The battle was over, and the situation was very complicated.

As Fishman Island was gradually under control, Morgause and Fujitora also began to exert their strength.

The truth of the Celestial Dragons' game of destroying the country was completely exposed by the Newsbird.

The justice of the navy was questioned by the people, and many non-member countries such as the Amazon Lily Kingdom simply sought protection from pirates.

Tori Toma (the former empress), the empress of the Amazon Lily Kingdom at the time, fell in love with Jello's handsome face in the newspaper at first sight, and inevitably fell in love with him, and also got the "lovesickness" passed down from generation to generation by the empress.

"Lord Anlong is so powerful that even the Celestial Dragons were trampled to death by him."

Tori Toma, who was in love, half-raised her body, and the figure of Jello kept appearing in her mind.

Fantasizing, fantasizing, she actually thought of the beautiful scene of holding a wedding with him in the palace.

When she noticed that the housekeeper Plantagenet was watching, Tori Toma wiped the water on her red lips with her slender white jade hands.

"Plantagenet, you must have seen the latest news in the newspaper, right?"

"Governments like ours that are not member states are always at risk of being destroyed by the Celestial Dragons."

"Those navy that claim to be righteous are not reliable at all. In order to protect the people of the kingdom, I decided to make a decision that goes against my ancestors!"

Tori Toma shook her long hair and showed a confident smile on her peerless face.

"Did Her Majesty decide to lead us to attack the Red Earth Continent first and kill those Celestial Dragons?!"

"After all, Your Majesty is the only one among millions of people!"

Gorse Flower guessed excitedly.

Amazon Lily Kingdom is definitely a place full of martial virtues. Every warrior has cultivated and mastered the domineering aura. There are many empresses in history who truly have the spirit of a king and possess the domineering aura of the king.

And the empress Toritoma is not only the most beautiful woman in the contemporary world, but also a powerful person with the domineering aura of the king. Goldbroom thinks that the empress may really do such a thing.

"No, what are you thinking?!"

"Even if Conqueror Haki is so rare that only one person in millions of people possesses it, how big is the entire ocean?"

"Since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, there have been many heroes in the world, and Conqueror Haki is not uncommon in the New World where there are so many strong people!"

"But above these strong people, there are four strongest people who reign like emperors in the New World. Calamity Dark Dragon is one of them, and even the Celestial Dragons are trampled under his feet."

Tori Toma continued with admiration: "And my decision is to make friends with Calamity Dark Dragon through marriage and get the protection of the Beast Pirates!"

"So what the Empress means is..." Goldbroom's eyes are not blind, and she can't hide her love for someone.

When her own Empress mentioned Dark Dragon, her excitement and pride were like saying that her husband was capable in front of outsiders.

"I will dedicate myself to Dark Dragon for the safety of the whole country!"

Tori Toma said righteously, as if she had paid a lot.

"What a abuse of power for personal gain!" Plantagenet was secretly sad.

"What do you think?!"

Empress Tori Toma's eyes were shining, and she asked Plantagenet excitedly.

"Your Majesty is really great!"

"But Your Majesty is the empress of a country, and you are committed to a pirate in the form of marriage, even if the other party is also the emperor of the sea, which will inevitably make your Majesty's people dissatisfied..."

Before Plantagenet finished speaking, Tori Toma immediately interrupted her.

"Is this difficult to do? I will pass the position of empress to you now, and then dedicate myself to Lord Dark Dragon for the safety of the kingdom!"

Tori Toma said anxiously.

It can be seen that she is determined to marry Jello with a love-brain.

"This... absolutely cannot be done, Your Majesty!"

"Why don't you think of a compromise and tell the residents about the persecution of non-member states by the Celestial Dragons through the radio so that they can understand your Majesty's actions!"

Gorse wiped the sweat off her face.

Why are all empresses the same, always wanting to pass on the throne?

The last generation of empress, Peony, now ran to the Sabaody Archipelago and opened a blackmail bar under the pseudonym Xia Qi.

The previous generation of empresses and the previous generation of empresses also passed on the throne directly and left the country to start a new life.

"Then let's do as you say!"

"But I have decided to signal my dedication to Lord Anlong!


"If the majority of my subjects are against this, then you can re-elect a new empress, and I will give birth to a big fat boy for Lord Anlong!"

