I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 457 Daluo Ancestor Sutra

Wu Lang glanced at the two of them.

"They have no start-up capital, so they can only collect some oil and water from me to create a small cave world and cut off their golden immortal clones to venture into the fairy world to collect resources."

After thinking about it for a while, I took advantage of it and let them go.

When they develop and they can form a team and begin harvesting the wool from the Immortal Realm, then they will be able to strengthen our forces in the Human Realm.

He closed his eyes and continued practicing:

"All the gods under my command have entered the Golden Immortal Realm for a long time, and there need to be more. Only with a hundred Dharma Intentions completed can I enter the Golden Immortal Realm after them."

Western Earth Era 9012.

After the goddess of immortality was defeated on her birthday that year, she fell into endless penance, isolated from the world, and had little control from the outside world.

And with the blessing of the Scepter of Truth, among the beliefs of the gods, and with the rapid cultivation speed of the belief system, she finally stepped into the ninth level of the Golden Immortal.

But she felt an insurmountable restriction in her cultivation.

Golden Immortal is the human limit of individual life.

Da Luo is the beginning of Tao transformation, condensing one's own regular Tao fruit, and attaining the other side of the Tao.

It is truly a great transformation from human to divine.

Breaking through this realm is the ultimate realm at the end of the road where the life span is truly equal to that of heaven, where heaven and earth are immortal and I am immortal.

"Those two women, practicing the traditional system of cultivating immortals, don't have this obstacle."

"But my cultivation system has not yet reached the path of Daluo."

"How can I, the great cultivator, prove my non-traditional mixed spiritual roots? How to prove it?" She frowned, "Although I have an idea, it is extremely difficult to be specific."

"Even my God Father has not reached my realm. This kind of cultivation has never existed in ancient times. So, it can only be opened up by me."

In the Tower of Babel, she sighed.

In her hand she held Father God's "Hundred Dawn Taoist Scriptures", the ancestral scripture of cultivation.

"Then, I will take over Father God's torch and perfect the ancestral scriptures for mortals to practice."

"If the world believes in me and worships me, it is natural for me to perfect the ancestral scriptures in the next stage."

Now she is at the forefront.

Later generations of Emperor Tiangou, and even Wu Lang today, are far behind her.

On this day, the three great Buddhas of Buddhism came.

"Amitabha~~ The Western gods have dominated this world for too long, occupying the earth's resources and monopolizing the world. Today, it is up to me, the Buddha Court, to take back the land of this state."

This time, he was not foolhardy, but took out his own small list of gods, the artifact of the Buddhist system, the twelfth-grade golden lotus.

"Trouble, why did Buddhism start to exert its power without saying a word? They actually also appeared three golden immortals on the ninth level."

"They are obviously also individuals, so how can they practice so fast?"

"It should have taken tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years for them to catch up. How could this happen? Is it possible that our Western Gods are beginning to decline?"

Everyone hesitated.

But they don’t know that they are re-cultivators.

The three of them have so far surpassed the development time of Buddhism in this later period, and even their cultivation speed can barely catch up with the gods of the West.

The three of them have now upheld the dignity of Buddhism!

Everyone looked at each other and could only watch this war silently.

"You guys come together."

The goddess of immortality stepped on the void with a calm expression.

"This time, you can't even hope to win with the advantage of the magic weapon!"


They were not polite and took action directly.

To win this great world.

Unfortunately, after three days and three nights of fighting, they were defeated.

It's not because of lack of combat power. The current combat power of each of them is comparable to that of the other at the same level, and the single challenge ability of each of them is not weaker than her.

Just lack of physical strength.

After all, they are individuals, and the other party's faith is constantly flowing, so they are no match for a protracted battle.

At the same time, he didn't dare to use his other destiny's real half-step master strength to kill this nine-level golden immortal, which would expose the other's destiny.

"You lost."

With one against three, the Immortal Empress is still invincible in this world, and the gods of the Western Lands are still high above them.

The whole land is becoming more confident.

Taoism and Buddhism were defeated, and this terrible and invincible shadow hung over everyone, lingering.

In the new era of cultivation, an invincible emperor rules the world, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the weather is smooth, and he continues to promote the development of civilization and the progress of the times.

Some even say, "Her achievements are comparable to those of the Emperor of Heaven in human history, who saved mankind from the great flood and saved an era."

As soon as this view came out, countless people believed in it and supported it.

Some people kept saying: "The Taoist ancestors of the past were just the ancestors of the old days, and this immortal empress is the real emperor of heaven. Sooner or later, she will defeat the Taoist ancestors and become the true god of the era."

Someone said: "Sooner or later, we will attack the underworld again, defeat Empress Houtu, and suppress the Great Dao Emperor who opened the beginning of the era."

But some people are worried:

"It's too difficult for these nine-level golden immortals to break through Da Luo."

"Yes, she seems to be ahead of an era, but as a pioneer, she is also blazing a trail for the great world of cultivation. It is extremely difficult. If she stagnates, she will be caught up by future generations."

The Immortal Empress does not care about the rumors from the outside world, and does not care about the praise and slander from the outside world.

She knew that she was indeed being chased by the times.

When the three religions compete for hegemony, she takes the lead. If she cannot lead step by step, her system advantage will gradually disappear in the later period.

