Suddenly, the emergency room calms down.

But it was the boy with the black brown hair who broke that silence.

"Before that... let me thank you for your help, Mr. Yuri..."

"Ah... right... sorry. Thanks for your help."

"Thank you"

"Yes and then..."

Fold correctly and all three bow their heads.

But it wasn't me who helped them, it was the warlords in the field, the adventurers and the teachers, and it was Louis who made the request in the first place.

So I tell them I want them to say thank you and ask them to raise their heads.

Then he was very pompous by his black brother.

"Say thank you to the soldiers..."

"Because it's the people in the field who did their best, the teachers, and I didn't do anything about it."

Around where a brunette called Yuri is surprised to open her mouth too, I guess this response of mine is a rare category.

Elsewhere, we are.

Everything else is not a problem now. The more problematic question is, how do these people, Yuri and the young man known as Eric, know that Mr. Louis is the deputy here, and fundamentally, do these people know Mr. Louis?

I can't call him until I figure that out.

When it first happened, Mr. Louis said he was wronged in the Kingdom of Rumane.

There is no guarantee anywhere that they are not chasers.

When I turn my attention to Dr. Romanov, Mr. Viktor and Mr. Lara, Sergeant Suhei and Mr. Lara leave the emergency room.

I guess I headed for Mr. Louis.

So when I recommended the chair to Mr. Yuri, I just got a drink from the cafe.

Leggles, you talk to the little girl.

"Hey, are you hungry? It's called Leggles."

"... Angela"

"Oh, I'm Ciel"

"Angela and Ciel. Hey, nice to meet you. Your already?

"Ooh... Ange, I'm hungry..."


Angel pulls the hem of Tuntung and Mr. Siel.

Mr. Laurent laughed lavishly when he heard him squeal "I don't have any money," with a troubled face.

"Ok, ok, let's eat something my old man tastes good!

"Wow! Hey, after that!

"Oh, so, but...!

"If I don't protect you guys properly here, my young man and his deputy will scold me for breaking my contract. Well, have some dinner and take a breather."

"No, they're coming, too!

With that said, Leggles and Laurent take Siel and Ange out of the emergency room.

Then Mr. Viktor arrives to defend himself behind it.

Mr. Yuri and Eric sleeping in the emergency room, Dr. Romanov and I were the only ones left.

"Excuse me, but why did you name Mr. Saint-Justo?

"... I don't know directly. I know because Eric told me to."

I see Mr. Louis' direct acquaintance is with Mr. Eric.

Mr. Eric still doesn't wake up.

Mr. Louis, who was wronged by the Kingdom of Rumane, and Mr. Eric, who knows that Mr. Louis.

Moya something.

I wonder why Mr. Yuri gave his name here when he doesn't know Mr. Louis directly in the first place.

That seemed doubtful to Dr. Romanov, too.

"You said Mr. Yuri. You don't know Mr. Saint-Justo, but what are you gonna do with him? Eric is in this state..."

"I was just trying to get Eric to take care of himself."

"What about Mr. Eric?


Nodding, Mr. Yuri unties his neat half-upped hair, either to calm him down or to re-tie him again.

I exhaled loudly, as I had so decided to be prepared.

"Me and Eric have fled the kingdom of Lumane."


When I breathed into the unexpected words, "That's what I heard from Eric," Mr. Yuri said quietly.

Eric said that Mr. Louis was a direct report when he was an official of the Kingdom of Rumane.

They seemed to be a difficult Nobu boss subordinate combination, civilian or grand nobleman, but they didn't tolerate wrongfully or anything, and they bought quite a bit of resentment.

As a result, Mr. Louis was wronged and escaped the kingdom of Rumane with Eric's hand on the verge of being caught, relying on his musical companion, Mr. Viktor, to come to the Empire and settle in Kikunai.

That's the same story I heard from Mr. Viktor and Mr. Louis himself.

But there was a continuation on Mr. Eric's part.

