I'm the Mysterious Leader of the Salvation Organization

Chapter 132: Settlement of the "Black Star" Operation Profits!

Chapter 132: Settlement of the "Black Star" Operation Profits!

Chapter 132: Settlement of the "Black Star" Operation Profits!

Three days later.

Inside the Demon Hunt Agency building, in the public lounge, smoking area.

Two Night Watchers in black suits walked in one after the other, with one man lighting his cigarette first and then lighting the other man's.

The two of them silently smoked for a while, their expressions somewhat gloomy.

The events that had happened recently were truly enormous.

The entire city was in turmoil because of it, and even these ordinary Night Watchers were anxious.

"Have the people outside not left yet?"

"Hmm, and there are more and more of them. I don't know how to deal with it."

"Above, an emergency meeting is being held."

"It's not manageable now. I recall that the Air Alliance has special plans for cities such as Heart City, which don't hide the existence of the Otherworlds."

"These are not things we should be concerned about."

"Then let's change the topic, for example, how do you view the Babel Tower..."

"Damn, isn't this topic sensitive?"

Then both of them fell silent again.

Simply smoking quietly.

Demon Hunt Agency, located on the fifth underground level.

This is a vast and spacious white room, the venue for important meetings in Tatsumi City.

A month has passed since the last meeting, and today Mr. Trap, as well as captains like Lin Bian, Adelaide, Feather, and several others have gathered here.

The headquarters' special advisor, "Moon Witch" Merete Chambers, along with Alan, an elite who is expected to succeed as a team captain, have also come to the room to attend the meeting as mere spectators.

There were 25 people, all of them at "the awakening level".

The backbone of the Tatsumi City Demon Hunt Agency was all present, except for Raven Reaper.

"The meeting is about to begin again," Adelaide muttered to herself, her gaze wandering, obviously not paying attention to the meeting.

Merete Chambers smiled and looked over at the two people beside her.

Alan and Lin Bian were not standing together, they seemed to have become strangers to each other, and their gazes didn't intersect.

Hmm, surely something very interesting happened.

In the white colossal space, one after another enormous illusory figures appeared, with indistinct true faces.

These apparitions are representatives of the Order of the Air Alliance, the spear and shield that have truly maintained the operation of this country for a long time.

Their power is unquestionable.

Eyes of the Empire, the Air Alliance's top ironclad wall, unlike the Demon Hunt Agency which is mainly responsible for internal affairs, is mainly responsible for external warfare. Each member is a well-known strongman.

Time of Chord was founded by "Anomalous Star," one of six Rainbow New Gods and a pioneer of modern magic, when he was young.

It is the largest top-level magic research organization in the world of Noah, with headquarters located in the Air Alliance's independent city... the City of Time Key.

Furthermore, there are the kings of the Hundred Kings Assembly.

This faction, known as the "Eyeballs," was mainly comprised of members of the Eyes of the Empire and the Air Alliance's high-level officials.

The Imperial Guards possessed great power, but they themselves lacked the right to vote in decision-making. Some were even not of noble birth, and so a small group of kings supported them to interfere in politics.

However, the descendants of the founders of the Air Alliance, most of whom held the highest legal power, were actually against it.

They have been consistently casting negative votes against the "Eyeballs" faction... Presumably, whenever the members of the "Eyeballs" group support something, these people strongly oppose it.

The conflict between the two sides has a long history, and in recent years, it has become particularly intense, to the point where there are even calls for the direct replacement of the leader of the Imperial Guards, "World."

Over the years, "World" has not made any overt statements, but has silently been dealing with the Air Alliance's opponents in the outside world, with a brilliant military record.

Bai Yan remained silent for a long time, then slowly picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

"There is no news related to the Babel Tower, it seems that this topic is not to be mentioned, isn't it?"

He took out his phone, didn't speak for a long time.

Maryse died.

Although it was unexpected, it was actually within reason.

He left home and looked for a way to enter Babel Tower, where he began talking to himself.

"It was my own failure that led to Maryse's death... I didn't have complete control over the changes in the 'future'."

"Furthermore, I have not done enough in other aspects..."

After reflecting on himself, Bai Yan silently began to tally his profits.

The gains this time were quite abundant, yes, truly only the word "abundant" can describe it!

They captured over thirty "logistics personnel" and seized several ordinary Relics. Additionally, all the support options available during the missions in the "event" were obtained upon successfully clearing them.

In some of the missions, there were no rewards for cancelling midway, but instead, the rewards obtained were "Relic · Merlin's Cloak", "Mystical Power · Softening", and "Relic · Blade of Annihilation".

"Merlin's cloak" allows the body to transform into various animals and magical beasts. "Nightsaber" once used it during an event.

"Softening", a common mystical power, only allows the user's body to become soft, transforming them into the ultimate yoga master, similar to a rubber person.

"Blade of Annihilation" is actually something even better than the previous two rewards.

This is a rather powerful "civilization-level relic", and the cost of using it is that "after each use, the user will be transported to a random nearby location".

It is a nearly transparent crescent-shaped weapon. Once "thrown", any object that is attacked will be "annihilated", making it a powerful relic that ignores defense.

And then, came the biggest gain in the activity settlement!

Due to the overall "almost perfect" evaluation after the complete activity settlement, Bai Yan received Awakening Soul x5 in one breath!

Five Awakening Souls! The biggest benefit!

It can completely elevate the strength of the Babel Tower team to a new level!

Bai Yan couldn't help but smile when she saw the Awakening Souls in the item menu.

Besides that, there is also a considerable income of Source Energy Points, and with the points obtained in the past few days, Bai Yan can even immediately perform another Ten Consecutive Summon.

Current Source Energy Points: 575 points.

However, Bai Yan sighed.


Reviving Maryse also requires spending Source Energy Points, not only the revival cost of 341 points, but also the cost of 200 points to activate the revival facility.

Now, is it time for a ten-summon?

Or choose... revive Maryse?

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