I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 109: A Dance

As they all entered the ball they were welcomed with another scene that was totally different from the darkness outside. Everything there was lit up and shining.

The place was strangely wide, and this place was covered with a thin golden membrane that was formed of tiny sparkles of light. Once passing through they saw a gigantic stage in the center with many smaller ones dancing around it in the air.

And on the ground there were many seats and tables, with many stands on the corner with banners expressing their names and giving everyone a glimpse of the prestige of each club.

"This is amazing," Rick muttered.

"Much dazzling that what I heard," Tina couldn't contain her surprise, "and many are here, of all grades."

Her words were correct as there were many attending the event that night. It wasn't an exaggeration to say there were thousands here at the moment, and many were already knowing each other and even dancing over the tables.

"Let's go," Jim said, "let's take a look around first."

He moved and led everyone towards the center of the place. When he moved, he attracted many attention with his aura, but not all gave him friendly looks at the moment.

"You came," Moora jumped with a sweet laugh before noticing the two cloaked girls whom he was holding, "friends? Or lovers?" she winked and Jim felt a strong smell from her mouth.

"You drink this early?" he laughed while adding, "they are my teammates, and she is Moora, a Sedial clan member of the Medusa pantheon."

"Nice to meet you," all of his team said in unison and that invoked many mocking laughs from around.

"Don't mind them," Moora glanced around in discomfort, "they are just rude as usual."

"I never put them in my eyes," Jim shrugged before moving his hands off Saga and Tina's waist, "Go and cause some ruckus," he winked and the two girls stared for a moment at him.

And then he moved to remove the cloaks over their bodies, showing off their extreme beauty to everyone.

"Damn!" even Moora recognized them, "two Twisex girls… are you a tycoon or something?"

"I'm just a human," Jim laughed before moving his hand around Moora's waist and turned to the team, "make sure nothing happens to them."

"On our dead bodies boss," Rick and others said like fanatics while Moora couldn't help but laugh. "You are planning to create a legend of a beauty here… interesting."

"C'mon, let's see the clubs," he said.

"No let's dance," she broke free from his arm before holding it with hers and dragged him towards one of the tables in the air. She moved while jumping around, twisting over herself more than once and he was simply astonished by the more daring contrast of this Moora than her in the morning classes.

"Wine is really magical," he couldn't help but chuckle while following her over the table that descended the moment the two approached it.

And the moment he ascended there he suddenly heard music ranging in his ears.

"This music…" he paused for a moment while she laughed, "it's enchanted music to make the evening bearable," she said before turning around and shaking her body so close to his even he felt soft rubbing down below, "those who want to go wild can go up there, and those who want to look boring can stay down below."

Her moves told Jim how experienced a dancer she was. He suddenly recalled the two girls and thought about their dance along these rapid tempo. "C'mon, let's have some fun tonight," she turned around and rolled herself before falling over his chest and he simply held her big body with his.

And her hair just formed a giant cocoon that enveloped the two together before she painted a soft kiss over his lips.

"Not bad," she whispered before moving fast and laughed in a playful tone, "the first one is free, but to get more you'll have to work harder."

"I love getting harder," he winked and then started to move his body freely while matching her moves.

And the dancing night just kicked in simply like that.

Moora kept swaying in between his hands while he kept his moves simple and his touches gentle. She was totally wasted and for no reason she showed a side of her character he never imagined to be there.

The couple kept dancing for ten minutes before she gave him her back and started moving slowly making him very aroused.

And he couldn't help but hold her with his hands while feeling the softness in between. She didn't mind his soft touches or firm grips as she arched her head more to lean over his shoulder.

Despite her bigger physique, she was so soft and flexible in his arms. Her long breaths told him she was enjoying this, and he was too.

"Let's… stop," suddenly she turned around, breaking free of his arms while glancing at him in a moment her mind returned to clarity for one second, "before this develops into… something."

"Do you mind this thing?" Jim playfully said and he swore her face showed more redness over her cheeks before she evaded his glances.

"It's… not you, I just don't plan… excuse me," she hurriedly moved to the edge of the small stage making it come near the ground.

"Wait," he stopped her, "won't you come and take a tour around? The clubs are out there calling for any sexy lady to join."

"Hehehe, thanks," she laughed sweetly, "I'll never forget this nice remark on me," she didn't delay to jump before adding, "plus those high clubs put such extravagant conditions to join them… I doubt someone like me and you can join any. See you tomorrow."

She hurriedly vanished in the crowd leaving him all alone. "Girls," he could help but shake his head while the warmth of her body was still lingering in his senses and mind.

But a sudden ruckus erupted, making him turn to glance at its source, distracted from his disturbed thoughts and feelings.

And there he spotted three girls walking in, side by side, like rivals who decided to up their game and show up at the same moment.

And let the audience here be the judge!

"They… the three beauties of the academy," he didn't need any introduction to guess their identity. He spotted Linda walking leisurely beside two other stunning beauties who just weren't any less inferior to her, or even slightly better.

"But…" he evilly smirked while glancing fast around. He took a couple of moments before spotting his own beauties walking around the clubs with their own entourage of his team. "I've who are much better than you," he laughed shortly before his gaze met Linda's.

She silently fixed her gaze upon him, while the two girls noticed her sudden pause and followed the direction of her gazes.

And he instantly noticed mocking glances at the faces of those two before they leaned over Linda and whispered something that made her face change.

Then she moved her gaze hurriedly, evading his like he was a plaque.

"Humph… arrogant girls," he muttered before returning to glance at his team. Deno was the first to notice his gazes, as he was the only one here feeling out of place already.

And Jim simply pointed towards the two cloaked girls with a fixed straight arm pointing towards them.

Deno got his move, and moved to alarm the two girls before he pointed them to come here.

His actions were nothing to mention for others, but Linda noticed his strange move and noticed the two cloaked girls before she decided to wait and watch more.

Jim turned to fix his gaze upon her again, as if he was challenging her while the army of fans swarmed the three girls before he noticed two giants moving to hug the other two girls before exchanging some words with Linda.

And then the entire group who were now the focus of the entire party turned to glance at Jim with mocking glances of all, all except Linda.

She showed an expected look that Jim didn't feel any ill intention from. After all she knew he crushed a seducer before, one that the line of her admirers could form an entire army without exaggeration.

"These clubs are all arrogant."

The moment the two girls came to Jim's side Rick, who was sticking himself around the girls like the other team members, complained.

"What did they ask?" Jim moved to the edge of the stage while stretching his hands to help Saga and Tina to ride over it.

"They want either a long and detailed interview about oneself and his clan to join or to be someone extraordinary," Deno said in some discomfort.

"Like… being the ace or something?" Saga said while jumping beside Jim as she heard the music, "wow, I never thought you were enjoying such fun while we were stuck down there."

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