Deep down, Marine Snow descends.

So tranquil that the water Ether sways in the white world and wonders if this is the view at the end of the world.

When silence began to hurt my ears, Lady Rosmarius lowered his back somewhat to your seat.

"You stink, I'm sorry"


I don't have a word for it, but Leggles lent us a handkerchief to Mr. Utsumomo, who sips the tears of Mr. Utsumomo.

"I wish I could have done an instrument or something."

"Neither do I. I should have learned about the whistle."

Both Play-kun and Miss Nefer are sober.

But Master Rosmarius laughed "HAHAHAHA" when he regained his opulence already, "feeling is enough".

And Ni and this time, he looks bad, like a kid who's found a prank.

I wonder what?

"Well, sit down," he says, lowering his hips on the floor of Quadriga.

"By the way, Phoenix. You want to lay academics on the territory?

"Huh? Oh, yes. Yes, sir."


Surprised by the sudden inquiry, when we talk about what we have already told various people many times, the relationship between art and academia and life, Master Rosmarius strokes his jaw and narrows his eyes.

Lady Nefer's gaze came and went between Lady Rosmarius and me like that.

Leggles-kun asked Miss Nefer if she was intrigued by her gaze from right to left.

"What's wrong?

"No... I don't know... the phoenix butterfly is smaller than me, but you're thinking a lot..."

"No, no, no, no!

Miss Nefel nods mysteriously at Leggles, who stretches her chest as she rocks her hair like golden cotton wool.

Because you're already cute if you're a chick!

Unexpectedly attach the loose cheeks with the fingertips of Master Rosmarius's long and successful verse.

"Don't worry, he's a little bit of a power struggle right now and a special case with all kinds of circumstances. You can use magic for your age. You should be confident."

Yeah, yeah.

I'm a little cheated, so you can't compare.

Nodding, now Rosmarius-like fingers pick his cheeks.

"That may have been the bottom line at first, but then the effort is definitely on your own. Despising the neighborhood isn't like self-restraint."

They rubbed my cheeks with mummy, and I can't even say a word.

Or, God, ladies and gentlemen, something in this heart is leaking in vain.

She felt comfortable rubbing her hands off her cheeks, and Lady Rosmarius said, "But" she looked difficult.

"That's not all, is it?

"Ugh, well, yes. That's not all."

But why would they care about that?

Did they read the question in their hearts, Lady Rosmarius was snorted "hmm".

"You know, I'm a sea god, but I'm also a god of sorcery and academia. Those who aspire to witchcraft and academia will probably believe in me. It will also increase my power."


"You, now you forgot that I am also a god of sorcery and academia?

Absolutely right, I'm sorry -!

When he blues, he mixes his hair back into Gushagusha with the hands of Mr. Rosmarius, who has a frightened face.

"Baihua's right, it slips out in strange places. Well, fine. It's better than being weird."

"I'm so, so sorry!

"Oh, I got your apology. That's enough."

I am relieved by Master Rosmarius, who is waved by Eagle Deep Friends.

Me, this is really the kind of place where you take your life, isn't it? Let's be careful.

Um, when I get home, I think I'll tell Dr. Romanov a story about mythology or something.

"It's good to learn from failure. Ask your teacher to teach you well."


"So, yeah. I want to lay down academics. What's the end of it?


The arrow tip I tried to open my mouth, I said cheerfully, "Yes!" Play-kun and Leggles raised their hands.

"Ooh, little ones. Why do you think I should study?

"Hey, it's to keep you from wandering without knowing who it is..."

"Even if you disagree with them, you might be able to figure out why. To do that, you have to know about them, and you need the power to be able to explain this one to them, but that's because it's a power you won't get unless you study!

The dispute arises from a lack of knowledge and incomprehension.

Is that what happens when you interpret that as two people?

Master Rosmarius turns his gaze to me as he hears the answers of Playkun and Regulus with an intriguing face.

"The dispute arises from a lack of knowledge and an incomprehension. And approximate disputes can often be resolved by gaining knowledge, talking about each other's circumstances based on that knowledge, and looking for compromises. Of course, there are a lot of things that don't."

