I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 209: A Brutal Fight With The Monster

Jim wasn't moving according to any logic, but only the instinct of survival drove him to do that. He landed directly over the large piece of orb and held it in one hand while the other had his sword.

He was ready for a brutal fight now with nothing else to protect but his own life.

The moment he touched that ore, he suddenly felt a gush of energy inside his body. He was used to absorbing energy from Jenny and Lan before but this time it seemed quite different.

The amount and quality of energy were totally on another whole level. He glanced in surprise at the ore he put on the ground like a giant rod an old man was leaning over and saw the red fire swirling all over the ore.

The ore was just introverted moments ago, not showing anything of what the old man said before about it. However when he touched it, it seemed like this piece of ore got transformed.

And next his body was literally on fire.

"I'll show you how bad it is to come at me," his eyes shone in golden color while he put his hand in the front, letting his sword be directed towards the ground.

The light shining from his body and ore in hand lit up most of the dark cave and he could now see what was coming at him.

"These aren't snakes… they are like… tentacles?!" he was surprised to see that what was crawling on the ground weren't snakes but cylindrical extensions, so long and agile to move as fast as real snakes.

But at this moment he realized something.

"So the real monster is lying in darkness, hiding from me," he muttered and that gave him more hope. If they were snakes then he was facing a risk of getting bitten and poisoned, but now he could fight without worrying about such a thing.

'It must be a species belonging to the hydra or the kraken clan,' the old man suddenly said, 'and both are afraid of light and fire, both powers you now possess.'

These words managed to push more confidence inside Jim's soul who started to see his odds of surviving them skyrocketing from the deep bottom.

"I don't care what it is,"Jim coldly sneered while watching the fast moving tentacles getting closer to him, "I'll make sure to barbecue that bastard."

The closer the tentacles got to him the more details he could see. These tentacles were like large octopus arms, making him believe this monster belonged to the kraken species more than anything else.

"Die!" as the tentacles got so near that they were less than five meters off him, he decided to let his sword hit the ground. The next second his body was engulfed in a large ball of bright red fire.

The fire was raging wildly on a scale he never tasted before. Before his protective orb was enough to cover his entire body and make him invincible.

However this time not only the size of the fireball got larger, but it also emitted long wisps of fire that started to arch in the air and hit everything around.


The moment the fire touched those three tentacles closing it, he heard a sizzling sound. It was like these tentacles met their deadliest enemy and were like ice thrown directly on the fire.

But Jim didn't plan on standing there watching his fire doing this collateral damage without interfering.

All the anger and helplessness he got inside were all transformed into a storm of determination. The next moment he used his fast boots and wings to move fast, so fast that he even created a series of after images of frightening balls of fire.

Then he moved his sword and started cutting these tentacles along the path towards the depth of the cave.


At this moment he heard the painful roars of those hidden monsters, yet Jim couldn't see a glimpse of it despite running deep into the cave for a couple of minutes.

"So you were hiding yourself here," he finally reached a very deep abyss where he spotted a hideous monster shape down below. The monster had curled skin with some pustules over his body.

In Jim's eyes this was the ugliest monster he spotted so far, yet that ugly appearance didn't prevent him from jumping down, gulping over the slippery walls of this bottomless pit and landing just beside the monster.

The monster had eight long arms just like the four he just dealt with. The four he injured seemed to get huge damage and got shrunk on the side of the monster while the other four were twirling in the air, dancing like headless snakes.

"Let you be my second kill in this cursed place,"' Jim didn't hesitate to jump fast over the monster, and the monster threw his four intact arms, trying to surround and squeeze the life out of him.

But Jim had higher reflexes than that monster. It was thanks to his small training in the Graz game that helped him in honing such skill, and now he was depending on it to survive.

He kept moving right and left, advancing and retreating, creating a series of after images while his sword flashed every now and then to cut these arms of the monster, and pushing them to shrink out of the deep wounds they got.

In less than five minutes the monster stood baren without any arms to defend itself.


As it found itself in such a position, it roared, turned around and tried to flee deep down the abyss.

"Like I'll let you easily run away," yet Jim moved fast to block the path that monster chose to jump off. The monster and Jim were on a broad protrusion of the wall, like a small cliff with nothing else there.

"Roar!" yet the monster didn't stop or decrease its speed while it tried to hit Jim directly with its larger body mass.

In fact the monster wasn't that big, only its main body would amount up to three sizes of Jim. Yet Jim didn't relax his vigilance and decided to use something he never used before.


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