I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 472 The Emperor of Heaven comes to the underworld

Much faster than imagined, the human world also began to enter the world.

The underworld is the medium.

Heaven-Underworld-Human Realm.

By writing their names in the book of life and death, the people in the immortal world will not only be the people of the underworld, they will completely abandon the immortal world and be reincarnated in the immortal world, but also in the human world.

What does this amount to? ?

This is equivalent to population smuggling and brain drain to other countries!

"This is the general trend. Sooner or later, people will have to write their names. It depends on what the Emperor of Heaven does." Wu Lang closed his eyes again and practiced.

Wu Lang deduced:

"What should the Emperor do?"

But he got a message that the Emperor of Heaven would let all this go.

Does he really not care?

Wu Lang frowned secretly.

I quickly came up with a response, he doesn’t care and I don’t care.

Anyway, this time the trend is clear.

There is no time to practice.

Another ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

Wu Lang deduced it every once in a while, and broke through the fifth level of the Golden Immortal Realm in one breath.

He looked outside.

Under the indulgence of the Emperor of Heaven, most of the thirty-three-day vassal kings, more than seventy of them, took refuge in the underworld, formed a force, and evacuated all the thirty-three-day vassal kings!

And under the promotion of these more than seventy Tao Lords and the infusion of huge resources, each of their confidants was attracted to Jinxian.

There are more than 700 Dao Lords in the new era.

It's terrifying.

More than 200 of them are gods of heaven and earth in the mortal world, and more than 500 of them are the reincarnations of the direct descendants of the golden immortals in the heaven. They have become their team and re-established their own immortal clan power in the underworld.

Even gradually, he began to have all kinds of petty thoughts towards Empress Houtu.

The era has entered the era of Taojun explosion.

The times are like a torrent, vast and unstoppable. One breath is like a flood, changing the world.

And as the underworld continues to prosper and spread the law, more and more people in the thirty-three immortal worlds begin to eliminate the methods of cultivating immortals and begin to practice cultivation.

"Everyone in the world is cultivating, there is an underworld beyond the sky!" someone shouted.

"The Emperor of Heaven has blessed us people in the immortal world, and the Empress Houtu of the underworld has also blessed us."

An old man sighed loudly: "Unexpectedly, now that I have logged in the household registration book from house to house, my old man is not dead. In the afterlife, as long as I achieve enlightenment in one life, I can revive all the memories of my previous life."

"Emperor and Empress Tu, this is indeed the case!"

"I hope these two worlds will do well and each will improve the rules of heaven and earth to benefit our people!"

"The times are improving and order is becoming complete!"

"If the Supreme Emperor of Heaven and Empress Houtu can get married and rule the entire era together, it will be a great thing!"

Countless people began to change.

The thirty-three days of cultivation, when everyone cultivates themselves, have arrived.

And this day.

Among the thirty-three heavens.

The Emperor of Heaven slowly opened his eyes and smiled: "The more traces he reveals, the longer he spreads the law, the wider the scope, the more his people in the underworld and the tens of trillions of people in the immortal world cultivate. I will continue to observe, and The more we can deduce his ancestral scriptures."

"Your Majesty, has it been pushed out?" a god general said in awe.

"It's already out."

The Emperor of Heaven was calm, holding an ancestral book of mortal cultivation in his hand.

It is exactly the same as the ancestral scripture in Wu Lang's hand.

The Ancestral Scripture is said to be undecipherable, has various super encryptions, and is the source, and all practices are branches.

But now, the Emperor of Heaven only spent a short period of preaching to decipher the opponent's core technology, and reverse engineering can deduce the original ancestral scripture.

But with the initial qi training ancestral scripture, it will be easier to handle.

Following this path, he could deduce the Great Luo Ancestor Scripture faster than the Immortal Empress could deduce it.

He only took a short nap, and after finding the direction, he easily pushed to the end of the Great Luo Ancestor Sutra!

The method of cultivation has no secrets in his eyes.

"Preach my will."

The Emperor of Heaven slowly said: "Coming from the underworld to the immortal world, Queen Houtu opened the immortal gate for the people of the world. I cannot fall behind others and should teach the Dharma to the people of the world - the original ancestral scriptures. Everyone in the world can read the original and deduce the principles of the great road. Dharma has evolved into a splendid civilization."

As soon as these words came out, they spread throughout the heaven.

All the people began to be grateful.

I am not only grateful to Hou Tu for opening the door to immortality, but also to the Emperor of Heaven for passing on the basic teachings.

In the underworld.


Po Meng cursed in her heart, "He broke our monopoly and took the upright route. From now on, we can no longer use the secret of Daluo to coerce the Taoist monarchs of the new era to join us in the underworld."

"Yes." Houtu frowned.

If the Golden Immortals of the new era, who originally monopolized the ancestral scriptures, wanted to break through, they would have to come to them, and they would definitely be on their side.

But now?

The skills are completely open to the public, and everyone can rob people according to their own abilities!

"No, it's going to be even more troublesome."

Hou Tu was suddenly frightened, "No! His move is just the beginning of his counterattack. He wants to completely steal the achievements of our era's ancestors!"

She suddenly thought of a terrible thing.

as expected.

In the underworld, suddenly there is a Taoist Lord from the Immortal Realm who has taken refuge. He is planning on how to bully the Lord and use his own Immortal clan to make the Hou Tu continue to compromise and benefit.

Suddenly his whole body was shaken.


A heart-rending scream came out.

