White sandy beach if you burn your feet down in a strong, hot sun that seems to even feel the pain of a bright pour.

Play sparkling summer sunshine, blue and vast sea plains and.

The flowers of a splash blooming in the waves to be returned smell like cool Iso.

This is exactly it, the ocean.

To that sight seen from the villa, I lose my voice for a moment, as do Leggles.

Then I kept the urge to boil right down to "Beautiful!" and this made the three of us scream again.

This is the one called Ocean View.

Barbarian residences while being requested for nomination are well established, even in villa-type lodgings in Coursala, and they are run by families from generation to generation.

In a relationship with the contemporary dame since she ran out, Jayanta and I talked to her about it, and she said, "Then I'll have a villa for the little ones, don't worry," and she prepared this ocean view villa.

Because of this, the general was also an animal, with bears ears and tails, and Camara and Upatra gave Kikunai's vegetables and honey to the souvenir.

Leave that alone.

Jayanta points to the white sand beach visible from the villa's living room.

Directly in front there was the sea, and on the east side there was a rock like a wall that separated Gottsugotsu from the villa next door.

"The request starts tomorrow, so in the meantime, if it's this beach directly in front of you, you can play. Except there's a rock like a collision to the east, right? Don't go from there because it's a beach my client uses."

"" "Yes!

Go put your bags in each of the guessed rooms, and then it's free time.

I'm in the same room as Leggles and Play.

When I opened the door and the three of us entered the room, there was a big bed, one big enough to afford sleeping for the three of us.

Besides, the eyes of Kiryu-kun and Leggles shine.

"Hey, young man. Hey, can I do that?

"I want to do it too!

"Yeah, it's good. I'll do it too."

The three of us look at each other and nod, holding hands and running to bed. And when I jumped and jumped into bed, Pooh sprung bounced and my body jumped.

"Wow! Awesome!"

"Don't jump!

"Po, Po, Po!

When I was cackling, Mr. Utsunomiya, who had really arrived from behind, gently coughed.

"Young lady, if you don't let Tara and Zaru out first, you've been ugly since just now, haven't you?

"Oh, yeah!

Tara Chan's whole circle was in a cage for carrying pets heavily during the trip, and Mr. Utsunomiya was carrying it in a small trolley.

Hurry open the lid of the cage, the atmosphere I told you to do, and the two come out.

And looking around the room, Tara just climbed into the ceiling attached to her bed and was in a resting position, and the roundabout lowered her back to the ornamental plant planter that was on the corner of the room.

In the meantime, it seems we each had a place to convince ourselves.

When I unpack each of my things and get dressed in all the shirts and pants I bought at Marche, I, Leggles, and you play, will keep your swimsuits out for tomorrow.

Then Leggles said, "Is that me? I've been leaning my neck and listening.

"Well, tomorrow's the ocean, and I'll give it to you."

"Oh, well, I'll get my sister Alice."

"Yeah, please"

Dropping off a playboy running to the next room separated by a patter and a door, I take a piece of swimsuit out of the bottom of the bag I've been packing.

Leggles says he's never done anything swimming in Imperial Capital, and he's never seen a swimsuit before.

So I'm sure Leggles has begged me to make Utsumomo-san's swimsuit while moping.

What a good boy!

It's good that I made a swimsuit in response to that feeling, but I didn't solve the fashion a bit, so I tried making my maid clothes into a frilly piece like a hilarious skirt on a model.

The size... I didn't solve this either, so I asked Tara to make a cloth that would fit perfectly.

Just when I put out my swimsuit, Patapata and lightly, Tatsu-kun, who brought Mr. Utsunomiya, came back to the room.

Mr. Utsunomiya is also dressed in a fuzzy long piece from made-up clothes.

"Are you calling, young lady?

"Yes, I want to give you something to prepare for tomorrow. Mr. Utsunomiya could have used magic, right?

"Yes, we are eager for a physical strengthening system!

Leggles-kun pulled the sleeve of Mr. Utsumomo on his spine, showing him the swimsuit I had entrusted him with.

"We're only going to play with the onions. Tomorrow we'll be together, right?

"Heh? wah, is that a swimsuit for me!?

"Yeah, because Leggles says you don't have a swimsuit, Mr. Utsunomiya. I want to play with you."

When Leggles pushes his swimsuit against Guigui and Mr. Utsunomiya, he receives it and Mr. Utsunomiya holds it in his chest.

And when I lift my skirt and thank you, I look at the shiatsu swimsuit.

"Please adjust the size through magic"

"Yes, thank you! She's so cute! Now the Utsunomiya is singling out his gaze!

"No, it's just us and Dr. Romanov."

Play-kun's penetration crosses, but, well, yeah, I think if it weren't for us, it'd be solitary.

Mr. Utsunomiya, he's pretty cute.

That's how I did it. When I was messing around, I accidentally knocked on the door of the room.

There was Dr. Romanov when he gazed at the person who made the noise.

Did you get dressed quickly, or it looks like you're covering the heat with hair that usually runs through a shirt like Aloha in one piece.

"They're going to have dinner at the street. Until then, shall we take a walk around here?"

"" "" "Yes!

Everyone is a little out of the ordinary.

I went on a journey.

The smelling tidal wind and the audible tidal wave make you feel stronger about it.

I'm not the only one who can't stop being excited.

Leggles, who walks with his leopard and feathery blonde hair shaking, also grips to make sure over and over again the hand that connects with me.

That way, the first night of the journey went even further with my chest thrilled.

Clear the next morning.

I'd say room service for breakfast, or Jayanta and the others had asked for it beforehand, and the innkeeper delivered the breakfast made by me.

"Really, we're coming."

"Right. I'll be back for a snack, so why don't we take a little break before we sightsee?"

"Mr. Rottenmeyer at the corner made me a tourist guide, I'd better take advantage of it."

Drop off the three of you who say so, and we'll change into swimsuits and go directly from the villa to the white sandy beach.

Pull over and you'll be blinded by the waves you return, but prep gymnastics is mandatory before you swim.

As we always do before farming, when there are three of us in radio gymnastics, Mr. Utsunomiya is mixed up at some point.

Dr. Romanov also came out to the beach wearing a swimsuit with a naked upper body and a long bottom to the ankle or so, like a previous life swimmer.

My abs are so cracked!

If you look at yourself in comparison, your stomach is sticky, but you don't have any abs.

When I look directly next to you, I don't know over the swimsuit, but the arms and legs I see are more successful than mine.

Suddenly, when I look at Leggles on the other side, I still feel more muscular than I do.

It's a child.

You're a child!

"Why are you so muscular!?

"Huh? Because I'm working out?

Show me your white teeth and laugh, "Phew!" and Leggles with his chest stretched.

You don't think you lost or anything!?

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