The first game of the Martial Arts Club was a selection team from the Papal Guard of Ryoran, who also won Estrella, and an adventurer team from somewhere, which was the victory of the Papal Guard of Ryoran.

Berjulak and Wei Long competed in the second match. It was an adventurer party called the Barbarian's next best player in Kosala.

"Ehhhh, Sylano's grandmother said," Huh! 'When I did, Makutsushi's eldest grandfather was like,' Yaah! 'And then Old Man Shirano said,' Dukshiku! 'I was so excited!'

It feels like an easy victory?

Yeah. They were all surprised because I met them!

The commentator, Mr. Regles, said, "No!" The place is hungry, "noo!" is a golden right straight, "Dukshik!", he showed me the opposite. The very cute commentary is a little rough-hearted.

The Kikunoi Opera Troupe was slipping out, but the martial arts club seemed to be on the rise.

This time, there is also something tokarcho about the martial arts party, and my second son has my team take my share.

The second son made a fortune last year, betting on Estrella until the final, and showing off his strength in the final, where he'll play all the Barbarians.

Based on that money, they have a workshop in the orphanage where they can make amulets, or they renovate Regulus' family home and hide his half-brother.

My wager?

Now it's working capital for Effet Papillon. Thank you.

Worshipping inside, Lara sipped a glass of wine and spoke to Mr. Regulus.

"Speaking of which, what about the payment for the chick?" It's left in my custody, though.

”Hmm, you're going with me tomorrow, aren't you?”

Regulus asked me, leaning his neck.

On the first day it was a double performance of matinees and soirees, but tomorrow it is a double performance of matinees.

By the way, the terms "matinees" and "soirees" are theatrical terms, and the terms "matinees" and "soirees" refer to day performances and "night performances."

The Kikunoi Opera Company defines a performance from before noon as a matinee, and a performance at snack time as a soiree, so tomorrow is only one performance before noon.

Then Regulus put the chopsticks he had on his chopsticks and thought for a moment.

Today, I watched a soiree performance and went back to the Kikunoi family's dinner in the territory.

Steamed white fish with vegetables and lemons, roasted whole new onion, soup with consommé utensils, bread baked in butter, also baked and sprinkled with a bit of melted cheese.

The refreshing aroma of lemon is very good on the crisp, softly steamed white meat.

"Well then, tomorrow, when the matinees are done, why don't you go to the boot?" It's interesting to see all kinds of people tapping on each other. "

Yeah. Then let's do it.

I wasn't interested in martial arts when I saw Regulus, who seemed to be having fun, but I was wondering if I could go and see him.

But Sensei Romanov, who was tonguing at the soup, shook his head.

"My mother contacted me and asked me to come tomorrow."


"Yes, with Mr. Regulus, too."

Sonya, can I help you?

“Yes, I'd like you to come with me.”

What is it?

When I saw Regulus-kun's face, I twisted my neck.

But, well, you'll find out if you're here on business.

Tomorrow, there will be no match between Berjulak and the others, and when the matinees were finished, I decided to show my face to Sonja, and I replied to Dr. Romanov.

Mr. Lara will keep the money for Mr. Regulus' bet.

Originally, I divided the money I received from the Kraken extermination in Kossala last summer, but it seems to have doubled as a result of this bet.

He wants to increase this money and give Regulus something to do.

Regulus-kun usually hears about how money is spent from me and Play-kun, and he's very cautious, but this time he seems to be a little bold.

But from Mr. Lara's eyes, it only looks bold because I'll bet the whole amount, otherwise it's a solid person.

"The chick's eyes are right." At a glance, you can almost tell which one is stronger, so you're just betting on it. "

I see. In that case, Regulus should definitely watch the match coming out of Rumagne's side.

Ah, right. If they're going to use their hands like Tantan thinks, then Tantan's eyes will be very dependable.

Praised by Mr. Romanov and Mr. Viktor, Regulus said, "Hmm!” I stretched my chest out.

The Rumagne side came out on the third day, and at that time, not only Regulus, but also Player with good intuition was to watch the game.

If their plan for us is what I think it is, that's fine, otherwise it's fine. If possible, it would be better if it was different, but if they come to win without pretending to be...

But as for me, if you do as I think, winning will be a hassle, but it will be easier to trample, ravage, and brush up on the Fire God sect.

There is a sigh.

"Niiiiiiiiii, I'll do my best!" Everyone who's getting stronger, getting cooler, and making you niii, can't just be like, "No!” I'll tease you! ”

Yeah. Thank you, Regulus.

I'm so glad that Reggulus-kun made a vigorous declaration by grabbing his grip.

But if possible, I don't want Reggulus to be involved in this kind of thing that he has to win in order to shame his opponent.

More to the point, I really don't want you to get involved in a political struggle like the one I'm fighting. After all, this straight Leggings-kun doesn't suit a fight that is about lying and deceiving.

I don't want Regulus to do this.

I want to tell you two years ago.

Power is scary, so don't think about letting Regulus do it.

I was really sweet back then... "

Drink the tea you brewed.

Even though I always had honey in my mouth and it was supposed to be sweet, I had a long and bitter taste for tea tonight.

The next day, I will greet you with Lex Somnium equipment.

The girls of the Matine opera troupe, Yuri, and Eric join Berjulak, Wai-lung, and Vasa to see the Imperial Capital, led by Lara and Viktor.

After seeing off the girls' backs, I went to Sonya's grocery store with Professor Romanov and Mr. Regulus.

In the middle of the Imperial Capital, on both sides of a beautifully paved cobblestone boulevard, there are wooden walls painted with blue, brown, yellow, red, and orange, square windows, and a balcony with a metal fence that crawls.

The aligned roofs are stylish, and there are shops with pale green doors on the white walls that have an atmosphere that is quiet but invisible when you find them.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I'm sorry to bother you.

"Daddy, please!"

Following the opening of the door, Mr. Romanov pulled Mr. Regulus's hand and entered the shop, where he saw luxurious lace curtains, mosaic glass lamps suspended from the ceiling, wooden birdcages, goldfish bowls, and other wonders.

Especially if you look closely at things like goldfish bowls, there were not only spaces where fish could swim, but also terrariums where moss and plants could be grown.

It's called a biotope, isn't it?

When I was blindfolded, there were two sudden footsteps from the back of the store.

"Welcome, there you are, Alyoshka-chan"

One is Sonja, who greets you with a smile. And then a silver-haired lady came up behind her. I think this is the other footsteps.

She smiled gracefully as she wondered who she was.

Who is it?

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