Chapter 168

Bai Yan immediately recognized the new target of the activity.

Church of Ruins.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

It was definitely them, the followers of the Outer God, the Balancer, and the Ashen Ruins...there was no doubt that they were the ancient cult of Noah's world.

Bai Yan actually knew quite a bit about them.

In fact, Church of Ruins, like many cults, never considered themselves as heretics...they always thought they were doing good for the universe.

The Night Watcher and those who obstructed them were undoubtedly malignant tumors that had to be eliminated, all for the balance of the world.

In a sense, they could be understood as "extreme environmentalists," willing to resort to any means to restore balance to the universe, even if it means destroying all life.

"Well, I guess I can't really understand...if I could understand a cultist, I'd be almost crazy."

Bai Yan shook his head and repeatedly tapped his fingers on his phone screen, carefully reading the details of the new event.

"New Event: Chaos of Balance"

The black and white balanced font floated on the screen.

"This activity comprises of four tasks, one can earn a partial reward upon completion of each task. However, upon completion of three tasks, one can choose to complete the activity and receive 'all rewards'...But, if all tasks are completed, the 'Savior' will additionally receive a 'mysterious reward'."

Afterwards, on the game interface displayed on the mobile screen, four pictures resembling seals appeared, and on each seal, there were four different-colored artistic fonts.

"Accumulation of impure desires."

"Fleeting beauty."

"Raging anger."

"Approaching death."

Bai Yan gazed at the four sets of vocabulary on his mobile screen and found himself lost in thought. Oh, finally it occurred to him - this is the activity he had done in the first playthrough.

He reminisced carefully for a while. In that case, this time, he will make it more one dies, and he clears the game with a single life.

Bai Yan switched screens and exited the game interface of "Babel Tower", then re-opened the message he had just received.

He read the contents carefully once again.

"We aim to restore balance to all living things, to enable this world to return to its prime, which will prove beneficial to all mankind."

"Please contribute to the universe and usher humanity into a new era."

"Yes / No"

Hmm, if you click "Yes" here, you will be forced to become one of the "sacrifices".

Bai Yan couldn't help but frown.

This is obviously a ceremony that requires consent before it can be launched.

Many ordinary people don't have this awareness and will easily agree to things, clicking these jokingly "Yes" and "No".

However, in the mysterious world of the extraordinary, many vows, promises, and commands possess a powerful and mysterious effect, so one must never speak, decide, or swear rashly when idle.

"Who knows how many people in this city have fallen victim, with the majority lacking any concept of precaution in this regard."

Why are there such beautiful creatures?

The other's beauty stunned Li Yin for a long time, and then she realized something terrible, which completely discouraged her.

That girl didn't even wear makeup...

Is she really a human being?

After wandering for a long time, for a whole year, Li Yin was suppressed by the dullness of the girl behind her, and her mood was depressed.

Although she was not as lively as herself, and not as gentle as herself, everyone in the class was attracted by her beauty.

She knew she was jealous.

It was not until a strange incident at a middle school classmate gathering before the start of her second year of high school that Li Yin encountered something peculiar.

She suddenly realized that one of her ordinary middle school classmates had become extremely beautiful! Even enough to compare with her own appearance!

What on earth could this be?

She was greatly perplexed, feeling there must be a reason, could it be cosmetic surgery?

After the party, Li Yin stopped her classmate and begged persistently to know the reason for her sudden increase in beauty.

"Yes, it's the Equal Wellness Club..."

After hesitating, the girl still smiled and revealed the secret.

Li Yin finally learned the secret to becoming beautiful, then she found the place...soon realized that it was a special health spa about mysterious knowledge and extraordinary power.

Initially she was skeptical, but the news about supernatural events has been plentiful lately... making Li Yin feel that this health spa shouldn't be a fraud.

After all, extraordinary power truly exists.

As expected, in just a few short days, the Equal Wellness Club made her renewed and refreshed!

It's said that she achieved a harmonious balance with the world, her body became more symmetrical and consequently more beautiful.

Li Yin didn't really understand, but was amazed by this miraculous effect.

However, there was still a little bit missing, her beauty was still slightly inferior to the other girl's.

That girl was simply too stunning, even the renewed Li Yin fell short. She contemplated daily on how to make up for this gap.

Today, as usual, she was anxious. She was the first one to walk out of the classroom after school, and suddenly saw a man and a woman.

They were standing in front of her, smiling and gazing at her.

The young man, dressed in a black classical robe, was handsome with a gentle smile on his face.

The other girl seemed to be a junior high school student or even an elementary school student, with golden hair and emerald-like beautiful eyes. She was very pretty and could even compare to that girl in the future.

"Have you also been to the Equal Wellness Club?" Li Yin asked the little girl in confusion.

Maryse smiled and turned to say, "Elder, I found her, it's really her."

"Our mission objective."

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