I'm the Mysterious Leader of the Salvation Organization

Chapter 65: The Savior Betrayed Babel Tower

Chapter 65: The Savior Betrayed Babel Tower

Chapter 65: The Savior Betrayed Babel Tower

"I am here, always waiting for the end of overtime."

Bai Yan just checked his phone and realized it was already 1 am. He felt a desire to return home.

But with so many things happening today, clearly it's a night suitable for staying up late and working overtime. Fiind updated novels at wuxiahere.com

Many colleagues are still searching on the scene. If he weren't an office worker, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to come back now. After all, his ability of "Connection" is very suitable for intelligence gathering.

Of course, there is more than one person who possesses the ability to collect intelligence, so the Night Watchers don't necessarily have to keep him at the scene.

Ah, what if they forcibly call me back to work overtime later? Please don't, I have already been rained on and I'm about to catch a cold and fever. My constitution is just that of an ordinary person.

When Bai Yan was lost in thought, Alan pushed the door open and explained his reason for coming with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, talented Bai Yan. You are about to be promoted."

"What are you saying?"

Bai Yan widened his eyes, pretending to be confused.

"I am saying that you have the opportunity to become a true Night Watcher, and to become an operative like me. If you don't wish to decline, then come with me now to meet the director."

"Anyone can be a clerical worker, but it's different for field work."

Alan smiled, his face adorned with expressions of congratulations and pride.

He sincerely regarded Bai Yan as his own brother, naturally feeling happy for him to be qualified as a true Night Watcher.

Bai Yan was not just a friend and benefactor to him, but a true brother.

"We can fight side by side now," Alan murmured, recalling the past when he only knew fear, but now things were different.

Fighting together, but not necessarily shoulder to shoulder.

Bai Yan fell silent for a moment, then he too smiled and said, "Indeed, but there is something I wish to ask you first."

"Um, go ahead."

Alan nodded gently and waited for Bai Yan to ask his question. Did he want to inquire about the treatment of the Night Watcher on duty? Alan had a feeling that this fellow might be interested in this matter.

"Does someone in the agency... have any connection with that Babel Tower?"

Bai Yan spoke slowly, with a slightly solemn tone.

In an instant, Alan felt as if he had been struck by lightning, causing a tingling sensation throughout his entire body.

What? How did he know... Could it be that he found me? But this is simply impossible.

"Why do you think that? Did you discover some clue? Who do you think it is?"

Alan hesitated for a moment, unsure if Bai Yan had noticed the image of him and Mu Ling fighting together, as Bai Yan possessed a strong ability to extract information.

"Do not mind, I just casually ask, only feel that every time they can escape before Demon Hunt Agency arrives, perhaps because there is an insider in the agency."

Bai Yan displayed a relaxed countenance and a smile.

When he played Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, he also enjoyed stirring up trouble, despite occasionally self-exposing; it was very exciting.

If he had been unlucky enough to go to the scene at that time, he would also be killed.

"I understand now. In the future, I will consciously keep my distance from this ticking time bomb and try not to provoke him. If I come across his enemies, I will help with his revenge and tear off the pretty face of that handicapped scum. But if he does something against me, I won't have any extra tolerance for him."

Bai Yan gazed into his friend's eyes and made a promise.

"I thought he would express a few words of sympathy like ordinary people!" Alan was slightly stunned, knowing that he had overthought.

He immediately nodded and said with a smile, "That will do, thank you."

At that moment, Alan also fully comprehended.

His teacher's fate is tragic, with a rough and extreme path, and everything is irretrievable.

But one must choose their own path.

You must not lose your judgment and decisiveness due to sympathy, gratitude, and pity. Demon Hunt Agency needs to do what is necessary to maintain the order of this city, without pushing away all potential allies.

Alan shook his head slightly and sighed, saying to himself, "I cannot let myself sympathize with one person's misery to the point where I end up sympathizing with everyone's misery."

"Stop talking to yourself, we have arrived."

Bai Yan chuckled as the two of them arrived at the director's office door.

He extended his hand and pushed open the door to enter.

Mr. Trap sat in his chair, silent and seemingly waiting for a considerable duration.

The old man nodded gently and turned to Bai Yan and Alan saying, 'You have worked hard tonight.'

"Bai Yan, as far as I know, Tatsumi City has never had anyone awaken as quickly to become a super being like you, and as far as history goes, there have only been two other cases of awakening within a day."

"However, both of these individuals lived their lives unremarkably and passed away without stirring any noteworthy historical impact."

"In this regard, having talent is both meaningful and meaningless. You must understand that even the strongest transcendent beings can die or go insane at any moment."

"The question thereafter lies in whether you aspire to rush to the front lines and become an operative for the Demon Hunt Agency... For that, you must undergo substantial training, extensively learn new knowledge, and also be willing to risk your life for the people living in this city."

Mr. Trap paused for a moment and finally said in a profound and somber tone, "Become... a true Night Watcher."

This is honor, but it's also a responsibility. It will turn you into a true warrior that upholds city order and, at the same time, the most powerless and crazy person who is pitiful.

Mr. Trap's expression had become extremely serious, and his previous laziness had long since disappeared.

Even Alan was infected by the atmosphere and remembered when he had sworn to live for the people of the city...

Such was the Night Watcher's original aspiration, and I have not violated it in any way. How could I then be considered a traitor to the Demon Hunt Agency?

Bai Yan hesitated but for a moment, recalling his small room where he must retire for the evening and the instant noodles yet to be fully digested in his stomach, hence he inquired with a modest and unassuming query.

"How about the treatment?"

Alan, who was standing on the side, blinked his eyes.

He wanted to complain but restrained himself!

Mr. Trap nodded nonchalantly and began to narrate in a tranquil manner.

"The probation period will be assigned to single-person housing, with a car, a starting monthly salary of 25,000 yuan, which will double after the conversion. Various tasks will receive additional incentives based on completion and difficulty. There is also adjustable paid annual leave, priority for children and descendants' enrollment, lifetime exemption of personal and immediate family medical expenses, and compensation..."

"Alright, I'll do it."

Bai Yan interrupted him with a firm tone and a loyal gaze.

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