The two of them were fighting.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sound of fists colliding continued to echo, and the battle between Jello and Pizarro had entered a white-hot stage.

"Can this level of Armament Haki bump fists with Garp? You are just a name!"

Pizarro looked down at Jello from a high position. He was 5.05 meters tall, much taller than Jello, who was 2.8 meters tall under normal circumstances.

Jello smiled and did not respond, but suddenly exerted force on his wrist and pushed Pizarro back, and the latter staggered to right himself.

"It's meaningless to fight with fists only. My best weapon is still this pistol in my hand!"

"I can make it fire bullets wrapped with armed color domineering. What can you use to fight me?"

After that, Pizarro took out a special pistol from his waist and pointed the muzzle at Jello.

"Oh? So this is what it feels like to be pointed at by a gun?"

"It's really scary!"

Jello said calmly, staring at the black muzzle of the gun.

He often points guns at others, but today is the first time he has been pointed at by a gun.

"Scary? Next, I will let you experience the feeling of death!"

Pizarro licked his slightly dry lips and said with a crazy expression.

"Go to hell!"

After the emotional voice fell, Pizarro pulled the trigger of the three-hole pistol.

With a "bang!",

three bullets wrapped with Armament Haki were fired from the pistol, whistling in the wind, and shot towards Zero's chest at a very fast speed.

"Iron block!"

Zero, who could arm his whole body with Armament Haki, straightened his chest and chose to use classic moves to block it.


The sound of metal collision, the bullets wrapped with Armament Haki broke through Zero's defense, and blood flowers were scattered in the air.

Seeing this scene, all the onlookers showed regretful expressions.

"Come on, Pirate Brother, you must hold on!!"

The little boy shouted excitedly.

Morgans, who was holding a camera in his hand, would certainly not miss this moment, and immediately captured and recorded it.

Then he looked back in confusion, and when he saw that Doflamingo was still in a crazy look, Morgans knew that the result of this battle would not be any surprise.

"The damned lowly person actually cheered for the enemy. He has been defeated by me!!"

"After I finish dealing with him, I will slowly deal with you!"

After Pizarro glanced at the little boy coldly, he slowly walked towards Jello, with an arrogant look, and he wanted to raise his nose to the sky.

When he came in front of Jello, he reached out to grab his collar.

The next second, the three bullets that had originally scratched Jello's flesh suddenly shot back in the opposite direction. Pizarro sensed the danger with his observation Haki and quickly avoided it.


A loud slap echoed, and Jello's left hand covered with dragon scale armor slapped the wrist of the evil king Pizarro. The scorching heat even burned the sleeve covering Pizarro's arm into ashes.

"You think you can kill me!"

Jello's mouth curled up a cruel smile, and more and more dragon scale armor covered his body, as if he had transformed into a "dragon man form".

The fist wrapped in lightning blasted towards Pizarro's belly, and the charred black smoke rose up, and the latter almost rolled his eyes on the spot.

After realizing that the sandbag in his hand was so durable, Jello simply turned on the ghost king mode again, and his height soared to seven meters. He grabbed Pizarro's wild blue mane with one hand and pressed it to the ground and rubbed it repeatedly.

"You are useless even if I give you a chance!"

When Pizarro's thick face was worn out, Jello said with regret.

"Why didn't you use this form just now, and you like to play with your opponent so much?"

Pizarro, whose mouth was a little crooked, gritted his teeth and roared.

"I just used you to test the development of my own armed color domineering, and by the way, I gave you a chance to hurt me with an iron block."

"As I said when we first met, I didn't take you seriously this time!"

Jello explained to him coldly while pressing Pizarro's head.

Although Jello originally intended to treat the evil king in front of him as the BOSS of the map copy when he first came to the North Sea,

but after returning to Inazuma Country halfway to obtain the dragon man form through the investment system, his own strength exploded, and the strength of the evil king Pizarro was not enough at all.

In the original book, this guy was still killed by the "deserter king" after eating the island fruit given by Blackbeard Teach.

Coby's punch was worse than a plane crash.

Even though Coby's aura from that battle was a bit heavy, it was still possible to judge that the real combat power of the evil king Pizarro was not up to the level of the Three Calamities of the Beasts.

So, Jello used him as a sandbag to test his current level of Armament Haki.

The facts of this battle proved that whoever used the "Iron Block" trick would be defeated, and Jello didn't plan to use it again in the future.

"I'll give this country to you, please let me go!"

Pizarro was afraid at this time, tilting his head and begging for mercy from Jello.


"In fact, if I kill you, this country will also be mine!"

"It can be seen... The people of the kingdom have a lot of opinions about you, they can't wait for you to die!"

Jello took the gun from Pizarro and pointed it at his head.

"How is it possible?"

"I, Pizarro, love the people the most!"

"If you don't believe me, ask them?"

At this time, Pizarro still held on to his last fantasy, that is, the civilians were afraid of him and dared not tell the truth, but how is this possible?

"Pirate brother, this guy killed my mother, you must not let him go!!" The little boy was the first to stand up and plead with Jello.

"Yes, Mr. Pirate, you must not hand over this country to that guy!!"

Finding that the overall situation was settled, the rest of the civilians no longer acted as turtles, and stood up one after another, pointing their spearheads at the evil king Pizarro who had become a fish on the chopping board.

"Look, did you hear it?"

"Do you have any last words? Your Majesty the King!"

Jello asked Pizarro in a playful tone.

"I don't want to die!"

Pizarro said in a panic, no longer having the calmness and arrogance of the past.

"I don't agree!!"

After saying that, Jello frantically pressed the trigger of the special pistol in his hand and shot at Pizarro's forehead.

Soon, the bullets filled his head and Pizarro's head was buzzing.

With the end of Pizarro's life, the legend of the evil king of the North Sea came to an end.

The civilians who had their revenge cheered and supported Jello as their new king.

The fact that the pirate Anlong defeated the evil king was recorded by Morgans and made into a newspaper to spread.

Half a month later, in the distant South Sea Kingdom of Solbe,

Ginny, who was also oppressed by the king and suffered unspeakably, opened the newspaper and her dull eyes suddenly lit up.

"If this man can come to us, maybe we won't have to pay high amounts of Tianshangjin anymore!"


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