The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

"What is this place?"

After a while, Katakuri woke up from his baby-like sleep and looked around curiously.

"Welcome to the Beasts Pirates, distinguished guests!"

Zero's voice echoed in the meeting hall of the Beasts Pirates, and Katakuri stood up suddenly after hearing it.

"Anlong, so you are from the Beasts Pirates?"

Katakuri frowned and asked, the other party has strength and power,

I want to complete my mother's mission, it may be impossible to take him back.

"Let's get to know each other again. I'm Zero, codenamed Calamity, and currently serving as the Deputy Governor of Beasts."

Zero's face was full of smiles, giving people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze, and he was very friendly.

"Dark Dragon Zero?"

Katakuri touched the white scarf around his neck in astonishment, muttering to himself, and the memories before he fainted came to his mind like a tide.

"Where are my two sisters, Smoothie and Castadel?"

"You won't kill them, will you?"

Katakuri looked excited and very nervous.

"Not yet, I don't know about the future."

Zero held the lightning in his right hand, and his tone was threatening.

"What do you want me to do?"

"As long as you don't kill them, everything can be discussed!"

In order to protect his family, Katakuri lowered his proud head to Zero.

"Becoming the Observation Haki instructor of the Beasts Pirates, that's the only condition."

Zero spread his hands and sat back on the chair, waiting for Katakuri's answer.

"How long will it take to be the Observation Haki instructor?" Katakuri asked with a frown.

"At least three years!"

Zero gave Katakuri a vague answer and didn't tell him a specific number.

Three years?

There are still three years after three years, let's take him in first!

"I have no problem here, but if my mother can't wait for my news for a long time... this matter will become very difficult to handle!"

Katakuri couldn't even imagine how furious his mother would be in front of his younger brothers and sisters, and how many absurd things she would do if he didn't go back to report the news for a long time.


"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

"If I remember correctly, BIG MOM will hold a tea party at the end of this year?"

"I will just explain this matter to her in person!"

Zero's mouth curled up a confident smile, and his tone sounded very relaxed.

"You want to go to the Kingdom of Totland in person? Mom is not a reasonable person!"

After experiencing that battle, Katakuri was even a little worried about the confident man in front of him.

"Hahaha, I will naturally find a way to convince her when the time comes."

"To put it bluntly, in her heart... getting the power of the giants is more important than the safety of most of her children."

Zero said with great certainty, with a strange look in his eyes.

"You are right, she even has the idea of ​​completing the human giantization experiment."

Katakuri said coldly.

"Just go and teach the members of the Beasts Pirates Observation Haki."

"I know Big Mom better than you do, and I have ways to deal with her."

"Let's take a step back... you don't have a choice!"

Zero handed Katakuri a letter of appointment, which had been prepared long ago.

"Yes, Vice Governor!"

After hesitating for a moment, Katakuri took the letter of appointment and officially taught the members of the Beasts Pirates Observation Haki.


After seeing Katakuri off, Zero did not relax for a moment and came to the scientific research headquarters Rabbit Bowl to take out part of the gold in the mirror space.

The golden light was dazzling, and Judge and Quinn's scalps were numb.

"Brother Zero, where did you go to make a fortune again?"

"So much gold... it must be worth at least tens of billions of Baileys!"

With so much gold in front of him, Quinn felt his lips dry and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"With so much research funding, even if Lord Jero wants us to build a moon landing spacecraft, we can do it!"

Jage said with a smile and great joy.

"Remember when you do experiments, time is the most precious, and money can be wasted."

"Come back to me when you're done!


Jero stretched out his finger and said to Quinn and Judge in a relaxed tone.


"And more! !"

Quinn pinched his arm hard when he heard what Jero said to see if he was dreaming.

The burning pain stimulated the pain nerves. This was not a dream.

"Damn it, how come Brother Jero is so rich all of a sudden?"

"Did he rob several countries of their wealth in one go to make him dare to say such a thing?"

"Or did Brother Jero give himself to those rich women of the Celestial Dragons and exchange their beauty for it?"

Quinn's heart was in turmoil and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

If it was the second possibility, Quinn would have wanted to take his place and bear this suffering for Brother Jero.

At this time, Jero's voice rang again, "Judge, how sure are you about the technology of grafting artificial devil fruits onto weapons now?"

"Ninety percent sure! ”

“The technology of grafting artificial animal-type devil fruits onto weapons has matured. The sword that ate the artificial elephant-elephant fruit and the steel pipe that ate the artificial deer-deer fruit have been successfully made!”

Judge was a little proud when he said these words.

These research results, Vegapunk can do it, and now Judge can do it too!

“Oh? Elephant sword and deer….”

“It sounds really good!”

For the progress of his subordinates, Jello did not hesitate to praise his words.

“Next, what you have to do is to attach this magnetic fruit to the combat suit made for me.”

“Magnetic gloves are very convenient to use. I urgently want a combat tool that is more convenient to master magnetism!”

Jello handed the artificial magnetic fruit rewarded by the system to Judge.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me. I will definitely not let you down! "

Judge nodded solemnly.

Judge had no complaints about the extra task suddenly assigned to him. This was a manifestation of Lord Jello's trust in him!!

"What about me? Brother Jello!"

Quinn, who couldn't sit still, stood up.

"Continue to mass-produce artificial animal-type devil fruits."

"I have a corresponding solution to the environmental problem. Olivia, who has eaten the Sen Sen fruit, will be here soon!"

"As for electricity, you can use it first, and the problem will be solved later."

Jello transformed into a dragon man, dragged Thunder from high in the sky, and stored it in the corresponding device.

"Relying on the scientific and technological data of the ancient kingdom, we have developed two artificial ancient devil fruits, the Chicken-Chicken Fruit·Scorching Chicken and the Dog-Dog Fruit·Desert Dog. Do we need to give them to the Beast Real Fighter now to improve their strength? "

Seeing that Jello was so supportive of his work, Quinn quickly told him about his recent experimental results.

"There's no rush now. Wait until that man is released from prison, strengthen these two artificial animal-type devil fruits, and then give them to Gwen and Nasus!"

The man that Jello was waiting for was none other than the legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion!


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