She wholeheartedly wanted to achieve Daluo's fruition.

The year 10320 of the Western Earth Era.

The Immortal Empress still cannot come out of seclusion.

Suddenly, some gods in the West discovered that their god king had a withered face, a shrinking spirit, and even his hair was a lot whiter.

This is the result of countless times of going crazy and failing to condense the Tao Fruit.


She was extremely stressed.

Because there were seven black hands who accelerated the development of the other two religions and changed the historical development time, she felt a little uncomfortable.

On this day, she left the Tower of Babel and began to travel around the world, walking among the people at the bottom, observing, and seeing what the era she ruled was like.

She saw small worlds being nurtured, with the human world as the center of the fairy world, and the heavens and worlds gradually began to appear.

The gods of the major churches were vying for land.

The remnants of the two religions are also secretly trying to occupy it.

This great world is still secretly breeding bright vitality, and people in the world are living with longing eyes and hope.

"The world of cultivating immortals in the old days was so boring and rigid, but now the world that our sisters have opened up is..." She showed a gentle look with a hint of nostalgia.

She thought of today, when Father God left Dongfu and led the sisters to play and travel together in Liangzhou. That era was boring and closed, and the dull and numb eyes of the people on the streets had no luster, which was far inferior to this era.

But that period of travel was the most unforgettable time in my life, carefree.

Unfortunately, now that their ideas have parted ways, the former sisters have become mortal enemies.

This year.

She continued walking, seeing everything in the world.

"I have crossed mountains and seas, and also passed through mountains and seas of people. Everything I once owned was gone like smoke in the blink of an eye."

"I was once disappointed and lost all direction, until I saw that ordinary was the only answer."

She came to a town and saw strange people singing loudly.

Their newbie mission in this town was filled with laughter and curses.

She listened to the song silently and found the song interesting.

The arrogant and invincible heart gradually calmed down. During this period, she also tried to continue to perfect the ancestral scriptures and continue to realize the Tao.

Along the way, she saw some alien players doing interesting things.

"It's done! It's done!"

"Look, our soul clay figures may be ghosts, but our passion will last until death!"

Some strangers are tinkering with some weird things on the top of the mountain, and they call them wives and foreign mothers. They are so weird and disgusting.

She kept walking.

I also saw some monks secretly fighting for hegemony. Buddhist and Taoist monks secretly accepted disciples and established various camps.

They don't actually develop slowly.

Because they do not rely on the incense system, even the new Buddhism no longer practices incense. They secretly recruit disciples, search for resources, and become traditional monks.

Another year.

She kept trying to condense the Dao Fruit and uphold the rules in the world, but she continued to fail, and the Dao texture in her body became more and more collapsed.

Until this day.

At the end of the human world, she saw a stone monument named "End of Heaven".

Who established this?

Soon, she knew who set it up.

Outside the "End of the Sky" world boundary monument, she saw the two founding gods holding hands.

They are like the ancient gods of chaos who have rules in the world. They are sliding their hands in the chaotic void outside the human world of the four continents, constantly joining forces to create new small cave worlds.

"How did you come to the end of the world? One of the four major border markers of the human world that we set up? Oh, you have actually come this far." The two proud women lowered their heads, and seeing her look, they immediately let go of their thoughts. .

The former enemies began to talk freely.

Li Hai, Princess of the Heavenly Realm, said: "Your Tao ancestor is old to me, so I will help you. The little girl who rules this era, it is normal for you to break the Tao and be about to die like this. Do you know how the human ancestor died back then?" "

"Did the Emperor of Heaven kill him?" the Goddess of Immortality said.

"No, the Emperor of Heaven is a proud hero. He admires his mentor."

Princess Tianjie said: "The human ancestor was the perfect Golden Immortal. He died trying to condense Dao Fruit and break through the Golden Immortal."

"There was no Tao Lord at that time. Not long after the Emperor of Heaven had just established the Immortal Realm, he was enslaved by the divine beasts. Da Luo was the limit of the human race. When he was a boy, the Emperor of Heaven crawled in front of the corpse of the human ancestor and cried loudly. He was determined to take over the mission of the human race and open up the golden world. The path of the Immortal Queen.”

The Immortal Empress understands.

Since there is no way, then open up such a way.

She sighed in her heart, wasn't she similar to herself?

The strength of Human Ancestor is terrifying.

It is said that he alone led the people to open up the Qi Refining Stage, the Foundation Building Stage, and the Golden Elixir Stage. But he eventually fell to the end of mankind, the Golden Immortal.

The reason why the Ancestor of Man is respected as the Ancestor of Man by later generations is because he is a human being and he has gone through all the limits of human realms.

But he also fell under the other side of Daluo.

No matter how amazing a person is, he still needs constant trial and error.

The opening up of an era can never be completed by one person. It must be piled on top of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and on the top of a high tower covered with bones.

She suddenly sighed and thought of her father. How many trials and errors, failures, and obsessions did he go through before he created the original "Ancestral Scripture"? ?

That must have been the most difficult and desperate test.

But now that I have embarked on the road of perfecting the "Ancestral Scripture", I can deeply understand the hardships of the young saint.

"I am walking on the path of Father God, and I am also opening the door to immortality for mortals." She suddenly smiled again and looked at the two great ancestor demon gods who were as famous as Father God.

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