I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 231: The Queen of Spiders

"Damn!" Larry sucked in a cold air of breath while glancing at Don, "I always heard legendary stories about Sesons, but never had the privilege to see one in action before."

"It's a really killer beast with such talent," Reg said in agreement while Tom only nodded and said nothing.

"We aren't safe yet," Jim warned, "they are facing a very hard situation back there."

The three glanced over the direction of Hector and his team. There the entire place kept flashing with different lights while showing off the hideous faces of monsters coming off the pit and darkness caused by the dark hunters.

Jim wasn't exaggerating, they were really stressed over by the large number of their enemies back there.

The dark hunters did a small favor and kept part of the monsters off them as they killed them. However most of the monsters and hunters were fiercely coming at Hector and his men.

And the lizard's head started to slightly emerge out of the pit.

"We are almost there," Reg said, trying to encourage the others, "all we need is a hundred meters or slightly more."

"Is that... the pit?" Jim suddenly motioned his head towards the far distance where the end of the illumination orbs lightened up the edge of the dark area on the ground.

"Damn! Have we crossed almost to their territory?" Tom cursed, "we are doomed."

"We can still survive this," Larry said, "we just need to act swift, advance and then retreat fast."

"I bet it won't be a walk in the park anymore," Tom said in a deep tone while shaking off his head.

"Let's not waste this opportunity then," Jim said in a decisive tone, "let's go fast and pull that damned lizard out before we get attacked."

The other three exchanged silent glances before they started moving, or to be more frank, running.

They aimed towards the pit up front while feeling more unease the closer they get near it.


And from far behind the lizard shrieked in deep anger and agony while it was forcibly getting out of the pit without any way to resist.

All it could do was to plunge its jaws, claws to the edge of the pit and even stick its tail to the walls.

But with the persistent run of Jim it couldn't do anything but helplessly watching while being dragged outside.

"Almost there," Reg said, yet the next moment Jim saw his face ashen white under the weak light of the orbs around.

"What's wrong?" he asked while turning to glance at the direction Reg froze.

And there he saw something that made his scalp numb.

A gigantic spider web was lining the ceiling and extending all the way to the pit. Jim didn't know if this spider net was initially there or it was coming from the pit.

Yet in the next few seconds he got the answer for that.

"It's coming towards here," Tom shouted in an alarming way, "we need to retreat now! We can't fight the queen of spiders as well!"

"Damn it," Larry cursed, "the lizard is almost at the edge."

"We need to try our luck," Reg decided, "spiders hate cold, Tom you have frost spells... use them now!"

"Screw you," Tom cursed before stepping forward, "if we survived this i won't settle with less than all your share of this raid."

"Half," Reg said in a strong tone.

"All of i will walk from here," Tom turned to him while his face told Jim he wasn't joking.

"Fine, seventy percent and that's it," Reg said before threatening, "or else I'll go back and tell the boss about your deeds here."

"That's if you returned alive," Tom sneered, "but for old times sake I'll take that offer..." he turned his head to Larry before adding, "from the two of you."

Larry could helplessly sigh and nod. "That's becoming more interesting," Tom laughed before taking out a bow and a strange set of arrows. "If I were you I'd step to the back."

"Let's retreat for now," Reg advised.

"I'll keep moving forward," Jim wasn't trying to act brave here but he felt if he gave that lizard a single chance to catch its breaths then it would become more difficult to drag its fatty ass out of there.

"Do as it suits you then," Tom said before taking one arrow and plunging it in the bow.


The next moment a small air storm raged all over his body and extended fast towards everywhere else. Jim was hit with this and felt extreme coldness attacking his body.

"Damn!" he cursed before jumping up and down, trying to add more heat to his body.

"I wanted you," Tom said before the arrow turned from a mere wooden one into an icy white piece. "Let's see if you can handle my frost bitch," he released the arrow and didn't hurry to catch one until his arrow hit its mark.

He didn't aim towards the outer borders of the web, but directly at the slightly dense spider net that went towards the pit hole.


The moment the arrow touched the web it exploded into many tiny fragments of ice like a glass shattered on the ground.

"That's amazing!" Jim was surprised to see the tiny parts land over the web threads, freezing them instantly and many were cut loose.


The next moment a loud and scary shriek came from the depth of the pit, scaring the sh*t out of Jim.

"Don't worry," Reg's voice came from his back, "she can't get out like the other queen."

Yet the next moment a large number of threads appeared like arrows coming from the pit hole.

"Like hell I'll let you repair what I caused," Tom viciously responded with a wave of frost arrows while each time he used one, Jim got one more layer of frost over his body.

"What are you waiting for?" Tom shouted in urgency, "my arrows are limited and I can't kill her or even stop her threads as you can see. Let's finish this damn task and retreat to the boss."

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