I'm the White Pig Nobleman, but With the Memories of My Previous Life, I'll Raise My Littl

I won't let you change your saddle from a mystery to a horror genre.

To conclude, the Adventurer's Guild should be rebuilt.

Looking ahead to the future, there are also opinions that we should consider developing large city plots.

For example, a theater dedicated to the Kikunoi Opera Troupe.

The Kikunoi Opera Company intends to divide it into two parts in the future.

One is a group that performs at Kikunoi, the home town, and the other is a group that performs at the flying castle.

The current Kikunoi Opera Company has the theater of the flying castle as its exclusive theater, but if it goes on an expedition, there is a theater rooted in Kikunoi.

But the small theater is no different from the café theater of today, so there is a theater with a special feeling that is conscious of the home brand.

The same goes for schools.

In the future, I would like to establish university-level academic, technical, and artistic research institutions in Kikunoi.

Academic, research and artistic cities, Kikunoi.

That's what I'm aiming for.

"I see. The arts mainly focus on literature, art, music, etc., and academics want to promote the development of medicine, agriculture, technology, etc......."

"After all, art is the kind of thing where everything develops, and if it is not peaceful and rich, it will not develop, right? So if we can contribute to all aspects to build a stable foundation....."

That said, I don't have the funds or the manpower, so I'm not at the desk level at the moment.

When I put my mouth on the tea served to me in Louis's office, it tastes like Rottenmeyer's blend.

Louis twisted his neck at my words.

What will an adventurer do?

“They also need academia for their careers. Until primary education such as reading, writing, and computing, I think we can send adventurers and other pathway seekers to the same academic institution. The problem is that after acquiring the academic ability and physical strength that are not over-deficient, they will proceed to each specialty course. Of course, if you want to go a different way after going to a specialist course, you'll need to have the flexibility to change it.”

"Then we also need an adventurer's college."

"It will be that way." But it will require not only adventurers, but also art and other disciplines. ”

It's like the German education system of the previous life.

In Germany in the previous life, everyone from the age of six to ten had a common primary education, and from there, they decided to go to further education, professional careers and employment, and went to the schools necessary for that.

If I were to do it in Kikunoi, I would go on to primary education from the age of six to the end of twelve, and to school from the age of thirteen with a view to the future of each...

"I see. I want to make Kikunoi an academic and artistic city like no other."

In order to guarantee that foundation and academic freedom, we need to be rich after all.

“It's a problem that we have to face up to. Let's get rid of them one by one without embracing them.”


Louis gently laughs.

I've given this person a cufflink with a small healing effect, but in view of the fact that his subordinate, Eric, was a fallen person due to overwork, I think Louis is one of them.

Are you resting properly?

With such a question, Sensei Romanov laughed and Louis grabbed his head.

You're saying the same thing as Heidi.

Rottenmeyer too?

“Yes, you often ask me if I'm imposing.”

"... because everyone in Kikunoi works well"

Rashid turned to me as his eyes swelled.

"I'm talking about what works best."

"Hey, even though I first came to Niii"

Regulus-kun saw that his eyebrows were wrinkled, and Sensei Romanov laughed more and more.

No, it's like I'm buying up a sold fight for more than double the price.

Rather than working, you shouldn't feel like you're hitting on each other.

"Politics is also a bloodless struggle." In view of that, I thought you might be a famous general. "

Louis praises me for picking up a naive word from my mouth, but I moved my neck in a negative fashion.

"But the people who go to the Imperial City are quite tough." In particular, Lady Zofie is like the future imperial concubine. "

Your Royal Highness is also a songwriter.

My character review is supplemented by a nod by Professor Romanov.

The Imperial Household was safe for the time being.

Speaking of which, did I tell you that?

When I told Louie about the summer prince's book, he looked up to the sky unusually and took a big breath.

"... more and more people are expected to come and go from now on."

As a tourist destination, Kikunoi will have foil attached to it, and if it works well, it may be able to attract aristocratic nurseries, etc.

