I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 226: Death Approaches From Everywhere!

The disciples glanced in a weird way towards Hector. "Are you going down... only with them?" one of them asked, "do you want us with you?"

"No need," Hector simply said, "just keep an eye out for me. Follow me," he said to his group of ten and Jim before they started to jump over the edge.

"Not again," Jim was skeptical about their suicidal intentions but this time he jumped after them.

"Our little friend here, Roger, has a unique ability to create jellies," Hector explained the moment Jim landed over a broad staircase made entirely of faint green jelly, "come, we will arrive there soon."

Jim watched the jelly staircase and understood the meaning of Hector's words from before.

'They can get all the way to the bottom in no time this way,' he envied their ability to descend like this while he had to hold on the wall and climb over a sloping surface from before.

'He is a tenth grade kid,' the old man said, 'and one of the strongest in the entire disciple community. Don't belittle your deeds or compare yourself to him.'

'I... know,' Jim slowly said, 'but it still feels huge, the gap between him and me.'

'At the end of the day, personal strength is all what matters, right?'


Jim went into silence and didn't answer the old man. In less than two minutes they stopped when Hector raised his arm to make them pause.

"Something looks fishy here," he muttered while sniffing the air.

"I smell more than one scent," a wolf clan descendant kid said before sniffing the air in an audible way, "I believe there are five monsters here."

"F- Five?!!" Jim was shocked, "didn't you say there was only one?"

"Incoming!" Hector suddenly yelled in warning and the next thing Jim saw was a strange thing dancing in the bottom, coming up so fast towards them.

It was shining weakly in blue light, and that made it so hard to see in the middle of the darkness.

Yet Jim didn't freeze in his place, jumped around as the others did before ending up holding the walls as he did once before.


The jelly staircase was violently hit by what Jim could describe as a long scorpion-like tail.

"It's the death breaker," one of the kids screamed in an alarming way, "let's all retreat, no way to fight this thing by any of us."

Just before Hector could say anything, a loud shout came from high above and suddenly darkness started to approach them from the top in fast fashion.

"Damn! At this time," Hector couldn't help but curse, "alright, ready yourselves for a brutal fight."

"Are we going up?" the wolf clan kid asked.

"We are killing our way down," Hector said, "we need to buy our friends some time to deal with the dark hunters. Follow me!"

Jim watched a scene he never expected as all of sudden the darkness in this area vanished in a blink of an eye. He even doubted that on a normal sunny day this clarity and amount of lights would be present on earth at any time.

"Keep up Jim," Hector yelled, "we will fight over one fighting jelly arena."

Jim saw them all jump off the walls and land over a strange circular thin layer of jelly. He didn't pause anymore and jumped as well to stand among them.

"Ready for some fun?" Hector cracked his neck muscles by tilting his head right and left while waving his sword to the bottom of the jelly.

Jim was about to stop him but the next he saw the jelly surface creating a small hole where the sword let out its attack towards the bottom.

And a thick pillar of purple light appeared from the sword of Hector coupled with lightening up everything down there.

"There are six, not five you morons," one of the disciples hit the wolf kid on the back of the head while adding, "you almost got us killed by this."

They all laughed while Jim was surprised about how they were laughing so leisurely while death approached them from every corner and angle.

"Listen Jim," Hector retreated his sword before adding, "keeping your cool in a fight is a mandatory skill to survive. And what's the best thing to keep yourself cool?"

"Laughing," the ten disciples all used their spells at the same time while shouting in unison, "and kept telling jokes," Hector added while plunging his sword once again on the jelly surface.

"What do you see down there?" Hector asked.

"Dinner boss?" one disciple answered.

"Idiot, it's still so early in the morning," Hector laughed, "so it's our breakfast boys. Let's go down there and grab it."

Jim watched the others laugh and shout in excitement while raining the entire area with their spells.

And yet... not a single monster down below was that harmed by their attacks.

He spotted that worm Hector spoke of. It wasn't looking in good shape with some parts missing. "They were fighting over its territory then," Jim muttered while glancing over the other five monsters scattered around.

Two were looking like giant toads with strange horse-like legs, two were looking like giant bugs with strange smooth and sturdy looking silver shell surface and a much weirder two long horns on the side of their big heads and large number of eyes.

And the last one... was like a giant lizard that kept changing its skin color to match the surroundings while it had a very long and highly agile tail that was formed of bony circles, interlinking together to form a long and dangerous looking chain.

"We... are doomed," Jim softly muttered while glancing at the death rapidly approaching from above as well.

"Just use all your power," Hector shouted, "and I promise we all can go back together and have our breakfast while laughing at your freezing reaction down here."

Jim swallowed his cold saliva while holding the sword firmly. He had his spell being ignited before jumping off the jelly to the wall.

He was ready to fight, but not believing in winning.

'Use your absorbing spell goddammit,' suddenly the old man screamed in his head, 'what's the benefit of having a last resort to measure if you won't use it in such desperate situations?'

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