I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 118: The Silver Wings

"Don't mind that jerk, he is full of himself as all the inner campus masters."

Jim stood in front of Rana who had her face turned upside down when she heard the news from Jim's mouth. "I'll go and see how this happened, the door to join the ace league should be closed in the early hours of the morning. Wait here…"

She suddenly vanished the same magical way she did yesterday. This time Jim could see how she did that.

She simply turned into a large cloud of fog that dissipated fast from the place. She was like a cloud, and just before anyone could speak, she returned again once more.

"Screw them… they think the dean can interfere to extend the admission time… such hypocrites!"

The moment she returned she started to explode up with these words and more. From her angry remarks Jim already knew what happened and he didn't need to ask anymore.

"Line up," she shouted as she added, "our generous dean interfered and made an exception for the deadline of the ace league… five other teams participated and now we have six teams from the academy this year… just hilarious!"

The team members only stood silent while trying their best not to speak. Jim stressed over them during the way to here not to try and enrage her.

"No comment then?" she said in a disappointed tone.

"We'll crush them all," Kro couldn't restrain himself anymore as he shouted in rage.

"Good saying kid, now let's see if you can follow these words with your deeds or not," she waved her hand and the next moment a long row of gears appeared just beside her. "These are the gears I promised to provide."

She glanced at Jim who didn't frankly know if these were good or bad.


"Holy fairies! Is this the lightning spear?" Rick couldn't help but shout in shock the moment his eyes fell over a very long spear that looked quite intimidating with those arcs of lightning around it. "What number is it?" he asked with widened eyes and drooling mouth.

"Twelve," Rana said in pride while Jim didn't understand what these two were saying.

"Damn!" Rick instantly reacted before recalling the warning of Jim, "sorry goddess, but I can't believe one of the latest versions of the spear in recent years is in front of me."

"Hahaha, don't mind it," she luckily took his words lightly, "now go and wear up the gears… show me your true abilities."

"That sword… is it that nemesis sword?" Roo moved like being possessed towards a curved sword with double edges.

And Rana only nodded.

"Is it… damn me! It's five! It's the latest sword that created miracles in the game five years ago!"

His shouts came so loud while the laughs of Rana were even louder. "I had a hobby for years to mimic any good gears coming up during the past years. And now it seems this silly hobby of mine is useful."

"You are… amazing," Kro said while he also went towards a rounded shield that looked as huge as his body, "If I'm not mistaken, this is the Bulltor shield that created legends in the last years."

"Good eyes kid," Rana was already in a great mood, "but the best part isn't those… but this little one here."

She suddenly took out two small wings that looked so pure that you can see through them perfectly. The moment she took them out, they started to flap together like they were the wings of the bird.

"The silver wings of the fairies… holy moly you also made it!" This time it was the three of them exclaiming in unison while their eyes were about to pop out their sockets.

"Hahaha, stop dreaming, these little wings here are for our captain," she laughed while pointing to Jim before adding, "I hope you can handle them."

Jim was about to speak but he noticed the envious glances coming from many of his team members. He turned to them while scratching his head. "Why are you looking at me like this?" he laughed shortly while feeling weird.

"Lucky boss," Rick said.

"Getting one of the best gears even made in the entire game… so damn lucky," Kro added.

"Sigh, now I really regret not being an ace," Roo shook his head while Jim only felt weirder.

"Don't mind them," Rana laughed, "they are just too shocked to see this little beauty over here."

"Are they that special?" Jim tried to understand better what these wings represented.

"Why not wear them and see for yourself?" she casually threw the wings to him while he noticed the sharp reaction of many around.

As if she threw a treasured item that would crash if he dropped it. "How can I use it?" he asked while touching the wings and feeling their extremely soft surface.

They were so soft like the best cushion in the world.

"Just put them on your back," she casually said before adding, "go and try to run inside the field."

They were standing on the side of the field and yet didn't step inside. Jim didn't delay and put the wings over his shoulders where he felt a cold and refreshing feeling over that spot.

For others they saw the wings getting attached to his back and continued to flap in a faster pace than before. He followed her words and moved to the field.

The moment his legs stepped over there he felt a force coming from the ground and passing through his entire body in no time. "What the hell…?" he couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

"Hahaha," Rana couldn't help but laugh from the depth of her soul while her body even trembled, "this is the reaction I loved to see from new players, it never gets old."

"Is it… alright?" Jim asked, "I felt a strange surge of energy entering my body."

"It's to seal your usage of spells," Rick laughed as well.

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