fairy world is today.

A golden immortal has an extremely long lifespan. As time goes by, it is inevitable that there will be as many golden immortals as dogs.

And these numbers are still the numbers cultivated by the Emperor of Heaven's official heaven. If you add in the various folk sects in the thirty-three days, there will be even more.

The Emperor of Heaven is too lazy to save so many, and spends resources to maintain them. Most of them are left to die of old age. If the tens of billions of years are really counted, the number of half-step masters who are sealed and sleeping here will increase countless times.

But now, among the 100,000 figures, a full 70,000 have been directly awakened.


"Meet the divine general!"

Seventy thousand figures formed an army, extremely neat.

The god general said: "There are seventy thousand of you. Your Majesty will put seven of you into groups and send them to various future eras according to the timeline to find the existence of [this world]."

The figures were silent.

"You should know that once you do not come to the [present world], but come to the past or future of the [present world] era, even if it is only a few tens of thousands of years away, you will be immediately eliminated by time because of your attempt to greatly distort the long river of time. The terrifying corrective power of the long river squeezes the past and the future."

"Of the 70,000 of you here, only seven will survive and enter [this world]. Little guys, your survival rate is one in 10,000." The god general smiled scornfully.

"But you have no choice."

"It is the seal given to you by the Emperor of Heaven that has allowed you to survive until now. You are the group that arrived in this world, looking for the princess of the heaven of that era, and the existence that opened up the era, and communicated with the immortal world. You will become the Taoist Lord of that era."

"You may even have the opportunity to become the husband of the Female Heavenly Emperor and His Majesty's son-in-law. The opportunity of the times is there, go and fight for it."

One word after another, it fell on everyone's mind.


they whispered.

The Emperor of Heaven is a cautious person, and this is the strongest combat power he can use. Even if the half-footed king sacrifices a lot, most people will not be able to reach their destination, and it is nothing more than a trivial matter in his eyes.

As for the real Taoist masters, who have already proven the Tao and condensed the Taoist fruition status, they can naturally be transported back to the past. But Taoist masters are rare, so they have to fight for a survival rate of 1/10,000?

What should I do if I return to the present past and am overwhelmed by the power of time correction and die?

The probability is too low.

Time returns to the present.

These seven half-foot-stepping monarchs glanced around, showing a hint of complexity, and said softly:

"We have finally reached the lower realm. If we survive, it means that the other 70,000 strong men have fallen and been squeezed out by the long river of time."

They looked at this continent, "Is this the mortal land tens of billions of years later? An area of ​​the human world that is only recorded in ancient classics?"

"Gentlemen, if someone is coming, please hide first." A half-walker said slowly.

No one can deny it.

What they want is absolute victory.

It is true that any one of the Half-Step Masters can crush this era. They are completely suppressive-level combat forces, crushing all the new generations in the world.

But even so, they do not intend to expose themselves. They must first ascertain the information and be cautious before proceeding.

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