Mr. Louis tried to make himself turn his resentment as much as he could, and there was a verse that made Mr. Eric's presence less conspicuous, and he knew that Mr. Eric was also being sheltered by Mr. Louis, so he made a big deal of it after Mr. Louis escaped the Kingdom of Rumane.

But that didn't last long either, and Eric, who was still blinding himself wrongly by blocking Mr. Louis' missing hole, gradually became more prominent.

And the pile that leaves is struck.

Now Mr. Eric is on the target side.

Eric, who is starting to feel his life in danger, said he decided to take Mr. Yuri and flee the Kingdom of Lumane.

"Huh? Mr. Yuri was one of Eric's men or something?

"No, I'm his residence..."

Then why did you need to run away with me?

Twisting his neck, Mr. Yuri held his head "It's my fault..."

"Because I was blinded by the depths of the great aristocracy of Lumane and turned it down..."

"I said no...?

"He told me to be his mistress and I said no. I have a situation and I'm letting you stay at Eric's house, but I'm not a male whore...!

Mr. Yuri groans in heartbreak.

To investigate, the wife of the great nobleman, who had seen Mr. Yuri with a beautiful appearance somewhere, invited him to turn him down.

With that at its root, is it true that both of us can no longer be in the Kingdom of Lumane as a result of the overlap between the wife's allekore to her husband and the fact that Mr. Eric's work was inconvenient to that husband?

It's filthy.

"I said if you offered me to your wife, you could take it back. Yet I can't do that, I don't have a family, and I want to run away..."

"So you've come to rely on Mr. Saint-Justo."

Mr. Yuri nodded sneerily at Dr. Romanov's inquiry.

I'm curious about the circumstances he had, but, well, it's not funny, is it?

I'd like to hear from Mr. Louis about Eric and the others later.

I don't think of this figure of distressed Yuri as a play, and I don't want to think of it.

Silence fills the room.

When I was getting used to it, the emergency room door was knocked quietly.

The voice asking to enter the room is Lara, so answer "please" and the door opens.

Behind Mr. Lara came in when she did, it continued in an atmosphere where Mr. Louis was in a hurry somewhere.

And when I saw a young man sleeping in bed, I said, "Michelsen!" and rushed over.

To see Louis groaning "woohoo," Eric and he must be right about Yuri.

Ms. Louis looked back and bowed her head to Dr. Romanov.

"Thank you for helping Michelsen"

"No, thanks go to the first guards and adventurers who rushed. Oh, it was Vicha who did the restorative magic, so there you go."

"Yes, that's later"

With that said, I turn to Mr. Eric.

Lara flashed her shoulders at Louis like that.

"He was a thoughtful subordinate." I told the victim there was a young man named Eric Michelsen, and he said if the guy said Eric Michelsen, he'd know, "so much so that he ran out of the office. While traveling down the road, I heard what happened."

Eric's information, which Lara had heard from Louis, matched perfectly with that of Eric and Louis, whom Yuri had spoken.

Mr. Viktor didn't see anything strange in his eyes either, so he must have arrived at Leggles and Laurent.

I wonder if I can trust this.

When I look at Dr. Romanov and Mr. Lara with that in mind, they both nod.

And Mr. Louis turned to Mr. Yuri.

"You... are Lord Yuri, aren't you?

"Oh yeah...... why?

"Just before I left Lumane, I was consulted about you by Michelsen. Before I thought about my hand, I became the one to be chased..."

Ooh, something seems to translate, as Yuri himself put it.

You noticed the gaze between me and Dr. Romanov watching what happened, and Mr. Louis looks at this one with a stiff face.

"I guarantee the identities of these two. So I'm going to take it to my mansion."

So I know you mean permission, but I shake my neck sideways.

I was surprised by that. Before Mr. Louis said anything, Dr. Romanov guessed my intentions.

"Mr. Louis, you work early in the morning until late at night as a deputy. Mr. Michelsen is an injured man, even though he has nothing to do with his life. You won't be able to take care of it."


"We have a maid, and if you're looking after an injured person, ours would be a good fit"

I have all sorcery available, and I'm sure I have a high ability to handle it.

"Regards," Mr. Louis bowed his head deeply to my words.

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