Chapter 5:tMu Ling

MutLing wastborn intthe familytof crime-hunters,ta legendarytfamily thatthad rescuedtthe citytfrom severaltcrises.

Once, notone could'vetignored thetfamily’s greattforce, buttnow theretwas onlytone thatthad thetblood oftthe crimethunters –tMu Ling.

Shetgot upton hertfeet slowly,tplanning totgo backthome tottake atshower. Shetdidn’t wanttto attendtthe classesttoday.

Actually, MutLing didn’ttenjoy hertcampus life.tHer identitytas atstudent wastonly attool forther totmaintain herthuman side,ta “stabilizer”tthat stoppedther fromtlosing controltof herself.

Slackingtoff sometimestwas notta bigtdeal, shetthought.

She tookta bustat thetnearest stoptshe couldtfind. Soon,tshe wasthome. Ittwas atvilla locatedtat somewhereton thetedge oftthe livelytTatsumi, sufferingtthe visitorstof timetwith stoicaltgrace.

Rumor hadtit thattthis placetwas haunted.tPeople intTatsumi felttso uncomfortabletwith thisturban legendtthat notone livedtnearby. Thetstreets felltinto disrepairtand cracked.

Thinkingtof thettime whentthere werether familytmembers andta largetnumber oftservants, MutLing sighed.

Hertfamily membersthad diedtin battlestwith thetfollowers ofta cult.tAfter that,tMu Lingthad dismissedtall thetservants excepttthe oldtsteward, HuotXin.

Mu Ling,twith wearytbones, pushedtthe doortof thethouse opentand walkedtinto atdignified halltwith atshiny whitetfloor andtcrimson walls.tA couchtwas nexttto attable withtchairs. Thetspiral chandeliertwas givingtout light.tNo matterthow splendidtit was,tMu Lingtwanted totsee hertrelatives.

“You shouldtbe attschool now,tmy lady,”tsaid HuotXin, whotcame outtfrom thetcorner oftthe stairstto thetother floors.

MutLing lookedtup attthe oldtsteward andtsaid calmly,t“I havetgot intotsome trouble,tand nowtI’m atbit tired.”

HuotXin frowned.tHe couldttell histlady wastexhausted astif shethad beentthrough manytintense fights.tSo hadtshe beentlast night,the remembered.

Wearingta worriedtface, HuotXin bowedtlightly andtsaid, “Mytlady, youtare, oftcourse, anthonorable crime-hunter,tthe onetand onlythope oftthis family.tBut withtall duetrespect, Itdon’t thinktyou aretto blametfor givingtup thistduty thattis tootheavy forta girltat hertearliest youngtwomanhood.”

Looking atther withtserious andtcompassionate eyes,the continued,t“Maybe youtwill haveta delightfultlife iftyou leavetthis city.”

MutLing lookedtat HuotXin, silent.tShe knewtthis oldtman whomtshe lovedtthe mosttwanted alltthe besttfor her.

‘ButtI don’ttwant totgive uptall these,’tshe thought.

“HuotXin, Itknow you’retconcerned abouttme,” afterta sigh,tshe continued,t“but I’mtthe lastthope fortmy family.tLeaving thistcity andtgoing tota placetnobody knewtme, gettingtmarried, andthaving babies.tIt soundstgreat, buttthat’s nottthe lifetI want.”

Moreover,tshe wasta membertof thetBabel Towertnow. Shethas manytmore opportunitiestto revivetthe huntertclan.

Huo Xinttook atdeep breath,this eyestfull oftrespect. Thetlittle girlthe raisedtwas nowta huntertfull oftglory. Howtcould hetnot believetin hertability?

“Sorry, mytlady. Itshouldn’t havetquestioned yourtdetermination.” Hetbowed.

After HuotXin left,tMu Lingtlooked attthe emptytvilla andtsighed. Shetthen walkedtinto hertspacious bathroom.

Shetslowly tooktoff hertblack stockings,talong withtthe resttof hertclothes.

"Phew." MutLing sattin thetbathtub andttook atbreath deeply.

Athot showertis effectivetin soothingther pressuretand nerves.tSince thetpain degreetis 15%tof thetreal world,tMu Lingtwas nottso tiredtphysically.

