The two of them were in a hurry.

"If I remember correctly, Robin lives in this town with her uncle and aunt!!"

"Let me feel which direction she is in now!"

After the words fell, Jello closed his eyes and felt patiently.

Because Jello knew the specific appearance of Robin's uncle and aunt, he quickly found the location of the two.

When he came to a small house, Jello subconsciously wanted to push open the front door, and suddenly he felt that the back door of the house was easier to open.

"Forget it, let's go through the back door!"

As if to verify his perception ability, Jello chose to enter the house from the back.


The back door opened as soon as it was pushed, and Jello walked into the house swaggeringly.

Robin's uncle Orlan and aunt Roger naturally lived in the warm and spacious master bedroom, while Robin's cousin Miziila lay on the comfortable bed in the second bedroom.

Robin, who lived here, was abandoned in a remote place.

Rather than a small room, it was more like a utility room.

The two who regarded Robin as a burden often asked Robin to clean up their miscellaneous items and do housework for them.

It was precisely because of the miserable childhood that Robin grew up to be a bit black-hearted.

Jello pushed open the door of Robin's uncle and aunt. The two slept very soundly, and heavy breathing sounds came from their mouths from time to time.


Jello went up and slapped them in the face twice, waving them out of their sleep.

"Hey, what are you doing!!"

Aunt Roger, who was very angry when she got up, propped herself up from the bed with disheveled hair, waving her fat arms as if she was going to elbow someone.

"Wife, calm down and don't hit me!"

Olan rubbed his swollen face and looked at his wife beside him with fear.

Jero, who was watching from the sidelines, could tell at a glance that this guy was afraid of his wife, and the fact was almost the same. It was because Roger was unhappy with Robin that Orlan made things difficult for Robin, the daughter of his own sister.

"You two... didn't you notice that there were guests at home!"

Jero's voice echoed in the room.

"Who is it?"

Roger, who was a little dizzy, put his clothes on his fat body and asked casually.

"I'll go and see!"

Olan rubbed his nearsighted eyes and prepared to take out his glasses from the drawer in the bedside table.


Jero grabbed their hair and yelled.

"Ah, ghost!!"

Olan and Roger were so scared that their souls almost fell out, and their bodies kept trembling.


"Two cowards, open your eyes and look carefully!"

Jero pushed them hard and let them go.

After a long time, the two of them finally saw Jero's disguised face.

"You don't want to take our lives, do you?"

"I don't want to die! There is still some money at home, why don't you rob us!"

Uncle Ao Lang said in horror.

Aunt Roger next to him was unhappy when she heard it. She slapped her husband next to her angrily, and then pulled her pajamas with her hands and looked at Jero: "Our whole family still relies on that little money to live, why don't you rob her!"


Jero raised his right hand, and a crisp slap sounded, and Roger fell to the ground.

Ao Lang saw his wife being slapped to the ground, and quickly got up.

"What are you going to do?"

Jero, who didn't understand, asked in confusion.

"Take the money! Don't you want money?"

Olan nodded and bowed.

"I'm not interested in money......!"

"I have something else to ask you."

After Jello finished speaking slowly, he looked up at Olan and asked, "Your sister's name is Nicole Olivia, right?"

"Yes, but how did you know?"

Olan frowned and asked.

"I'm your sister's good friend. She heard that you two were very bad to Robin, so I came to teach you a lesson!"

Jello said seriously, while displaying his observation Haki.

Olan, who was affected, believed it without hesitation after hearing it!

Of course, it's not just that Jello's ability is abnormal, but more importantly, Jello knows the situation of Olan's family very well, and his words are credible.

"We know we are wrong, and we will treat Robin like our own daughter in the future!"

Olan lowered his head and begged for mercy.

"There will be no future!"

Jero said without hesitation, and slowly stood up.

This scene frightened Orlan, who thought Jello was going to find a knife to kill him.

Unexpectedly, Jello found a piece of paper and a pen and brought it to him. "Write on it that you will give Nico Robin's custody to Jello in the future, and sign your name!"

"Ah? OK, OK!"

Olan quickly followed Jello's instructions and soon wrote a custody transfer contract.

"Well... you have nothing to do."

"Don't move next!!"

Jello put his hand on Orlan's shoulder and cast a teleportation magic on him. Orlan was obedient and dared not move.

A minute later, Uncle Robin Orlan was teleported to Ghost Island.

Next, Jello put his hand on Roger and his daughter in the same way and teleported them over,

leaving the three of them to fend for themselves on Ghost Island.

After doing all this, Jello gently pushed open Robin's door, and saw little Robin curled up on the bed, holding a full-score medal in history in his arms, with a faint smile on his lips. "It seems that the Tree of All-Knowing has brought the same warmth to poor little Robin's home!" Jello, who had returned to his original appearance, sat by the bed, gently stroking Robin's little head with his big hands, muttering to himself. After a while, Robin's long eyelashes moved slightly and she woke up from her sleep. When she found a stranger sitting by her bed, she was shocked and immediately alert. But after Robin saw Jello's appearance clearly, she subconsciously regarded him as a good person. "Big brother, who are you?" "Why did you suddenly appear in my room?" Robin opened his eyes wide and asked Jello curiously. "My name is Jello, your uncle Orlan transferred your custody to me, and I will be your parent in the future!!" Jello smiled gently. "Is it true?"

"Did Uncle Orlan really do this?"

Robin frowned and asked in confusion.


Jero took out the transfer agreement and handed it to Nico Robin.

Little Robin jumped off the bed, lit the oil lamp, and looked at it patiently with her chin propped up.

After a while, her eyes lit up and she said to Jero excitedly: "It's Uncle Orlan's handwriting!"

"Right, Orlan's family went to Ghost Island for a trip, and Robin will live with Brother Jero in the future!"

Jero held Robin in his arms, looked into her eyes, and said gently.

"Uncle went to Ghost Island for a trip and didn't want Robin?"

Nico Robin, who had been isolated since childhood, asked sensitively.

"He doesn't want Robin, Brother Jero wants you!"

"After a while, Brother Jero will take Robin back to Ghost Island!"

Jero rubbed Robin's head.


Robin, who was held by Jero, nodded excitedly.


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