"In the meantime, let's start developing the Kikunoi Adventurer's Guild." They also seemed to be thinking about the need to rebuild the building, and they applied to rent out the vacant houses held by the government. ”

"I see, then please take care of it." Then, if you don't have enough manpower to build it, perhaps you could be a part of the beginner adventurer's class? Maybe I could ask the Wujingshan faction to do the same. If you want to blend into the city quickly, you should do the same job and eat the same meal. ”

"I understand." If necessary, do so. "

“Yes, I'll take care of it.”

That's why we're stuck.

There was still tea and it was about my plans for the future.

It's still undecided, but it's up to you to prune the silk sheep. After that, I greeted the prince, Lady Zofie, and the Japanese lady of the Prime Minister's grandson.

And then there was the problem.

Is it your family, Rashid?

"Yes, it's a bit frivolous, so I think it would be better to do it with more dignity than with secrecy, even if I wanted to let him know I was safe."

In my words, Mr. Rashid opened his eyes wide. He would have had some vague misgivings, but it seems surprising to hear them clearly.

Ifras looked sideways, he looked worse than Rashid, but he didn't know.

What do you mean, it's frivolous?

“It's literally as it is. It was a strange thing to end in a brother's quarrel."


Mr. Rashid leaned down.

Because it's the chief's three brothers, and the second son wants to kill the third son.

If this is trying to harm the eldest son with the second son's third son, I still don't understand. But that's not what happened.

And the second son, as far as he could tell, didn't have the strength to follow a strong monster like Weyburn. Moreover, the Weyburn was using the dead thing in his magic.

There are too many mysterious things.


"Is it easy about Weyburn?"

"Huh? What have you figured out?!"

"If you can't catch them yourself, you can catch them, and you can just give them a contract."

Ah! Tara-chan type!

When she screamed at Rashid, she convinced him, Louis, and Chick that they were "ahhh."

It would be easier if Weyburn were dead. After all, they don't listen to orders when they're alive, so it's easier to obey a body that doesn't say anything.

But it was a trick to make dead things look like they're alive, so I can feel some intent there.

In the first place, it was suggested that there was a third party from Mr. Ifrath from the beginning. As for that, I won't touch it because I have a contract with him.

I won't touch it, but I have a real-world example of it being left alone, so I'm sure Rashid can come up with a contract assignment. In other words, there was a third party intervention in this case.

Then you can lead us and keep Mr. Rashid from running away alone.

Rashid's complexion turned pale when he muttered to himself, “If that were the case, this would be a very troublesome matter.”

"Why!? Why is that!?"

“I don't know that either. Because this is just reasoning. All you can think of is that the Snow Tree clan has something in common and wants to make a mistake? And then... he bought some kind of grudge somewhere."

"Oh, I don't want to be resented..."

"It's not that Rasheed-san is resented, it could be oniisan, or it could be her parents." Isn't it a tragedy that a family member is killed at the hands of a family member? "

That's true, isn't it?

Louis and Mr. Romanov nodded calmly to Rashid, who was confused.

In the meantime, the chick pulled on Mr. Rashid's clothes.

You know, it's okay.

"Oh, I'm fine!?"

"If I really have to do something quickly, I'll have to do it soon." If you're just babbling right now, I think it's okay. "

Huh? Is that so?

I nodded and gave Rasheed a handkerchief.

"If you were the only one aiming at it, you would have told the other party that you lost it when Weyburn died." I'm either looking for you now, or I'm looking for your clue and searching for you in the snow tree. If you want to provoke confusion with a grudge against the Snow Tree clan, you've served your purpose, so you don't have to do anything more. If you're aiming for the annihilation of a tribe, you'll probably do something bigger without putting your hands in a small place like a fight between you and your younger son. "

"Well then, did you stop Mr. Jamil...?"

If you're the one who's after this, you could kill Jamil and use his body.

When I told her, Rasheed breathed a sigh of relief.

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