Tori Toma held her face and fell into the fantasy of a beautiful life with Jello again.

"Okay, okay... I think the people will understand your Majesty the Empress. "

Gorse picked up the handkerchief again and wiped the sweat off her face.

Why are the majesties of the Daughter Island more weird than each other!

Three days after Toritoma sent the love signal to Jello.

A broadcast quickly spread in the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

When they heard that the Celestial Dragons would destroy the country, they were all very angry and scared.

But when they heard that their empress decided to commit herself to the Calamity Dark Dragon as his wife, they instantly exploded.

As a feminist country, the empress committed herself to a man in a shameful way, which shamed all the female warriors in the country.

They all came to the empress's palace to express their dissatisfaction.

Unexpectedly, Toritoma was furious: "Who in the court sued this emperor? If you don't accept my decision, kill the Celestial Dragons to prove your strength. If you don't have the strength, don't hang around in front of me! "

Even though the female warriors were conceited, they were not stupid enough to think they could kill the Celestial Dragons protected by the Navy.

They retreated knowing they were in the wrong, but they still spoke ill of the Empress Toritoma behind her back.

The three sisters Hancock, Sandasonia, and Marigorud, who were still little loli at the time, learned about the Empress's actions and gathered together to complain.

"What's so good about that stinky man called Dark Dragon that he can make Her Majesty the Empress act like a little woman."

Little Hancock crossed her chest with her hands and puffed up her cheeks, looking quite cute.

At such a young age, she has a beautiful and ruffian look, worthy of being the world's number one beauty in the future.

"That's right, men are not as good as us girls, who are fragrant and soft. "

Sandar Sonia echoed.

Marigorude, who was not good at speaking, also nodded in agreement.

The three sisters kept saying bad things about the Empress until night fell.

A group of poachers landed on the Daughter Island without anyone knowing.

"Woo woo woo..."

They moved quickly and went behind the three Hancock sisters, first covering their mouths with their hands to prevent them from screaming, then completely sealing their mouths with tape, putting them in sacks, and carrying them directly on their backs.

"Hehehe, everyone says that the girls of the Amazon Lily Kingdom are beautiful. Today I see that they are really like lotus flowers emerging from the water. If we offer them to the Celestial Dragons, we brothers will not have to worry about our wealth and glory in this life!"

The leader said excitedly.

"Can you keep one? It would be a pity to offer them all to the Celestial Dragons. I don't even have a wife yet! "

A simple-looking giant scratched his head and asked pitifully.


"Do you think it's easy to catch these guys?"

"There are doldrums outside the island, and there are strong people like Queen Toritoma inside the island. We came here to survive a narrow escape. Don't ruin your lifelong happiness because of a momentary greed!"

The leader cursed angrily.

He didn't dare to touch it himself, but this little brother wanted to try it first. He was really a hateful guy who controlled the big head with a small head.


The guy responded boredly, looked up at the sky boredly, and suddenly his pupils shrank and shouted.

"What is that? !"

"Don't shout, idiot, we are thieves!"

The leader jumped up excitedly, hitting the knee of the tall man next to him, and shouted louder than before.

"Pants! "

A thunderbolt flashed across the sky, and the stars scattered all over the sky, gathering into the shape of a man.

"What's going on? !"

"Is there another invader? !"

Tori Toma woke up from her sleep, and used her observation Haki to sense that something was wrong!

She got up quickly and gathered the Kingdom warriors who had a conflict during the day.

Although they had complaints about the empress when they had a conflict, they were really brave when they encountered something.

On the other side, Jello raised his hand and killed the human traffickers who kidnapped the three Hancock sisters in seconds and rescued them.

Slowly tearing off the tape on Hancock's mouth and seeing her face clearly, Jello realized that he happened to encounter the time when the three Hancock sisters were captured.

"Be careful next time, there won't be someone to save you every time!"

Jello gently touched Hancock's little head and said calmly.

"Well! "

Hancock responded obediently, then lowered her head with a red face.

This was the first time she was touched by a handsome man, and an inexplicable emotion suddenly rose in her heart.

"Not all men are like

The Dark Dragon who married the empress is so annoying. "

Thinking of this, Hancock couldn't help but feel grateful, and at the same time, he became very interested in this lifesaver.

Who is this man who suddenly appeared?!


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