I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 241: Getting Cornered

Jim jumped into the pit with nothing else in his mind but to get as deep as he could.

His body fell freely inside the pit, while his pure golden orb helped in illuminating everything for tens of meters around.

'Be careful,' the old man warned, 'that monster is hurrying after you.'

Jim raised his head and glanced at the huge worm squeezing its body in the narrow pit. The rocks it smashed helped in creating a vague shape of it, making Jim feel more dreadful than before.

"I need to get to that mine," Jim said while his fall was gaining more speed in time.

'That way to stop your descent will be... a little hard.'

"I know," Jim said with a satisfied face, "but I have no other option here, right?"

The old man went silent and didn't answer for a long time.

During this, Jim was moving so fast but he never lost his focus.

"It's there!" Just as one minute passed, he noticed a hole appearing so suddenly at the bottom. It was rising up so fast, or he was descending fast enough to make it look like a flash.

"Damn!" Jim didn't hesitate to point his sword towards the wall before he missed the opening. The moment his sword touched the walls, he felt a very excruciating pain as all his muscles were stretched and pressured like never before.

And he wasn't also in full health to begin with.


The sword managed to cause a deep crack in the wall but it didn't help to stop Jim's body until a few moments later. "I missed it," Jim's body hit the wall violently while he was trying to get what was going on.

The abrupt stop made his head a little dizzy, coupled with the pain he felt the urge to close his eyes, stretch his body and rest.

But he resisted that while gazing up towards his enemy. "It's coming."

Up there that worm was crushing all the walls around, widening the pit to accommodate its gigantic body. The tentacles it had at the front of its body were now moving like snakes, falling as deep as they could.

And they were getting so near to Jim at this moment.

"I won't fall here," Jim endured the massive pain he had and started climbing the small distance between him and the cave opening.

However his ascent was much slower than the monster's descent.

"Damn it!" Just a few meters before reaching that opening, the tentacles reached the level of the small cave opening and threatened him to enter there.

'Go inside the crack,' the old man shouted in an alarming tone, 'go deeper there and try to get cover off these tentacles.'

Jim watched the tentacles ignoring the cave entirely and heading down towards him. "Screw this," he didn't argue or hesitate as he threw himself inside the deep crack caused by his sword.

The golden orb around him started to eat away the rock, however the tentacles reached him fast.

"No time to stay here then," he squeezed his body deeply inside the crack while pushing with all his might upward. He wanted to climb the narrow crack towards the upward cave, however the space was so tight and it wasn't able to fit his body.


The next moment one tentacle moved like a spear and clashed directly with his golden orb.

'The orb will hold,' the old man said in a deep tone, 'but not too much. You need to go up there now.'

"I'm trying!" Jim shouted while squeezing every ounce of strength he got to cross that narrow crack upward.

His body was already deeply hurt, but after a couple of attempts and many clashes with the tentacles of that monster, he finally managed to push his body just beneath the cave ground.

"It's... so narrow," he bitterly said while seeing the thin opening lying up above his head. No matter how he saw it, he had zero chance of reaching the cave in time.


Just as he was lost in thoughts, another hit came and this time his orb vibrated violently as if it was about to explode.


Don, who was standing still all this time, finally got to act.

"Good boy," Jim commended before turning his eyes to the crack around, "but I dunno how your godly luck will get me safely out of this buddy."



Jim suddenly felt his body falling off that crack just after he got another hit of the tentacles. He lost his balance while watching his orb getting thinner, as if it was about to fade away.


And the monster didn't give any chance to catch his breath while another tentacle hit him, directly crushing the last bit of his golden orb and sending him flying in the air.

"Cough... Cough..." Jim couldn't feel his body as strange warmth and numbness started to overwhelm him. He could only stand with extreme difficulty while gazing up at this small pouch he found himself in.

The repeated clashes between his orb and the tentacles weakened the rocks around, making this pouch to be linked to the crack from before.

"What now?" Jim coughed and this time he felt a metallic taste in his mouth. He was coughing blood and he was pretty sure his body was at its limit.

"This..." he glanced around but everything was ushered under strange darkness. Up front, the crack seemed like a thin line of light ending up to a shiny opening.

And the next moment that opening got covered with something big, clouding all the lights coming from the world outside.

"This is it... huh?" Just as he felt despair, a new change happened. He retreated in reflex one step to the back when that monster appeared.

And one step was all that he needed to cross the boundary between despair and hope.

"It's... ores!!" he muttered in deep shock while seeing the rocks around getting shiner. His hands were covered with blood and as he retreated he touched them without intention.

And that was a very great coincidence that made the ores around absorb his blood and faintly shine.

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