I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 177: A Dangerous Dragon

"You finally came," Lim jumped off one table and left one girl he was dancing with, "come, this is a great party, hahaha."

His shouts attracted everyone before the four girls of his moved from the two tables they were dancing with each other upon and grabbed his hand to go and dance with them.

And he couldn't help but throw everything behind his back and go to dance with them while enjoying this rare moment of glory; the first event of his entire life.

The next day, and after a very long night of celebrations and doing crazy things like leading the entire supporting disciples in a big tour around the entire academy in the depth of the night, Jim finally woke up like a king waking up after a glorious war.

"My head… damn!" Yet the intense headache he got made him quite mad in the morning. His mind didn't let him sleep well and nice like others and he got himself up in the early hours of the morning.

"I only slept for a couple of hours… sigh," he couldn't help but shake off his head before putting it under the cold waters. "It didn't help!" he felt worse after doing that and then he glanced at the five girls lying weakly around the room.

Four old girls and Moora was the newest one to be added to them. He didn't frankly clearly recall what happened but after getting wasted from strong liquor, the two danced in a very intimate way before he decided to sleep with her.

And during the last hours of the night he had a very fun time, unfortunately he held little memories about these moments.

"I should go out to walk," the headache was so severe and he went downstairs before stupefying at the chaos his mansion was in.

Many were sleeping and snoring, part was his team and others were many of his new fans. He smiled helplessly while trying to find his way among many couples before finally finding his way outside his mansion that strangely didn't look anywhere like his.

"This air is quite refreshing," he stretched before starting to walk aimlessly. His legs led him to the inner campus where things seemed oddly quite unlike usual.

"Even on vacation I found myself coming here," he sighed.

"Such a hard working disciple is worthy of my admiration," suddenly this harsh tone came from his back, startling him.

Yet when he turned to see his speaker, he was instantly scared.

It was a giant dragon, with thick black scales covering his giant body. He saw many dragons before, yet this was the first time seeing such one.

"I believe this the first time we meet," the dragon calmly said, "but I've heard a lot about you already."

Jim moved a couple steps to the back instinctively while he felt a deep threat inside his soul. That dragon wasn't a simple being, and he felt innate fear swelling up inside his soul.

Along with a strange storm of hatred and anger.

"Interesting… even have a faint killing intent… impressive," the dragon smiled in a calm way as if he was speaking with a toddler, "anyway it's good to meet you here as today's visit is all about you."

"Me?" Jim asked in doubt while he watched the dragon walk slowly towards him, and he retreated.

"Don't be afraid kid, I won't eat you," the dragon laughed before passing beside Jim who had his back cornered with the wall of the campus. "C'mon, the meeting will start the moment I arrive."

Jim watched the dragon pass many buildings and headed towards the depth of the campus like he knew every inch there. He swallowed his dried throat before deciding to go in.

'Be careful not to speak with me,' before he moved a muscle, the old man warned, 'that dragon… he is very dangerous.'

'I know.'

Jim moved while keeping his distance off the leisurely walking dragon. The two went deep in the campus until they ended up at the building where Jim selected his lessons from the start.

And there the building looked strangely crowded with many masters, even Rana was there with puffy eyes that went wide the moment she spotted him.

He didn't know why but the events from the last night came to mind when he saw her. And she smiled calmly to him, like a tigresse waiting for her weak deer to come near her.

"Welcome Mr. Dean," just as Jim and that dragon approached the big crowd, Mark moved with a couple of other masters Jim had never seen before and greeted that dragon while stealing a glance at Jim.

And Jim felt deeply shocked when he heard these words and his body instantly froze up.

"It's really refreshing to meet all the staff of the inner campus," the dean said before turning his head towards Jim, "and I also stumbled upon this little surprise when I was on my way here. It seems you did a brilliant job and this disciple loves the classes even when there was a day off."

The calm words of the dean held no ill intentions, yet Jim felt a heavy pressure coming from that dragon that he couldn't breathe. 'He is very dangerous,' he thought to himself while Mark led the dean inside the building before leaving him with the other two masters.

And then he hurried to Jim while Rana was faster to reach him.

"You never cease to amaze me," she chuckled, "even when there is a grand urgent meeting to discuss what you caused here yesterday you decided to show up… quite impressive."

Her eyes held different meaning and her tone carried obvious warning and he appreciated that.

"You shouldn't have come," Mark said the moment he arrived, totally ignoring Rana, "how did you know about this meeting?"

"I… just had a headache and decided to take a stroll," Jim felt weird.

"All of the days and out of all places you decided to show up at this moment… that's weird," Mark muttered before turning his gaze towards the inside of the building where the dean vanished. "It seems the rumors are true."

"What rumors?" Jim asked.

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