Lifting a bright white leg in the water causes Shizuku to flow down a sleek ridge.

To its polished and glowing whiteness, the bearer of its legs reassembled their lustrous legs to show here.

Legs made of those radishes.

Mandragola (Mandragola): A monster that looks like a plant, the top species include Arlaune and Dry Adds.

He screams awesome when pulling through, but what he hears about it is said to freak out or die instantly if he is unlucky.

But its roots have nourishing and energizing effects, and it is one of the ingredients of miracle drugs (elixirs) that heal all diseases, wounds, and even physical defects.

Source: From Romanovpedia

It seems that the sexy radishes that loosely and soil-drop on the body were not just sexy radishes but mandragolas.

Sometimes the voice "Gozaruu" sounds like a mandragola beep after all, but so far there's no harm in it.

After that, there was a little noise.

Me or Leggles, Yasukun, I thought this radish mandragola was buried in the radish field, but it must have come out on foot with some applause, but when I let the three teachers tell me, it seems "impossible".

Mandragola is basically something that grows in dungeons and in places where the concentration of magic vegetables is thick, because it withers quickly even when it grows on normal land.

Mandragola apparently needs a lot of magic and magic to live.

Naturally, he said, "Why are you healthy enough to walk on two legs to the flat? It will be."

How dare you, Tara, figure out why.

He came down using yarn where we happened to be walking up the ceiling to the sunroom for a walk, because we were making a fuss, and staring at each other for a while with Daikon Mandragola, he was surprised to bring the ink kettle and paper from my room, inked my tail and wrote on the paper a reason for slamming.

"From Ichineme, I am blamed for this one. I've been doing this for a long time - I've been trying to get all over the place, and this scarecrow finally screwed me up. So we wanted to be warmer than we were."

No, surprise.

Apparently Daikon Mandragola was alive in my song.

What surprised me more than that was that Tara could write a letter, but she said Leggles taught her that.

When I'm at the Mansion, Leggles is probably with me, but when I have some errands I can't take off, I play with Mr. Utsunomiya, and when we both can't get our hands off each other, I spend time with someone in the Mansion.

That someone included Tara, and that's why Leggles was letting Tara read the cloth picture book.

Come on, my chick's too talented, isn't she?

He's not only swordsmanship, he's even talented teachers, he's too genius.

... missed the conversation.

Anyway, you call me master, and you've come from yourself to be a user demon, and you've fulfilled your contract by making contact with me.

The status of Daikon Mandragola, shown in Mr. Viktor's appraisable book, also shows that he has a brilliant contract with me.

"Because you really do funny things when you look away."

"I grew up mandragora with my own magic, I've never heard of it."

"I've never even heard of a toddler who taught Nara Spider how to write."

While receiving the raw and warm gaze of the ungrateful elf teachers, Leggles and Tara said, "Phew!," she stretched her chest, and the sexy radish mandragola twisted even though it was lit or radish.

So, when I told Mr. Rottenmeyer about it, Mr. Rottenmeyer handed Mandragola a bathroom with hot water.

"If you're going to be a demon for the young lady, you'll look beautiful"


I wondered what a conversation there was, and promptly at the end of the hallway, Daikon Mandragola took a bath... instead of putting it on the bathroom water and started dropping mud.

So what I'm doing is asking Dr. Romanov to bring me a machine from the room and make some radish mandragola clothes in the living room.

'Cause Tara writes in her notebook,' Mandora, is that right?

The written radish mandragola also poses as "The Birth of Venus" with its inner crotch in a twisted shame.

If you cut off the blue handkerchief you had and apply the Zudadadadada and machine, you can drain radish mandragola size.

When I say why I put it on the air, I hear the ringing "sit down".

If you say "sit down," you're Samurai.

By the way, I'm the same user demon, and if you're going to make clothes for Mandragola, I thought for Tara, you also made ribbon ties to put on your tail.

I'll put it on you later.

"Oh, Phoenix, you're clever."

As such, Jayanta picked up the fresh dressing and took it to Daikon Mandragola, who was being given a towel by Mr. Utsunomiya in the hallway.

But Mr. Upatra twisting his neck watching it.

"You, it..."

"Heh? What?

Shit, I made some kimonos because I have Han clothes, but maybe not!?

Waiting for Mr. Upatra's words in a thrill, Kamala, who similarly saw the arrival, cheers.

"Wow, isn't that the ethnic costume of the Korsara clan? You knew me well!

"Uh... ho, I feel like I saw it in a book?

Unexpectedly became a questionable system.

You questioned that, and it caught my eye that Dr. Romanov tried to open his mouth.

But the cover fire enters from an unexpected direction.

"No, I saw a painting like that when I was playing with Hiroma."

"Is it really too late for that?

Pong and Mr. Rottenmeyer strike a hand at Nice Assist from Play-kun and Leggles.

"With that said, I look familiar to you too. Wait a minute, I'll get it."

Say no, Mr. Rottenmeyer walked out of the living room and came back with a book in his hands after a while.

When I spread it out on the table, there was a page that did explain kimono-like clothing.

"... Something like that. Phoenix Butterfly Boy is probably strange, but the boy's grandmother was a strange one, too."

"Right. Aurea Libertus also originally came out of your grandmother's thoughts, she said. I don't know what you were like..."

The words of Mr. Jayanta and Dr. Romanov are close to what I think.

What kind of person were you, Grandmother?

I thought I'd hit Mr. Rottenmeyer with a boiling question, an arrowhead, Leggles approaching Hiko and Mandragola.

"Are you hungry?

"Hmm, you mean Mandragola's name?

"Yeah. How dare you?

"That's right...... 'Gozal' rings, so with 'Aroma Round'"

The only thing that froze except for Pigles Kunya, why not?

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