"Hmm, I mean, I caught Kelpie, but I feel like I'm in the mood for a ride......" huh?

"Yes. I pass out just because I'm surrounded by humans and elves. Because the reason they kicked me out of the herd in the first place was because of my weakness."

"Holy crap..."

I immediately fell asleep and fell asleep, whether it was dawn overnight, the morning after the ground, or because I was relieved from it, but when I woke up and went to the stables, I just said, "I'll take care of you," and Kelpy was alongside Mr. Poniko and his pony.

So in keeping with my greeting to the princess in the morning and my practice of the song, I will report as it is.

Then the princess flickers the thin silk dough fan she had.

"But is Kelpy the best handsome? If so, I don't think Luminous Yang will give up either...... I don't feel merciless to take him home when I wonder if I will allow him to cower on his horseback because of his impatience."

"What is that...?

When Leggles and I twist our necks that were following us, the princess wrinkles between our brows.

The princess is beautiful and lovely in such a way.

Pooping, the princess coughs one up.

"God's wrath is only an invitation to tragedy, even if it is unintentional. Let's just say you're taking that creepy Kelpie to Shining Yang, huh? Suppose that luminous yang angered its kerpie for cowardice unsuitable for horseback riding. The anger turns to lightning and hits the kelpy. Lightning emitted from God's wrath, not the power of the line. Kelpy, it's shattered."

"" Hih!?

I hug Leggles, who has been clinging to the words of the dreaded princess.

This isn't right.

Even though it's pathetic for an animal to die, it's not possible for Mr. Poniko's husband (on provisional pardon) to die.

I need to think of something to crack down on.

The princess nods when she sees this one's complexion has changed.

And you noticed something, he hit me with a slightly idle hand.

"What about the ponies? Doesn't the pony seem smart enough to inherit the blood of the pony?

"But I was born, and if they take that kid, Leggles-kun's horseback will be gone..."

"My concubine will set up an alternate horse for the chick. How about that?

I wonder if that would be better served in all directions.

When I told the princess how the pony had been since yesterday with that in mind, the princess looked to heaven.

"Himesama, what's wrong?

"I don't know..."

As the two of us asked about the princess for a while, the princess was thrown up for a long, loud sigh, and her neck was shaken to the side.

"Don't take all the time off. You can't take a pony to heaven."


"Kelpie's step-in-law is also indispensable for her deep emotions instead of her high temper. They are creatures who once obeyed. Beyond those who have ordained themselves Lord, I do not hate suicide if I forcibly withdraw from them. The pony was submissive to the chick, right? If I can't get him to heaven, he could die. The more you know and do, the more the concubine is not outrageous."

"Ahhh...... I didn't know that. Sorry, sir."

"No, Kelpie's ecology is barely understood. Then the teachers don't know, but they can't help it."

The princess says as she flips a fan to Eagle Deep Fried. But there was still a wrinkle between those eyebrows.

Hmm, what's really going on with this?

Between me and the princess who thinks about it, Leggles makes me come and go with Sowa Sowa.

With that said, even when I first made Leggles meet Mr. Poniko, he was soaking like this.

Last summer, Poniko, who was galloping when she was bought, was physically fit enough to ride horseback by then, and was well tutored.

Joseph had me take the reins and I was surprised to be on board. To Leggles, Joseph said, "I want you to believe Mr. Poniko".

The human fear of riding is passed on to the horse through the back. That's why I want you to trust Mr. Poniko and not be afraid. The only reason I'm scared is because I teach Ponyko to believe in humans because some people are nice to Ponyko, the same is true of Ponyko who puts unsporting creatures like humans on his back.

Events in the vibrant memories of last summer came back to life at once, and there were words in them that could be a breakthrough.

This, or.

When I decide, I kneel down to you, princess.

"I'm afraid, my princess, I'd like to teach Kelpie some tuning at home. So for a while now, could you give me a break to call that one to heaven?

"Hmm, tutoring..."

"Yes. My horse diner used to say when riding he wanted me to believe in horses. For a horse, man is an inept creature, and it's very scary for a horse to put it on his back. But some people are nice to horses, and I teach them to believe in it, so they let me ride over fear, so that humans believe in horses, too. I think Kelpy is the same."

"... go on"

"I think it would be a good horseback ride if you took the fear away from Kelpy by giving him a sense of trust in those riding on his back with respect and respect. So we'll do that tutoring at home."

"What's the price for tutoring?

"While Princess Luminous Yang is not on Kelpie, if you would leave Kelpie at home. I will certainly take care of you. Kelpies will be motivated to spend time with their families."

"Please lie down," he said, kneeling down and bowing his head, "please!," he said, with a vigorous voice. There were signs that Leggles broke his hip.

Only slight rubbing of clothes and windy sounds echo in my ears.

Slightly, the princess told me to "give you a face," and when I raised my head, my glossy lips gracefully shaped the Three Days Moon.

"Now I've spoken to the luminous yang in heaven. And to teach as a horseback rider. The deadline is until the day before the concubine leaves the earth. I will take you back to heaven once at that time, and the result will be said the next day to the last face-to-face fold of the year with Sora and the others. Is that all right?

It's mid-autumn now, no, it's almost over.

By winter...

It may be tough in the days left, but if we don't make it, the worst Poniko's husband (provisional pardon) dies.

If you snorted heavily "you will," the princess broke those luscious lips.

"Well, of. Concubines think of things, so do your best first."

"Yes, I will do everything I can"


"Ra too! I'll stick with you too!

"It is. Help your brother and encourage him."


A little dusty for Regulus in his cheerful reply.

That concludes this story for now.

Singing the song as usual, when I went back to the mansion, the three teachers and Mr. Rottenmeyer, Mr. Utsumi, and then playing and Joseph were waiting on the front porch.

That's why I talk about my promise to the princess.

"Joseph, I've got a very heavy responsibility for you. I'm sorry. But I think it's the best I can think of."

"Wah, wah, wah, young lady..."

"I think you can do it if Poniko, who was bullied and frightened, kept treating humans like they could believe him again. So please."

When I said that and tried to keep my head down, Joseph lowered his head more vigorously faster than that.

"Thank you! Ola, I'll make sure you live up to your expectations!

Let Joseph raise his head, and his eyes dwelt a light of strong will.

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