"Right. There are many things you can do before you grab a weapon. But that's not the only way to clean it up, so there's fighting."

"Yes, but I was wondering if learning history or gaining knowledge of the opponent's circumstances would also make it possible to increase non-war options"

Less knowledge and information narrows the horizon. When the horizons narrow, we tend to assume that there are inevitably fewer options and that there is no other means, which can lead us to run from extreme to extreme.

In other words, things happen that we cannot discuss and fold in diplomacy and go out to the extreme means of war.

That only calls for unhappiness to anyone.

The only way to avoid that misfortune is to gain knowledge and work to understand them.

I've never crossed a fight that doesn't have to be done on a personal level, not a big thing like a country.

Even if we can't discuss and understand each other, we can understand what we can't understand, so it's possible to reduce contact like fighting.

The look on Master Rosmarius's face listening to my answer is somewhat similar to that of Dr. Romanov, who is looking at the results of the exam.

Lady Rosmarius laughed with a fuzzy exhale.

"Do you challenge a tiny man to do what God can do to me too, such as eliminate strife with the power of knowledge? Well, isn't that nice? Try it, I'll pick up your bones."

"No, I knew I couldn't until I lost it."

"Come on, be big! Don't get all wrapped up. You're hot!

I don't know if it's okay to be hot.

Oh, I might want to be able to hold a lot of baggage. I'll muscle when I get home.

Lady Rothmarius said, "Try it," and let's try everything.

You've got a lot to do when you get home.

When I was a little confused like that, Miss Nefel suddenly grabbed my hands.

"What the hell is Phoenix fighting against? How could that happen?

"No, like we're not fighting?

"Master Rosmarius says you are in the middle of a power struggle..."

"Oh...... If you insist, I'm your parents. If you don't let that wasteful habit go into hiding and kick it off the lord's throne, we'll go bankrupt."

Speaking of the current state of our territory, Miss Nefer ceased.

"Is there such a lord..." As long as I hear him groan, many adults behave properly and responsibly around her.

It's good to have someone to set an example for, but then why was she hiding her eyes?

What if Miss Nefel's needs to do something about her lack of knowledge and understanding more than I do?

When I said so, Miss Nefer shut her mouth.

"No, because telling me that the golden and silver demon eyes that are tormenting you are ominous must also be prejudicial from a lack of knowledge. To get rid of it, we need to find out why we were able to say it, and make it known that it's baseless and meaningless."


"Later, I guess you were hiding your eyes because someone pointed you in the eye and said it was' ominous'? It's not inside, it's outside. No?"

"No, it's not... Because I was like this, my parents were just hiding their eyes so they wouldn't say anything bad and avoiding a fight, and they told me they didn't have to hide it."

"I guess. But people who say that to you, even if you're not a golden and silver demon eye, say a lot about looking for something coarse. You don't have to deal with it. But the act of pointing fingers at you is a business that you don't understand."

I believe that incomprehension refers to not having, or not even having, an attitude to try to understand further than incomprehension.

It's incomprehensible that I don't understand what it means to have golden and silver demon eyes, and I don't even imagine how it would feel to have her fingered "ominous" with golden and silver demon eyes.

In turn, a person who can imagine how it would feel if he were pointed to a finger that he could do nothing about being born doesn't point a finger at Miss Nefer.

I wondered if she would have listened to such a story in silence, and Miss Nefel strengthened her power to hold my hand all the time.

"Right...... Was my enemy a lack of knowledge and incomprehension..."

"No, well, lack of knowledge and incomprehension is not so much an enemy as a problem to be solved or something like that, isn't it?"

Sometimes there are things in the world that you don't need to know about.

What you need to know, what you don't need to know, what's not good if you teach, and being able to judge each of them, could mean being an adult.

"Anyway, if everyone doesn't feel comfortable with academics, I can't get rid of the lack of knowledge, and I want you to develop an attitude of learning by learning to get rid of the incomprehension. That's why I want to lay academics on the territory. That's the conclusion."

"Yeah, well, isn't that good? Come to the sea if you get stuck. I'll talk to you with something delicious."

Master Rosmarius, who thumbs up, after all looked more like a airy young ocean yancha than a god of academia and witchcraft.

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