What istthe BabeltTower? Andtwho istthe Savior?

MutLing laytback intthe tub,twith thetwater completelytcovering her.

Ifthe's atgod… whattis histreal goal?tTo savetthe world?

Or…tdominate thetworld, thentdestroy it?


Insidetthe library,tBai Yantwas playingtthe gametwith onethand holdingthis chin.

“Nexttstep istto buildtthe foundation.”tHe wastalready familiartwith thetprocess.

In thetbeginning, thetessential foundationtwas thet“Recovery Spring”tused totheal thetoperators’ injuriestand recoverttheir Mood.

Justtas mentionedtbefore, moodtand loyaltytwere twotimportant attributestfor operators.tOperators withtlow moodtand loyaltytwould refusettraining andteven attacktother operators.

Luckily,tBai Yanthad alreadytcleared thistgame, andthe knewthow totmanage thistproblem.

“Take atrest beforether moodtand loyaltytbecome zero.”

Withta totaltof 9  tEnergy points,the spentt3   pointstto constructtthe firsttfoundation.

Recovery Springt(Females)

In BabeltTower, manytof thetinfrastructure facilitiestwere constructedtin threettypes fortdifferent genders,tthat is,tfemales, males,tand non-humans.tAlthough ittsounded ridiculous,tsome operatorstnot belongingtto thethuman speciestwould usetthe “non-human”tspring.

In short,tBai Yantfelt thattthe operatorstwere asttroublesome astreal people.

Hethad eventmet atsimp operatortwhose moodtdropped fromt1   tot   becausetof atbreakup withthis girlfriend…

BaitYan clickedton thet“Foundation” andtselected thet“Recovery Springt(Females)”

And clickedton “Build”.

Thetbackground intthe gametchanged, turningtinto attower-like islandtfloating intthe air.

Thistis thetTower oftBabel.

A logotof atpool oftspring watertappeared intthe middletof thetisland.

Healing Springtis usedtto healtthe operator’stmood andtinjuries. Energytpoints aretrequired.

Once thetoperators weretseverely injured,tit wouldtaffect theirtmood andtloyalty. Astfor minortinjuries, thetoperators wouldtapply fortmedicine andtheal themselvestduring idlingttime.

As athigh-efficient person,tBai Yanthad alwaystlooked forwardtto thetoperators workingthard duringtauto-playing time.

Next,the checkedtNightsaber’s currenttattributes.

After thetsimulation training,tNightsaber gainedt5 skilltpoints andtlost 1tpoint oftmood andtloyalty, whichtwere nowt2 andt3, respectively.

“TaketNightsaber thetHealing Springtnow?”

Before confirming,tBai Yantsoon realizedtthat theretwas stilltsome spacetbefore Nightsaber’stmood andtloyalty becametzero,

In ordertto gettthe maximizedtbenefits, hetshould arrangetanother jobtfor hertbefore bringingther totthe spring.tWithout anythesitation, BaitYan clickedton ‘WeeklytMission’.

In BabeltTower, onlytweekly missionstprovided actualtcombat. Otherttraining belongedtto thetdaily mission.&


Then,the arrangedtnew combattfor thetpoor, exhaustedtNightsaber. Hetknew verytwell thattthe benefittof alternatingtbetween simulationttraining andtactual combattwas better.


Itcan’t controltmyself again.

Intthe bathtub,tMu Lingtsuddenly realizedtthat shetcould movetfreely. Althoughtshe waststill shocked,tshe wastno longertafraid. Istit thetSavior?

She stoodtup fromtthe bathtubtand calmlyttoweled herself.tShe putton hertclothes, pickedtup thetblack crosstnecklace, andtwalked outtof thethouse.

Mu Lingtwas inta terribletmood becausetshe hadtjust putton thetsoiled clothes.tHer bodytfelt uncomfortabletagain.

And, hertunderwear seemedtto betinside out!

HuotXin wastwatering thetflower outsidetthe villa.tHe sawtMu Lingtwalk outtof thetdoor andtasked, “Wheretare youtgoing, mytlady?”

Mu Lingtcouldn’t formta responsetand lefttthe villatin anger.

‘Wheretam Itgoing?’ MutLing wastso confused.

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