That one was the Dao Lord on the 30th day of the Immortal Realm, an ancient existence that had lived for 700 million years, and suddenly found that his Dao Fruit had been taken away.

"It's Seizing Dao!!"

The Dao Lord stationed in the underworld could not help but roar.

"Hateful! I said how could the Emperor of Heaven let us leave so easily and seek refuge in the underworld? It turns out that he wanted to take back our Great Dao Fruition Status!"

"I am already strong enough, but he actually has a stronger existence! Can he prove the Dao in the heaven and seize the Dao Fruit from me?"

"He has been hiding for a long time. He is a strong man of the same kind who is stronger than us! He can take our place at any time!"

"How hateful! No matter how powerful the opponent is, he is still a Golden Immortal. We are at a high level and will always have an advantage! No matter how defiant the Golden Immortal is, the success rate of seizing the Dao is less than 1%. It is more likely that we will suppress the Dao Fruit. He fought back."

However, everyone knows what the Emperor of Heaven is doing.

His power of time actually has such a magical effect. It is constantly restarting, turning the 1% that seizes the path into 100%, creating miracles.

Unexpectedly, his power could be used to seize the Dao.


The screams continued one after another.

The Emperor of Heaven secretly did not know how many Half-Way Lords he had cultivated, and he was ready to go, ready to seize the Dao Fruit of these vassal kings at any time.

"No wonder the Emperor of Heaven has been delegating power and ignoring us. It turns out that we are pigs raised in captivity in his eyes. He can kill people and dig out the Tao Fruit at any time!"

"Who said that the Emperor of Heaven's power of time is not good at governing the world? It is not good at coordinating the times in detail? This large-scale planning is already a fatal blow!"

The traditional Daluo Tao Lords who took refuge quickly fell into the position of Daluo Golden Immortal.

Countless traditional Taoists are in despair.

The screams kept coming.

Having the Dao Fruit snatched away and pulled out every strand is the greatest torture in the world, more painful than cramps and skinning!

"This is the consequences of betrayal. The Emperor of Heaven does not allow betrayal." Some people were so painful that their souls were driven out of their wits. The aloof Taoist Lord was like a local dog in front of the village entrance, wagging his tail and loudly begging for mercy.

At this moment, countless people thought of that domineering and terrifying figure.

He is the Emperor of Heaven!

The great being who has ruled the entire fairy world for tens of billions of years, for a long time, they have underestimated his former strength and terror.

Now they have taken refuge in the underworld and lost their lives.

And what can the underworld get?

It seems that the underworld has obtained more than 70 Tao Lords?

In fact, I just got more than 70 useless golden immortals!

The underworld has been severely disrupted.

It is equivalent to the heaven deceiving them from the underworld to spread the magic to the immortal world, taking the opportunity to reversely deduce the ancestral scriptures of cultivation, and steal the future achievements of the human world at the cost of more than seventy golden immortals.

This is simply a worthless business!

"Today, we have become golden immortals, and most of our subordinates have become Taoist cultivators of the new era, who will inevitably overthrow us."

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Our only hope is to be reincarnated as soon as possible, enter the mortal world to rebuild the Dharma of the new era, and be reborn quickly!"

Everyone was silent.

Although this is a clever way to escape, everyone knows that this method is basically useless.

They are already old, their Dao Fruit has been taken away, their invincibility has collapsed, and the shadow of fear has been planted in their hearts. Can they still compete with young people?

In the new era, they can no longer board the ship of the natives of the old era.

The Emperor of Heaven hates betrayal the most.

The immortal supreme being who lives high in the sky has planned to clear out all their Dao Lords from the previous era, so that brand new blood can appear in the new era!

"The general trend is that we have lost!"

The fallen Taojun was in great pain: "I didn't expect that our thirty-three rulers would be the first people to be overthrown by the times."

"Hahahaha! How hateful!! I am so hateful!! He, the Emperor of Heaven, is so cruel!!"

Someone raised his head and screamed on the Huangquan Road, his hair disheveled, looking like a devil, "Emperor of Heaven, you will definitely die! Today! We take the first step, and we will wait for you in the future! Emperor of Heaven, you will also be overthrown after us." !”

Someone was wailing on Huangquan Road.

Someone uttered the most vicious curses.

They were already queuing up on Huangquan Road and had to enter reincarnation quickly!

Those confidants they brought up to break through the New Era Dao Lord will not be loyal. Once they fall, they will definitely have the intention to rebel.

"Emperor of Heaven, you are vicious, I am today, you will be tomorrow!" Another Taoist Lord smiled miserably and entered reincarnation.

"Humph, are you talking about me??"

At this time, a majestic plainclothes man tore apart the spatial barrier of the underworld and strode into the underworld's underworld road.

Emperor of Heaven!

Everyone was stunned.

How could the Emperor of Heaven come to my underworld?

How did he find the underworld?

But he saw this tall, arrogant and domineering man in white, standing on Huangquan Road, looking at the rolling river water and the wronged ghost who cursed him on the Naihe Bridge.

"You can go with peace of mind. Those who have betrayed me in the past will all end up like this. The new era has no room for you."

He just looked at it calmly.

After saying that, he turned around, slowly clasped his fists in the void, and looked at Po Meng: "I am the Emperor of Heaven, and I have come to the underworld to meet with the supreme emperor of the underworld, the Great Emperor Houtu."

As soon as these words came out.

The whole underworld shook.

Today's Huangquan Road, there are already many wandering souls from the immortal world who are reincarnated, and they all look at the legendary supreme emperor in their own immortal world with their mouths open.

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