Hmm, somehow a sense of déjà vu (dejà vu).

Regulus is nice to girls, but I'm a little concerned about the phrase "it's fine".

There's a play going on somewhere... ah!

When I hit my hand in the heart with Pong, I'm stuck in the arm of my neighbor, Lady Zofie.

Understanding her intentions, I coughed up a wacky cough.

"Mr. Regulus, don't hold your daughter's hand too much."

Ah, it's done!

With a gentle release, Regulus said "no" to her daughter with a small pink cheek.

Well then, ma'am, would you like to join me for a cup of tea?

Ah, yes. Thank you, Master Kikunoi.

Well then, I'll take off a little.

The honorable ladies left for the tea table with the courtesy of the ladies.

The remaining brothers also take their seats nearby.

There were Sabre, biscuits, and quiches on the table, and each one looked gorgeous like the Ryuishi Imperial Palace.

When I asked the maid who was near me for tea, I spoke to Mr. Regulus.

"Regulus-kun, the one just now..."

"Hmm? Please be gentle with me." I didn't really know how to make it gentle, so when I asked Angel, she said, "I think it would be good to be like you", so I tried to do it like Siel. Was it bad? "

"Hmm. But Regulus-kun is usually nice to both girls and boys, so I think Regulus-kun is good as usual."

"Yeah, no, no, uh, me too? Me, too? Hmm, I don't know, but I think so. Something was wrong!"

I see. You've done your best, thank you.

If you stroke the fuzzy blonde hair like a stroke, Regulus-kun will laugh fluffily.

Chicks are becoming chicks, and they're doing their best to socialize. Really good kid.

If anybody does anything to a good boy like this, I'll be sentenced to a mandatory permanent depilation of the whole body, not my ass.

As I calmed down, I heard a crunchy footsteps coming towards me. The surroundings are frothy.

If you look back thinking that this is probably where it came from, you'll see the splendid First and Second Princes.

"Hi," said the First Prince, as he urged Regulus to get up from his chair.

"I'm glad you're here, Fengdi."

"Please take care of it..."

"Fine, that's rigid." Hey, Theon? "

"Yes, brother. Regulus, you had a good time this time." I want you to enjoy yourself today. "


The cheerful attitude of His Highness the Ruler was surrounded by...... boys at the age of candidate alumni all at once.

This is a calculation.

It was clear that I already supported the First Prince, and since His Highness Theon and Regulus were kindly appealing to me, it would be judged that I was going out with my family.

Moreover, since both me and Regulus are wearing the same color clothes as the eyes of His Highness the Ruler, I knew exactly what this meant.

And the child will clearly tell his parents about it. "After that, what about the parents I told you about..."

Didn't you get it? The kid's house? I don't know.

Basically, most of the nobility's houses don't have any objection to the First Prince becoming the next Emperor, so they don't have a wave.

The second prince was going to be the god of the house.

"Do you want to do something with me, or..."

I'm not proud of myself, but how about summoning a dragon, inheriting the legacy of an ancient sorcerer, and turning me into an enemy on the side of justice?

Even more so, there are people behind me who have been allowed to do anything but bow down to His Majesty.

At least now, fewer aristocrats dare to cause chaos in a peaceful empire. I don't think the nobility who tried to take on the role of the Second Prince wanted it that much.

No, the Duke of Stauffen doesn't understand.

But that's all I can say about the Duke's house. It's not the Grand Duke. Do you have the right to speak to the Emperor?

Looking around, Lady Zofie walked in with the Japanese lady with a gentle expression.

Then I noticed that Riki-san said, "Zofie!", he called her name affectionately.

"It's good to see you, Zofie."

"I know you, Your Highness." But I saw you yesterday, too. "

"Hello, Miss Zofie. My brother, I was so glad that you were wearing a raven dress today."


Hmm, it's starting.

Honestly, I want to talk about love and the world of distant stories, but I'm a little frustrated if I can do this nearby.

With the light out of my eyes, His Highness Theon comes to my side, shrugging his shoulders.

"... even though it's a political strategy, you're going to forget about it, right?"

What? It's a political strategy?

Yeah. See, your mother's home is a lion's worm for your brother, so you need a different back shield.


In that case, it doesn't look like it. In other words, your eyes are as hot as they seem to dream of when you look at Lady Zofie.

I thought you liked Lady Zofie, but I wonder if this was the opposite.

Speaking of which, Highness Theon nodded.

"Miss Zofie is like me and you."

"..... ahh"

That's right.

Strangely convinced, I turned away, and now Regulus and the Japanese lady were in my sight.

I lowered my gaze, but Lord Theon also lowered his gaze.

"Ah, you were the... Japanese lady of the Umeki family, right?" Are you having fun? "

"Yes, yes. Very..."

Highness Theon laughed back at the Japanese lady who laughed like this.

His Highness called out to the Japanese lady to see if our conversation had reached her.

"Oh, it's Umegawa! It's been a long time, how are you?"

Yes, it's been a long time.

The Japanese lady who was called out responded to the Highness with a courtesy from the lady.

Then I asked Regulus and the Japanese lady next to me to look back and forth.

Are you getting along with Regulus?

"Um... yes"

"I see. How about the Japanese lady?" Of course, if the Prime Minister gave me permission, it would be because the Antelope Butterfly would be good in the first place. "


Suddenly, I was surprised by the water.

Lady Zofie and the other children were wondering what was coming out of your mouth and gazed at me.

Of course, we missed the hateful gaze of the Duke of Stauffen.

When His Highness the Ruler coughs, His Highness Theon is looking at Nikon and me.

No, it's about summer.


"This year I decided to let the Duke of Rotlingen go to the summer house. So, I was wondering if I could visit Kikunoi during that summer vacation."


What are you talking about all of a sudden?

Even though I thought so, it seemed that I was able to avoid showing it on my face.

Lady Zofie clenched her hand.

“It's a common thing to go to a friend's house.”

"Yes, that's it. I got permission to finally go and stay at Zofie's house." Then I'd like to go to a friend's house nearby. That's how I tried to tell my father. Then I said, "If Marquis Kikunoi says it's okay."

"I'm going to Lady Zofie's house with you, and I wish I could visit with my brother."

"I see. Then I will join you." I want to visit my neighbor's house. ”

The pressure is strong.

Is this a political appeal? Or personal interests?

When I can't measure my intentions, Regulus pulls my sleeve.

What's the matter?

"Silky Sheep Shit..."


Speaking of which, did you promise Earthgrim to mow the hairs of the kings of silk and sheep in the summer?

"Um, I have an appointment for you in the summer..."

"How about when it's over? We're ready, and you're ready, aren't you?”

“Um, hmm. Can I talk to someone at home?”

"Of course." Oh, if it's really inconvenient, you can turn me down. "

Now, what do we do?

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